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MXGP Oss: ‘I want to get some solid finishes’ – Dickinson

Hitachi KTM’s new MX2 rider Ashton Dickinson heads to Oss this weekend in the Netherlands, with his third round with his new team set up.

Making the move over to belgium for the next few weeks to knuckle down with his new team, Ashton caught up with DBR to discuss how the change has been for him.

“I’ve been doing a lot of training this week with the team, so I’m feeling good,” said Ashton. “We’ve started to base ourselves out in Belgium now, so it’s definitely got us ready for the sand.”

“Oss is a new one for me I havent rode there before, so I’m looking forward to something new. It looks alright we’ve had a little bit of rain, it should dry up, if not its sand anyway.”

“Feeling good, I want to get some solid top fifteen finishes I think i’ll be happy with that because I’m not really a sand specialist, so that will be good for me, I’ll be happy. Im really looking forward to it it’s always good to get back out at the GP’s so hopefully it will be a good one.”

PC – Nuno Laranjeira

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