
Mootorratta ja autospordi, uudised ja mõtted ja mõnd muud veel.

Uudiste arhiiv

Fotod: uus tudengivormel näitas Vabaduse väljakul muskleid

Fotod: uus tudengivormel näitas Vabaduse väljakul muskleid

Täna sai Tallinnas näha uusimat isejuhtivat elektrivormelit FEST24. Raevukas tolmukeerutamine tõendas, et aerodünaamika töötas väga hästi.Loe "Fotod: uus tudengivormel näitas Vabaduse väljakul muskleid" täispikka artiklit portaalist...
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Autos enam kohustuslik ei ole, aga ilma selleta on ka jama! Millisest abivahendist me räägime?

Autos enam kohustuslik ei ole, aga ilma selleta on ka jama! Millisest abivahendist me räägime?

Ehkki autoapteek enam eraisiku sõiduautos kohustuslik pole, on hea, kui see sinu neljarattalises siiski igaks juhuks olemas on. Kuid mis seal kindlasti olla võiks? Loe "Autos...
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Vanast Autolehest: Volgale kulus kolm aastat ja sadu tuhandeid kroone

Vanast Autolehest: Volgale kulus kolm aastat ja sadu tuhandeid kroone

Kulus kolm aastat varuosade otsimisele ja auto ehitamisele, et Andrus Kõrgvee GAZ-21K (1962) saaks meistrimees Mati Leivategija käe all uuevääriliseks. Osade ja töö eest makstud...
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Proovisõit: Renault Rafale näeb  konkurentidena noobelklassi, aga kas põhjendatult?

Proovisõit: Renault Rafale näeb konkurentidena noobelklassi, aga kas põhjendatult?

Soodsamas hinnaklassis jõudis Renault Arkanaga kupeelinnamaasturite popile turule ühena esimestest ja saavutas ka päris arvestatava müügitulemuse. Kas suurem ja kallim Rafale suudab seda korrata?Loe "Proovisõit:...
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Kas ja kuidas saab peatada juhtimisõiguse terviseseisundi halvenemise tõttu?

Kas ja kuidas saab peatada juhtimisõiguse terviseseisundi halvenemise tõttu?

Viimase aja šokeerivaim liiklusuudis tuli Tartust, kus mõned kuud tagasi üks juht kihutas suurel kiirusel läbi linna ja lõpetas Tasku keskuse seinas. Tänaseks on selgunud,...
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Ford F-150 Lightning Supertruckiga tahetakse kinni panna kuulus Pikes Peaki mäkketõusuvõistlus

Ford F-150 Lightning Supertruckiga tahetakse kinni panna kuulus Pikes Peaki mäkketõusuvõistlus

Ford näitab taas, et elektriautod ei pea olema igavad, ning teeb seda äratundmatuseni modifitseeritud F-150 Lightninguga. Pöörane elektripikap osaleb tänavusel Pikes Peaki mäkketõusuvõidusõidul.Loe "Ford F-150...
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Dall’Igna: Signing Marquez creates “best team in Ducati history” in MotoGP

On Wednesday 5 June, Ducati officially announced it had signed eight-time world champion Marquez to a two-year factory deal – confirming reports earlier in...
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Toyota hands Rally1 debut to rising WRC star in Latvia

Pajari and co-driver Enni Malkonen will step up from driving Toyota GR Yaris Rally2 car in WRC2 to pilot a fourth GR Yaris Rally1 at...
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Racing world reacts to the passing of legend Parnelli Jones

The condolences extend from every corner of motorsports, which is celebration of his versatility and the character of Jones for a life well lived.Jones, who...
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Canada will put Mercedes’ perpetual F1 discourse to the test

Toto Wolff's post-race analysis is all beginning to sound rather too familiar.After each race weekend, there is a pattern, a moment of reflection followed by...
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How Formula E’s open-door approach to manufacturers is paying off

The news earlier this week that the iconic British brand would commit to Gen4 was something expected by many.Lola only announced in March that it...
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Renault CEO rules out Alpine F1 team sale despite “offers left and right”

The Enstone-based squad has endured a challenging start to the 2024 season, with its A524 car starting the season at the back of the grid...
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Isle of Man TT 2024: Sidecar red flag forces Thursday racing schedule change

Organisers had already been forced to activate their road closure contingency for this Thursday due to Tuesday’s racing being cancelled because of poor weather.Further rain...
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Why Lance Stroll isn’t about to throw in the towel on F1 now

Stroll has long been a marmite figure in F1, with some of the criticisms directed towards him of his own making and some inherited.The son...
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Why Marquez refused to fight with Martin on track for 2025 Ducati MotoGP seat

On Wednesday, it was announced that six-time MotoGP champion Marquez will step up from Gresini to join the official Ducati squad next year, partnering Francesco...
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How exposed is Red Bull’s F1 campaign to its kerb and bump weakness?

After the challenges of Miami, Imola and Monaco where the clear weakness of the RB20 in dealing with bumps and kerbs was made evident, it...
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Pajari to drive fourth factory Toyota in Latvia

Rising Finnish star Sami Pajari will make his debut at the highest level of the World Rally Championship when he drives a factory Toyota GR......
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When Biasion drove the doors off the Delta

Washington’s own Olympus Rally is often talked about as the final act in the Group B story. Rightly and wrongly. It was, of course, the......
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Command center will take fans to the heart of WRC

More details of how the World Rally Championship plans to exploit live data and team communications on live broadcasts has emerged, with a ‘command center’......
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Does Pajari deserve his Rally1 shot?

No wonder Sami Pajari looked so chuffed with his WRC2 win on Sunday. He knew. You can tell. He and co-driver Enni Mälkönen were out......
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Dacia completes initial tests of Dakar car

Suggested title: Dacia completes initial testing phase of Dakar car Subhead: No major issues for Sandrider after cumulative eight-day test in UK and France Dacia has undergone......
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FOTOD. ERC Delfi Rally Estonia tutvustas 28 päeva pärast startiva Euroopa meistrivõistluste etapi plaane

Neljapäeval, 6.juunil toimus Tallinnas Rotermanni kvartali keskväljakul tänavuse ERC Delfi Rally Estonia ametlik pressikonverents, kus allkirjastati koostöölepingud, tutvustati eesootava Euroopa meistrivõistluste (ERC) etapi plaane ja...
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Eesti ringrajasõitja Alex Reimann on nädalavahetusel Zandvoortis vastamisi Kalle Rovanperäga

7.- 9. juunini jätkub Hollandis Zandvoorti rajal Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux sarja põnev hooaeg. Stardis on hooaja avaetapil Belgias debüüdi teinud Eesti sõitja Alex Reimann...
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FOTOD. Noored Roolis sarja kolmas etapp sõideti tavapärasest kiiremal võistlusrajal

Möödunud pühapäeval toimus Tabasalu kardirajal Noored Roolis sarja kolmas etapp, kus teineteisega võtsid seekord mõõtu kokku 67 noort vanuses 8–15 aastat. Tabasalu kardirajale loodud võistlusrada...
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Baltimaade driftiparemik võistleb nädalavahetusel LaitseRallyPark´is

Baltimaade driftiparemik võistleb eeloleval laupäeval ja pühapäeval, 8. ja 9. juunil LaitseRallyPark´is jõuproovil Jump for Drift. Võistluse nimi „Hüpe driftiks“ viitab võistlusraja alguses olevale trampliinile....
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Nissani peremaastur saab maastikusõbralikuma versiooni

Nissani peremaastur saab maastikusõbralikuma versiooni

Nissani meie turu suurim peremaastur saab uue eriversiooni, mis peaks senisest enam sobima loodusradadele.Loe "Nissani peremaastur saab maastikusõbralikuma versiooni" täispikka artiklit portaalist Autogeenius. _____________________________ Geenius...
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Ducati officially announces Marc Marquez for its 2025 factory MotoGP team

On Monday, broke the news that Ducati had made a U-turn on its decision to promote championship leader Jorge Martin from Pramac to its...
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Uus Clubsport on hetkel müügil oleva Volkswagen Golf GTI võimsaim versioon

Uus Clubsport on hetkel müügil oleva Volkswagen Golf GTI võimsaim versioon

Möödunud nädalavahetusel tõi Volkswagen Nürburgringi 24 tunni sõidul publiku ette uuendatud kaheksanda põlvkonna luukpära Golf GTI Clubsport. Arvestades, et tegemist on viimase sisepõlemismootoriga Golfi generatsiooniga,...
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Eesti autode müügimahud langevad. “Roll on kindlasti kavandataval automaksul”

Eesti autode müügimahud langevad. “Roll on kindlasti kavandataval automaksul”

Ehkki maikuus langesid nii sõiduautode kui ka tarbesõidukite müügimahud võrreldes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga 10 protsendi võrra, tõusis hübriidautode müük.Loe "Eesti autode müügimahud langevad. “Roll...
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Kas tahad oma kirge autode vastu rahaks muuta? Võimalus selleks avaneb juba suvel!

Kas tahad oma kirge autode vastu rahaks muuta? Võimalus selleks avaneb juba suvel!

Aprilli keskel toimus Tallinna Tööstushariduskeskuse autotehnika õppekavade avatud uste päev. Kohal käis rohkem kui 300 külastajat ja infot jagasid ka koostööpartnerid, kelle juurde saab viimasel...
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Alpine’s Doohan stands in for Ocon in F1 Canada FP1

The Australian is no stranger to Friday outings for the squad, having previously run in Mexico and Abu Dhabi for the past two seasons as...
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WRC champion Rovanpera set for circuit racing debut

The two-time world champion is expanding his motorsport horizons this year following a decision to conduct a part-time WRC campaign with Toyota.Rovanpera announced plans in...
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How Red Bull creates the perfect strategy for Verstappen and Perez

Devising and implementing the perfect race strategy is a real ‘team effort’ in Formula 1. However, every team has a couple of people who are...
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What Magnussen needs to fix to retain his Haas F1 seat

Last year's VF-23 was somewhat peculiar; although it showed great pace in qualifying in Nico Hulkenberg's control, tyre management issues plagued it in the races....
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Isle of Man TT 2024: Organisers reschedule races for Thursday after disruption

Tuesday was meant to see the running of the first Superstock and Supertwin races of the 2024 TT.But a lengthy delay forced the Superstock contest...
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Timeline: Marc Marquez’s path to becoming a factory Ducati MotoGP rider

The eight-time world champion, for the first time in his MotoGP career, is not racing within a factory team after electing to quit Honda to...
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Irish government ready to prioritize WRC

The Irish government will engage with Motorsport Ireland “as a matter of priority” in an effort to land a round of the World Rally Championship......
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Helmet cams getting closer for WRC

The prospect of the World Rally Championship introducing helmet cameras to the broadcast coverage is a tantalizing one for viewers and has received a positive......
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EMF arutas traagilist ringrajaõnnetust

Selle nädala teisipäeval, 4. juuni õhtul arutas Eesti Mootorrattaspordi Föderatsiooni ringrajakomisjon eelmisel laupäeval, 1. juunil Audru ringrajal motoringraja treeningpäeval toimunud traagilist õnnetust. Lisaks ringrajakomisjoni liikmetele...
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Rahvasprindi noorteklassi võitja Kermo Müil: Raplas tuleb täpselt sõita

Rapla rahvasprindil sealsel kardirajal jõudis oma karjääri esimese autovõistluse võiduni 14aastane Kermo Müil. Kuni 16aastaste klassis J16 kuulus Müili (Renault Twingo) järel teine koht Romet...
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Rallikrossihooaeg jõuab esimese kruusavõistluseni

Rallikrossi Eesti meistrivõistluste kolmas etapp sõidetakse laupäeval, 8. juunil Põltsamaa lähedal Piiroja rajal hooaja esimese kruusavõistlusena. Kaks esimest etappi toimusid kõvakattega radadel Raassillal ja Kulbilohus....
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Kasutatud BMW M3 (E9x): palju keretüüpe ja ainus põlvkond, mis sai V-8 mootori

Kasutatud BMW M3 (E9x): palju keretüüpe ja ainus põlvkond, mis sai V-8 mootori

BMW tõstis nn E9x-seeria M3 kapoti alla V-8, sest kodumaistest konkurentidest ei tohtinud ju jääda maha. Kuigi mootor sai kerge ja võimas, jäi E9x ainsaks...
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Päeva kuulutus: oksjonil on 1977. aasta Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith II

Päeva kuulutus: oksjonil on 1977. aasta Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith II oksjoniportaalist võib leida vägagi rariteetse ja ägeda auto, briti luksuse tippklassi Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith II näol. Loe "Päeva kuulutus: oksjonil on 1977. aasta...
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Veel üks suur ehitus: Tallinna kesklinnas muutub liikluskorraldus

Veel üks suur ehitus: Tallinna kesklinnas muutub liikluskorraldus

Eile tehti teatavaks, et järgmisel esmaspäeval alustatakse Paldiski maantee raudteesilla juures suuri ehitustöid, mis mõjutavad ka autoliiklust. Samal päeval algavad ka kesklinnas suve lõpuni kestvad...
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Autolaen on tavaliisingule parim alternatiiv

Autolaen on tavaliisingule parim alternatiiv

Pidevalt kõrge euribori taustal on AutoPay suurendanud maksimaalset autolaenu summat 30 000 euroni ning seejuures puudub nii Euribor kui ka kohustuslik sissemakse. Seetõttu on paljud...
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Transpordiameti reid leidis pooltes Tartu ja Viljandi sõidukite kauplustes müügilt puudulikud tooted

Transpordiameti reid leidis pooltes Tartu ja Viljandi sõidukite kauplustes müügilt puudulikud tooted

Transpordiameti sõidukite järelevalve üksus tegi Viljandis ja Tartus kahepäevase kontrollreidi mootorsõidukeid ning nendele mõeldud varuosi ja lisavarustust müüdavatesse kauplustesse. Poodidest avastati mitmeid nõuetele mittevastavaid tooteid,...
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Tallinna ringteel käivitati uued muutuva teabega liiklusmärgid

Tallinna ringteel käivitati uued muutuva teabega liiklusmärgid

Täna, 4. juunil alustasid tööd Tallinna ringtee Väo–Jüri ja Luige–Kanama lõikudel muutuva teabega liiklusmärgid, mis hakkavad juhte teavitama teeoludest. Nüüd on kogu Tallinna ringtee neljarajaline...
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Uus tudengivormel teeb esimese avaliku demosõidu Vabaduse väljakul

Uus tudengivormel teeb esimese avaliku demosõidu Vabaduse väljakul

Kolmapäeval, 5. juunil kell 12 tõmmatakse Vabaduse väljakul pidulikult kate isejuhtivat elektrivormelit FEST24, mis on pärast pikka ja põhjalikku arendustööd valmis saanud.Loe "Uus tudengivormel teeb...
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Mida silmas pidada, kui rendid puhkusel olles auto?

Mida silmas pidada, kui rendid puhkusel olles auto?

Suvi on kohe-kohe käes, mis tähendab ka puhkust. Kui plaanid välismaale minna ja seal autot rentida, et kohalikku elu avastada, siis tasub mõned asjad enne...
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Suur lugu: Soome tehnoülevaatuste statistika 2,1 miljoni auto põhjal

Suur lugu: Soome tehnoülevaatuste statistika 2,1 miljoni auto põhjal

Mida vanem aastakäik, seda suurem ülevõim on Jaapani markidel, uuemate seas paistab aga silma elektriautode kesine tulemus.Loe "Suur lugu: Soome tehnoülevaatuste statistika 2,1 miljoni auto...
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Kummal on õigus? Kas osta kasutatud auto Eestist või tuua Euroopast?

Kummal on õigus? Kas osta kasutatud auto Eestist või tuua Euroopast?

Elu natuke põnevamaks tegemiseks võtame mõnikord toimetuses ette mõne tuntud vastasseisu, sisuliselt loosime, et kumma saab Pipar, kumma Tähepõld ja siis tuleb oma väiteid võimalikult...
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Canapino responds to claims of abuse and death threats by fans

His response comes after Arrow McLaren’s series rookie Theo Pourchaire revealed he was subject to online abuse following their clash in the Detroit Grand Prix.Pourchaire...
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The dangers of Red Bull re-signing Perez

Somehow, the news that Red Bull has re-signed Sergio Perez for another two seasons, taking his tenure at the team to six years, is not...
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Perez secures two-year F1 contract extension with Red Bull

Perez's latest contract extension will see him carry on as Max Verstappen's team-mate for six consecutive seasons, into F1's new regulations cycle.The 34-year-old Mexican started...
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NASCAR grants Larson playoff waiver, calls it “uncharted waters”

Larson attempted to become the fifth driver to attempt to run the Coca-Cola 600 and Indianapolis 500 on the say but bad weather – first...
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The cultural shift behind new-look Haas in F1 2024

Dissatisfied with the lack of progress, and at odds over the resources needed to move up the order, owner Gene Haas decided not to renew...
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1963 Indy 500 winner Parnelli Jones dies, aged 90

According to a representative with Borg-Warner who was close to the situation, Jones passed away peacefully of natural causes in the presence of family members...
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NASCAR fines Kyle Weatherman $25,000 for Portland incident

Weatherman, who competes full-time for DGM Racing in its No. 91 Chevrolet, was penalized in violation of Sections 4.4.B&D in the NASCAR Rule Book, which...
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Despite SHR closing, Josh Berry would “do it all over again”

The Late Model star secured his first full-time Cup ride with SHR’s No. 4 Ford team this year after showcasing his talent in the Xfinity...
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Ghiotto returns to Coyne for Road America, Laguna Seca

Ghiotto, a former Formula 2 driver, will be back behind the wheel of the Honda-powered No. 51 machine for Dale Coyne Racing for this weekend’s...
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Isle of Man TT 2024: Poor conditions force Tuesday racing to be cancelled

The Tuesday 4 June schedule at the 2024 TT was meant to see the opening Superstock and Supertwin races run.But rain forced a heavy revision...
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Inside Ford’s Mach-E Rally launch at DirtFish

It’s 1994 and my dad has just told me we’re going to Detroit. I like that. We’re going on a plane. Even better, we’re coming......
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Has Neuville taken on too much this season?

Twelve months ago, Thierry Neuville had seen enough. It was time for change. And he was ready to be part of that change. A year......
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Did the WRC sprint-format hit the mark?

HL Did the WRC sprint-format hit the mark? SH Sardinia was the first event to trail the WRC’s new sprint itinerary. What was the verdict?......
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Ogier: Sardinia punctures were not Pirelli’s fault

Sébastien Ogier has never been one to shy away from voicing his opinion. For a time, running order was his major gripe. More recently, it’s......
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VIDEO. Eesti superauto Kalana püüab Riias rajarekordit

Riias Bikerniekil 14.-15. juunini toimuv DeWALT Grand Prix võõrustab ringrajasõidu Balti (BaTCC) ja Eesti meistrivõistluste teist etappi, mille raames on kavas ka Kalana rekordikatse. “Sel...
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Kolmanda etapi karikad paneb välja Penetron Eesti

Kolmanda etapi karikad paneb välja Penetron Eesti. Penetroni tooteid on Eestisse tarnitud alates 2009 aastast. Täpsem info: 1970ndate lõpus asutatud PENETRON töötas välja optimaalse...
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Maastikusõiduhooaeg jätkub Viljandimaal, tulekul ka vaatemänguline publikukatse

Maastikusõitjate hooaeg jätkub 7.-9. juunini Viljandimaal toimuva Suure Maasturite Suvesõiduga, mille kavva kuulub ka vaatemänguline publikukatse. “Põud tegi vahepeal olukorra päris keeruliseks, kuid viimaste päevade...
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Raassilla Supermoto 02.06.2024 galerii

The post Raassilla Supermoto 02.06.2024 galerii appeared first on Eesti Mootorrattaspordi Föderatsioon. _____________________________ Allikas: Eesti Mootorrattaspordi Föderatsioon -
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Ralf Aron sai Nürburgringi ööpäevasõidus 18. koha

Ralf Aron sai Nürburgringil toimunud 24 tunni sõidus meeskonna Team Advan x HRT koosseisus 18. koha. Tiim, kuhu kuulsid veel sakslased Dennis Fetzer, Hubert Haupt...
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Avène termaalvesi taastab võidusõidu järel naha kaitsebarjääri

Miks võiks võidusõidule suundudes lisaks muule vajalikule varustusele olla kaasas Avène termaalvesi ning päikesekaitsekreem? Motosport pakub sulle füüsilisi ja vaimseid väljakutseid, ent paneb proovile ka...
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Harri Kullas teenis AMA motokrossi sarja teisel etapil 13. koha

Möödunud nädalavahetusel toimus Hangtowni krossirajal AMA motokrossi sarja teine etapp. 450 klassis tegi hea võistluse Harri Kullas, kes saavutas etapi kokkuvõttes 13. koha. 250 klassis...
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Exclusive: Martin to leave Ducati, paving way for Marquez factory MotoGP seat

Between the Barcelona and Mugello races, Ducati informed Jorge Martin that he was the chosen one to be Francesco Bagnaia's team-mate in 2025 in the...
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How Monaco showed a glimpse of Williams F1’s potential amid weight-saving push

Williams undertook a huge effort to take 14kg out of its car compared to last year, but the Grove-based team still needs to reduce its...
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Armstrong: First IndyCar podium “a long time coming”

A 23-year-old New Zealander, Armstrong was in the mix late for a possible win despite starting 19th and being stuck in a multi-car incident that was...
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Keselowski takes “good momentum” from another top-three finish

Keselowski, driver and co-owner of RFK Racing’s No. 6 Ford, bounced back from an early-race pit stop miscue and maximized his pit strategy to finish...
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Sordo’s WRC future unknown after Sardinia podium

The 41-year-old capped his 191st WRC start by coming through to finish third behind Hyundai team-mate Ott Tanak and Toyota’s Sebastien Ogier, as the top...
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Martin signs for Aprilia as Marquez nears factory Ducati MotoGP promotion

On Monday 3 June, broke the news that Ducati had made a U-turn on its decision to promote championship leader Jorge Martin from Pramac...
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Peugeot receives biggest BoP break for Le Mans in WEC Hypercar class

The revised Peugeot 9X8 2024 Le Mans Hypercar introduced at the Imola WEC in April has received an 18kg weight break down to 1047kg while...
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Nurburgring 24 Hours explains decision to end race early amid backlash

Scherer Sport PHX's Audi took a provisional victory on Sunday when attempts to restart the race, which was halted by fog on Saturday evening and...
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Lola commits to Formula E Gen4, Yamaha undecided

The iconic British brand announced in March that it would return to motorsport for the first time in more than a decade as a powertrain...
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How 24 hours changed the trajectory of Jorge Martin’s MotoGP career

On 30 May, ahead of the Italian Grand Prix, it looked certain that the eventuality everyone was anticipating for 2025 was coming to pass.Gazzetta dello...
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What we learned from Rally Italy Sardinia 2024

Rally Italy Sardinia delivered the closest finish to a World Rally Championship round since Rally Jordan in 2011. The total mileage across the 16 stages......
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DirtFish’s Rally Italy Sardinia 2024 driver ratings

Rally Italy Sardinia was arguably the most dramatic of the year so far. A 0.2 second winning margin for Ott Tänak and a crash for......
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EHKK karikasarja 3.etapp toimub 8.juunil Türil, Kihli Motokeskuses.

Ideaalse asukohaga motokeskus võõrustas EHKK etappi viimati 2019 aastal, pakkudes mõnusat võistluspäeva külastajatele. Sel aastal saab toimuma võistlusi mudilastele jooksuratastel ja mudelismis. Rohkelt põnevaid võidusõite...
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ENKV Valga etapi galerii

01.06.2024 Valgas Jaanikese rajal toimunud ENKV etapi galerii. Fotod: Igor Tseskidov The post ENKV Valga etapi galerii appeared first on Eesti Mootorrattaspordi Föderatsioon. _____________________________ Allikas:...
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Lucas Leok võitis Balti meistrivõistluste avaetapi

Möödunud pühapäeval toimus Leedus Mickūnai rajal motokrossi Leedu meistrivõistluste teine etapp ja Balti meistrivõistluste esimene etapp. Eestlastest oli edukaim 85cc klassi sportlane Lucas Leok. Balti...
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Autorada suletud, rongid peatatud: jalakäijatunnel toob Paldiski maanteele uue liikluskorralduse

Autorada suletud, rongid peatatud: jalakäijatunnel toob Paldiski maanteele uue liikluskorralduse

Nädala pärast, 10. juunil, algavad Paldiski maantee ja Tehnika tänava ristmikul suured jalakäijatunneli ehitustööd. Autojuhtidele toovad need muidugi liikluskorralduse muudatusi, hilisemates etappides katkeb ka rongiliiklus...
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Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! 10 kuulsat mudelit, millel sel aastal juubel

Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! 10 kuulsat mudelit, millel sel aastal juubel

Tänavu tähistab ümmargust sünnipäeva tohutu hulk kuulsaid mudeleid. Mõnele legendaarsele autole saame soovida head 100. sünnipäeva, ­teisele „alles” 25-ndat!Loe "Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! 10 kuulsat mudelit,...
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Ocon to leave Alpine after 2024 F1 season

The news comes in the wake of the controversy over Ocon's collision with team-mate Pierre Gasly at the Monaco Grand Prix that left team management...
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The lengths Ducati must show it is willing to go to retain Marquez in MotoGP

In recent weeks, Ducati developed an ideal scenario for the next two years in MotoGP, which, in the eyes of its executives, would fit perfectly...
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Pirelli counters Hamilton ‘peaky F1 tyres’ frustration

Hamilton suggested after the Miami Grand Prix last month that he had never known F1 tyres to have as "minuscule" an operating window as they...
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Why Solberg had to withdraw from Rally Italy Sardinia

HL | Why Solberg had to withdraw from Rally Italy Sardinia SH | He’d already travelled to Sardinia unwell and hoping to push through but......
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Škodast Lamborghinini: milline kell autoga sobib?

Škodast Lamborghinini: milline kell autoga sobib?

Sõidad Škoda Superbi, Hyundai Ioniqu või hoopis Mercedes-Benz G-klassiga, aga sul pole aimugi, mida randmele panna?Loe "Škodast Lamborghinini: milline kell autoga sobib?" täispikka artiklit portaalist...
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Larson “not sweating” waiver as he awaits NASCAR decision

Larson had every intention of running both the Indianapolis 500 and Coca-Cola 600 last weekend, but Mother Nature had other plans. Weather delayed the start...
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Bastianini: Mugello result special during “difficult time” as Ducati MotoGP exit beckons

Bastianini put in an impressive performance in front of his home crowd at Mugello on Sunday, making two key overtakes in a race that featured...
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“Super heavy” Yamaha still giving its MotoGP riders arm problems

Quartararo has intermittently suffered from arm pump throughout his premier-class career, with the Frenchman famously plummeting from first to 13th in the 2021 Spanish Grand...
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Red Bull braced for tough Canada test amid F1 kerb struggles

The bumpiness of the Monte Carlo circuit exposed some of Red Bull's key weaknesses - as did the kerb-riding ability of this year's RB20 chassis...
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Penske’s Walt Czarnecki: “We never lost faith in Austin Cindric”

After excelling in sports cars and in NASCAR’s Xfinity Series, Cindric burst into the Cup Series with a dramatic victory in the 2022 Daytona 500 in...
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Blaney “never thought” he was in danger of running out of fuel

Blaney was among the first of the lead lap cars to hit pit road for his final green flag pit stop with 66 of 240...
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How Herta’s Detroit ‘Hail Mary’ almost derailed Dixon’s IndyCar victory

When one of the eight cautions of the day flew on lap 53, Dixon’s Chip Ganassi Racing Honda was called in to make his final...
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Gateway NASCAR Cup: Cindric earns shock win as Blaney runs out of fuel

Blaney, the reigning series champion, looked primed to pick up his first win of the 2024 season after surviving a wild duel with Christopher Bell.Cindric...
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Ericsson: I’ve “reset” my season with runner-up finish in Detroit

The turnaround was much-needed for the 33-year-old Swede after enduring a miserable month of May that began with a big practice crash and ended with...
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IndyCar Detroit: Dixon wins after tire and fuel gamble in chaotic race

The 43-year-old New Zealander started fifth, pushed through the murky cycle of pit strategy, and fended off late chargers while saving fuel to claim victory...
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How Tänak turned the tables on Sardinia

Christian Loriaux didn’t want to make a fool of himself. For a moment, nobody knew. Everybody looked at everybody else. It was like somebody pressed......
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Ogier reacts to losing Italy win: “S*** happens”

On Saturday afternoon it seemed Rally Italy Sardinia was settled. Sébastien Ogier had pulled out a 17.1-second advantage over Hyundai’s Ott Tänak after a day......
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Sordo, will he stay or will he go?

Cue the music. This is the end. Hold your breath and… Stop. It might not be the end. Dani Sordo might have one more round of......
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Tänak wins Rally Italy by 0.2s after final stage drama

Ott Tänak dramatically scooped Rally Italy Sardinia victory, defeating Sébastien Ogier by 0.2 seconds after the eight-time world champion suffered a puncture on the very......
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Tänak charge sets up final-loop thriller in Italy

Ott Tänak has cut Rally Italy Sardinia leader Sébastien Ogier’s advantage to 6.6s with only two stages remaining, while Hyundai team-mate Thierry Neuville has been......
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Aksel Pärtelpoeg võitis supermoto avaetapi Raassillal

Möödunud pühapäeval toimus Raassillal esimene supermoto Eesti ja Läti meistrivõistluste etapp. Päeva kiireima klassi võitis Aksel Pärtelpoeg. Pärtelpoja järel tulid poodiumile Eemeli Åstedt ja Ossi...
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Kardisportlane Mark Dubnitski pääses Champions of the Future võistlusel finaali

Slovakkias sõideti kardisarja Champions of the Future kolmas etapp. OK Junior klassis oli stardis Meryl Peldes, OK klassis Mark Dubnitski ja Hugo Rajamets. Kvalifikatsioonisõidus näitas...
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Gordejev ja Niitsoo lähevad MM-l üha paremasse hoogu

Külgvankrite motokrossi maailmameistrivõistluste sari jätkus eelmisel nädalavahetusel Tsehhis Kramolini krossirajal. Ilma tõttu tuli küll laupäevane kvalifikatsioonipäev ära jätta, kuid pühapäevane võistluspäev õnnestus ära pidida. Meie...
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Mitmed eestlased Rotax Nordicul poodiumil

Laupäeval peetud Rotax Nordic 2024 avaetapil Leedus Šiauliai kardirajal lõpetasid poodiumil neli eestlast: Nikita Ljubimov (Minimax), Aron Kivilo (Senior), Ragnar Veerus (DD2) ja Priit Sei...
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Joosep Pärnal jäi Saksamaal punktiarve EMX250 klassis avamata

Nädalavahetusel toimus Saksamaal Teutschenthali krossirajal motokrossi maailmameistrivõistluste kaheksas etapp. Samuti oli seal kavas EMX250 euroopa meistrivõistluste viies etapp. Meie ainus võistleja Saksamaal oli Joosep Pärn,...
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Vigastust trotsiv Hannes Soomer avas punktiarve Saksamaa meistrivõistlustel

Hannes Soomeri käekäiku jälgivad huvilised teavad, et sellel hooajal tuleb mehel istuda korraga kahel toolil, sest lisaks Saksamaa meistrivõistlustele mootorrataste ringrajasõidus (IDM) osaleb ta BMW...
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Ruben Volt võitis autoringrajasarja TCR Europe etapi

Eesti autoringrajasõitja Ruben Volt säras nädalavahetusel kereautode Euroopa sarja kahel etapil Salzburgringil. Austrias sõidetud võidusõitudes oli Volt pühapäeva esimeses sõidus kolmas ja teises sõidus tõusis meeskonnakaaslast edestades...
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Ott Tänak ja Martin Järveoja võtsid Sardiinia teedel karjääri 20. etapivõidu

Sel nädalavahetusel sõideti Sardiinias autoralli MM-hooaja kuues etapp. Ott Tänak / Martin Järveoja võitsid ralli 0,2sekundilise eduga Sebastien Ogier / Vincent Landais´ ees. Uue formaadina...
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IMSA Detroit: Acura beats Porsche with stunning pass in wild street fight

On the series’ debut on the tight and twisty 1.654-mile, nine-turn temporary street circuit in downtown Detroit, Taylor beat Porsche’s Mathieu Jaminet after pulling off...
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Newgarden signs multi-year extension to remain with Team Penske

The timing of the deal comes less than a week after Newgarden captured his second consecutive victory in the Indianapolis 500, which gave legendary team...
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WRC signs 10-year deal to host Saudi Arabia round

The WRC has been eyeing a return to the Middle East for some time having last hosted a round in the region in 2011 courtesy...
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IndyCar Detroit: Herta beats Palou to pole by 0.152s

Herta navigated the 1.645-mile, nine temporary street circuit to put down a quick lap of 1m00.5475s to claim the top spot, which provided a big...
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WRC Rally Sardinia: Ogier reclaims lead as team order slows Tanak

Tanak headed into the afternoon stages with a 3.5s lead over part-time driver Ogier, but ended the day trailing the eight-time world champion by 17.1s.The...
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Bagnaia feared Barcelona crash repeat in Mugello MotoGP sprint win

Factory Ducati rider Bagnaia was finally able to end a barren run stretching all the way back to last year’s Austrian Grand Prix by taking...
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“Going full attack” nets Ed Jones his first top-five in NASCAR

Jones, who lined up a three-race deal this season in the Xfinity Series with Sam Hunt Racing, was helped by a pair of chaotic late-race...
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Portland NASCAR Xfinity: Shane van Gisbergen beats Allgaier to first win

Van Gisbergen, a three-time Supercars champion, passed leader Justin Allgaier with three of 75 laps remaining and held on to win Saturday’s Xfinity Series race...
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Gateway NASCAR Trucks: Corey Heim cruises to victory over Eckes

It was the ninth victory of Heim's career and his fourth of the 2024 season. He now has 24 playoff points (most of any driver) and...
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Toyota: Evans “thinking too much” about WRC title race

Evans has cut a frustrated figure throughout this week’s Rally Sardinia, having been unable to find the confidence to extract the ultimate pace from his...
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Saudi Arabia confirmed as WRC round for 2025

Saudi Arabia has been confirmed as the final round of next year’s World Rally Championship in a decade-long agreement between the Middle Eastern nation and......
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Exclusive: The Prince’s insight into Saudi Arabia’s WRC arrival

In the minutes that followed what’s being described as a ‘landmark deal’ for the World Rally Championship, DirtFish was granted an exclusive interview with the......
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Ogier pulls clear of cautious Tänak in Sardinia

Sébastien Ogier has extended his lead of Rally Italy Sardinia to 17.1 seconds at the end of Saturday, as Ott Tänak adopted a more cautious......
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Neuville reveals reason for Sardinia crash

Thierry Neuville’s rally-ending Rally Italy Sardinia accident was caused by a lapse in concentration, the World Rally Championship points leader has revealed. On a twisty......
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Sordo: Neuville’s Sardinia approach was too risky

Dani Sordo has questioned team-mate Thierry Neuville’s approach to Rally Italy Sardinia, suggesting his approach was too risky for a driver chasing the World Rally......
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Jaanikese krossirajal toimus ENKV 2. etapp

Laupäeval 1. juunil sõideti Valgas Jaanikese krossirajal Eesti Noorte Karikavõistluste teine etapp. Päev oli Valgas jagatud kahte gruppi, hommikul olid võistlustules pisemad ja päeva teises...
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BMW 3. seeria uuendused: natuke sisemusse ja välimusse, aga ka kapoti alla

BMW 3. seeria uuendused: natuke sisemusse ja välimusse, aga ka kapoti alla

Juulikuus alustab BMW värskendatud “kolmese” sedaani ja universaali (G20 ja G21) tootmist. Jõuallikate osas tulevad uuendused, kui võimsad ja traditsioonilised variandid jäävad endiselt valikusse.Loe "BMW...
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Elektriautod vallutavad edetabeleid: siin on nende edu põhjused

Elektriautod vallutavad edetabeleid: siin on nende edu põhjused

Populaarsed autoajakirjandusele keskendunud meediaväljaanded jagavad parimatele uutele autodele auhindu, võttes aluseks nii valdkonna ekspertide hinnangud kui ka autoostjate eelistused. Auhinnatud automudelid ei jäta kahtlust autotööstuses...
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IMSA Detroit: BMW pips Porsche, Cadillac by a tenth in FP2

On the series’ debut on the tight and twisty 1.654-mile, nine-turn temporary street circuit in downtown Detroit, Eng beat Nick Tandy’s Porsche and Cadillac’s Sebastien...
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Pietro Fittipaldi is fueled by 5-Hour Energy and lots of carbs 

When he first competed in the Indy 500, back in 2021, Pietro Fittipaldi’s pre-race ritual involved hyping himself up with music. He’d wear headphones and...
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WRC helmet camera in development to elevate TV broadcast

Italian helmet supplier Stilo has created a helmet which incorporates an onboard camera, similar to those in operation in F1, to provide a raw drivers’...
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Ocon hits out at hurtful “gross distortions” following Alpine F1 clash

Ocon made a bold move on then ninth-placed Gasly in the first lap of the Monte Carlo race, diving down the inside at Portier, which...
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IndyCar issues grid penalties to Rahal, Simpson

Both the No. 15 Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Honda of Rahal and the No. 4 Chip Ganassi Racing Honda of Simpson were hit with a...
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IMSA Detroit: Porsche 1-2 in GTP qualifying, Corvette sweeps GTD Pro

On the series’ debut on the tight and twisty 1.654-mile, nine-turn temporary street circuit in downtown Detroit, Tandy beat Penske stable-mate Dane Cameron and Cadillac’s...
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IndyCar Detroit: Palou leads O’Ward in opening practice

Palou, winner in Detroit last year, propelled his #10 Chip Ganassi Racing Honda to a flying lap of 1m01.7210s on the softer alternate tires to...
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Isle of Man TT 2024: Hickman smashes 134mph barrier as practice week ends

FHO Racing rider Hickman, chasing to add to his tally of 13 TT wins this year, holds the outright lap record of 136.358mph set in...
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Ferrari technical director targeted by Aston Martin for F1 switch

With Aston Martin team owner Lawrence Stroll continuing his push to turn the Silverstone-based squad into winners, Cardile has emerged as one of his outfit’s...
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WRC Rally Sardinia: Ogier hangs onto lead as Fourmaux grinds to a halt

The eight-time world champion claimed two of Friday afternoon’s four gravel stages that made up a much shorter leg than usual courtesy of the WRC’s...
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Touring a Lancia treasure trove with Miki Biasion

The names Lancia and Martini are so closely intertwined that it’s as if they were born to be together. To celebrate that history a new......
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Neuville goes fastest on “ridiculous” Italy shakedown

World Rally Championship points leader Thierry Neuville set the fastest time on Rally Italy Sardinia’s shakedown ahead of the rally start later on Friday afternoon.......
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Fourmaux out of Rally Italy as Ogier holds slim lead

Adrien Fourmaux has retired from Rally Italy Sardinia after his Ford Puma ground to a halt on Friday’s final stage. The M-Sport driver had already......
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Ogier leads Tänak in Sardinia as Evans punctures

Sébastien Ogier has opened up a narrow 1.8-second lead after the first two stages of Rally Italy Sardinia, which were heavily influenced by road sweeping.......
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2024 MotoGP Italian Grand Prix – How to watch, session times & more

Pramac rider Jorge Martin leads the championship on 155 points heading to Ducati's home race, with reigning champion Francesco Bagnaia his closest challenger on 116...
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Reisikiri: Tarmo Tähepõld veetis kolm päeva autokultuuri tõotatud maal

Reisikiri: Tarmo Tähepõld veetis kolm päeva autokultuuri tõotatud maal

Itaalias ja Saksamaal on head teed, kuulsad ­automuuseumid ja rohkelt vaatamist ka tänavatel. Jaapanis on legendaarsed autokogunemised ja tuuningukultuur. Californias? Californias on see kõik ja...
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Veame kihla, et sellest autost sa ei teadnuki! Esimene Porsche 911 Turbo, mis ei olnudki turbo

Veame kihla, et sellest autost sa ei teadnuki! Esimene Porsche 911 Turbo, mis ei olnudki turbo

Porsche 911 Turbo tähistab tänavu juubelit. Seda esitleti seeriamudelina 1974. aastal, kuid sellele eelnes aasta varem prototüüp, mis oli kujult ja kirjade järgi kah Turbo,...
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Kardispordi Balti karikavõistlused algavad 7. juunil Lätis

Kardispordi Balti karikavõistluste esimene etapp sõidetakse 7. ja 8. juunil Lätis Kandavas koos Eesti meistrivõistluste etapiga. Balti karikavõistlused (Baltic Karting Cup) koosnevad tänavu kolmest etapist....
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Carl Edwards ‘shocked’ by election to NASCAR Hall of Fame

Edwards and veteran Ricky Rudd received the most votes on the Modern Era ballot when the Hall’s voting panel recently selected the members of the...
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Josef Newgarden breaks down the wild last laps of his Indy 500 victory

“It's been 48 hours and I'm tired,” says Josef Newgarden when I ask how he's been since winning the 108th Indianapolis 500. We’re in a...
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Kui palju hakkad maksma automaksu? Uus kalkulaator arvutab selle välja sõiduki registreerimisnumbri alusel

Kui palju hakkad maksma automaksu? Uus kalkulaator arvutab selle välja sõiduki registreerimisnumbri alusel

Kõik autoomanikud või peatselt auto omanikuks saavad inimesed on kursis valitsuse planeeritava automaksuga. Kuigi ei ole veel täpselt teada, mis mahus automaks tuleb, võib olla...
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Päeva kuulutus: Eesti ainus Passat R36, rahvaauto sportlik ja eriline versioon

Päeva kuulutus: Eesti ainus Passat R36, rahvaauto sportlik ja eriline versioon

Sportlik hobiuniversaal on hästi hoitud ja saanud ka visuaalseid lisasid. Põhiline müügiargument on aga selgelt haruldane mootor.Loe "Päeva kuulutus: Eesti ainus Passat R36, rahvaauto sportlik...
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Lae oma elektriautot Soomest Leeduni: Neste laiendab laadimisvõrku

Lae oma elektriautot Soomest Leeduni: Neste laiendab laadimisvõrku

Neste jätkab elektriautode laadimisvõrgu laiendamist. 2024. aastal on ettevõttel plaanis avada Eestis kaks uut suure võimsusega elektriautode laadimisjaama ning 2026. aasta lõpuks omab Neste Baltikumis...
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 Sõidan rattaga autole sisse – kas kahjud hüvitan omast taskust?

 Sõidan rattaga autole sisse – kas kahjud hüvitan omast taskust?

Ilmad on läinud soojaks ning tänavapildis näeb aina rohkem rattureid. Paraku tähendab see ka liiklusõnnetuste arvu suurenemist, kus üheks osapooleks on rattur, kes saab paraku...
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Peeter Koppel ja Maserati GranTurismo: keskealise mehe unistustel pole määratud täituda. Või siiski?

Peeter Koppel ja Maserati GranTurismo: keskealise mehe unistustel pole määratud täituda. Või siiski?

Mingi vanuseni mees unistab. Nimelt arvab ta, et ühel ilusal päeval elab ta suures majas, on abielus (super)modelliga ning evib garaaži, kus on päris mitu...
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Autoga puhkama? 10 olulist asja, mida enne kontrollida! 

Autoga puhkama? 10 olulist asja, mida enne kontrollida! 

Suvi on ideaalne aeg pikemaks autoreisiks. Ja olgu selleks lõõgastav nädalavahetus kodumaal või pikem puhkus välismaal – sinu neljarattaline ei tohi sind mingil juhul alt...
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10 kasutatud autot, mida on üsna riskantne osta

10 kasutatud autot, mida on üsna riskantne osta

Tegime taas edetabeli, kus kirjas 30+9 parimat kasutatud autot kuni 30 000 euro eest. Aga universumis peab valitsema tasakaal ja headele autodele vastukaaluks toome ära...
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Cadillaci järgmine täiselektriline auto Euroopa turul on linnamaastur Optiq

Cadillaci järgmine täiselektriline auto Euroopa turul on linnamaastur Optiq

USA noobelmark soovib kanda kinnitada ka Euroopas ja võtab sihikule konkurendid, nagu Audi Q4 e-tron, BMW iX3 ja Mercedes-Benz EQC. Relvaks on Cadillac Optiq, keskmise...
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Mazda, Subaru ja Toyota on pühendunud sisepõlemismootorite elushoidmisele

Mazda, Subaru ja Toyota on pühendunud sisepõlemismootorite elushoidmisele

Nii mõnigi autotootja on elektriautode tootmise prognoose vähendanud ja tähtaegu edasi lükanud ning sama trend jätkub ka Jaapanis. Kolm sealset suurt autotootjat kinnitasid, et nende...
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Marquez: Gresini, factory team only options to stay at Ducati fold in MotoGP 2025

Marquez’s future had been of much speculation in recent months, as Ducati evaluates him for a possible promotion to the works team alongside Francesco Bagnaia...
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Petter and Oliver Solberg to go head to head in ERC

Last week, 2003 world champion Petter Solberg announced plans to come out of retirement to contest the Royal Rally of Scandinavia (13-15 June), which will...
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Biasion: Future regulations could entice Lancia back to WRC

Lancia announced this week that it plans to return to rallying after more than 30 years away following a commitment to a Rally4 programme with...
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Marquez closes door on Pramac MotoGP move: “It’s not an option for me”

This comes following reports this morning, first from Gazzetta dello Sport, that Ducati has decided to promote Jorge Martin to its factory team seat for...
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Chris Harris on F1: Who to actually blame for the crash that broke Monaco

Whose fault was it? Formula 1 officials classified the first-lap crash that destroyed the cars—and races—of Checo Perez, chaos king Kevin Magnussen, and Nico Hulkenberg as...
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2024 NASCAR at Gateway schedule, entry list, and how to watch

Christopher Bell won a rain-shorted Coke 600, completing 249 of 400 laps. Brad Keselowski finished second and William Byron third.The day also featured the 108th...
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Solberg out of WRC Rally Sardinia on medical grounds

The WRC2 title contender had been set to tackle the 16-stage gravel rally, although the Swede was not registered to score championship points. However, Solberg and...
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What is Marc Marquez’s next move in the Ducati MotoGP saga?

Early Thursday morning, it emerged that Ducati had finally decided to choose Jorge Martin to join Francesco Bagnaia in the official Borgo Panigale team from...
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Injured Doriane Pin withdraws from Le Mans 24 Hours

Pin had withdrawn from the Formula Regional European Championship by Alpine's second Spa-Francorchamps race last weekend after feeling some discomfort.The Frenchwoman has now posted a...
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Ricciardo’s focus on improving F1 performance, not securing new RB contract

The Australian has endured a difficult opening third of the 2024 season, in which his only points came through finishing fourth in the Miami Grand...
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Neuville expects “disaster” on Sardinia opening day

World Rally Championship points leader Thierry Neuville got lucky on Rally Portugal. Damper-than-expected conditions meant leading the field away on the first day wasn’t as......
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Solberg father vs son duel set for ERC Sweden

Father versus son. Solberg versus Solberg. Oliver versus Petter. It’s both a battle of the generations and a battle for the ages. And it’s happening......
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Sardinia now a legendary event in its own right

No. Colin McRae was adamant. It wasn’t happening. Not this time. Sitting out the front of the Royal Hotel Sanremo, the then Citroën driver wasn’t......
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FIA’s rally talent search enters a crucial phase

It would potentially have been a stretch to consider Romet Jürgenson as favorite to win the Junior WRC title in 2024. Yet this is the......
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Solberg withdraws from Rally Italy

Oliver Solberg has withdrawn from Rally Italy Sardinia less just hours before the rally start. The Škoda driver has been forced out of the event......
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Hanno Velt: “Olen professionaalsem kui kunagi varem!”

9-kordne Superbike klassi Eesti meister Hanno Velt (Aprilia, Vihur Motosport) saab suvel 50-aastaseks ja ütleb, et tema tänavune hooaja ettevalmistus on olnud professionaalsem kui kunagi...
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Nädalavahetus autospordis: Eestis fookuses noored ja rahvasport, MM-punkte jahitakse rallis

Nädalavahetusel toimub Eestis kuus autospordivõistlust, mis enamuses suunatud noortele ja rahvasportlastele. MM-punktid on mängus Sardiinia rallil. Kiirendushooaeg algab laupäeval Tartus Eesti karikavõistluste etapiga TRF44 Tartu...
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Noored Roolis jätkub pühapäeval Tabasalus

Noored Roolis Knauf kolmas etapp sõidetakse pühapäeval Harjumaal Tabasalu kardirajal. Registreerimine võistlusele on avatud kuni reede hilisõhtuni ning osalema on oodatud kõik noored vanuses 8–15...
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Ott Tänak / Martin Järveoja lähevad püüdma kolmandat Sardiinia ralli võitu

Autoralli MM-hooaeg jätkub eeloleval nädalavahetusel kuuenda etapiga, mis sõidetakse Sardiinia kruusateedel. 85 rallile startiva võistluspaari hulgas on ka neli Eesti võistluspaari. Ott Tänak / Martin...
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Muljet avaldav, mida mudeliuuenduse läbinud Lexus UX 300h teha suudab

Muljet avaldav, mida mudeliuuenduse läbinud Lexus UX 300h teha suudab

Eestlased ja kogu maailm armastab kõrgemaid linnamaastureid. Lexuse üks enimmüüdumaid mudeleid Euroopas – UX – sobitub siia ritta suurepäraselt. Ent konkurents sel turul on väga...
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“Värvipime” välismaalane kihutas 190 km/h ja magas maha politsei peatumismärguande

“Värvipime” välismaalane kihutas 190 km/h ja magas maha politsei peatumismärguande

Eile varahommikul püüdis patrull Pärnu maanteel kiiruskaamerasse eriti hoogsalt kihutanud BMW, mis paraku vilkurite peale ei peatunud. Põhjendus politseiauto eest ära sõitmiseks oli enam kui...
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Alonso: Last two F1 races a “big wake-up call” for Aston Martin

Aston Martin brought an upgrade package to Imola, but so did many of its direct rivals, which meant that in the relative game of in-season...
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NASCAR penalizes Xfinity driver Austin Hill over Charlotte wreck

Hill, the series points leader, was fined $25,000 and docked 25 driver points for a violation of Section 4.4B of NASCAR’s Member Code of Conduct.The...
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F1 drivers want to revisit red-flag tyre rule that “ruined” Monaco GP

Sunday's 78-lap cruise through the Monaco streets was hamstrung by a heavy first-lap crash involving Sergio Perez and Haas drivers Kevin Magnussen and Nico Hulkenberg.Under...
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Karun Chandhok’s Indy 500 adventure and why every fan should experience it

Like everybody else, I have a bucket list of things that I keep creating. And, like most people, the rate at which the list grows...
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Castroneves to substitute for Blomqvist for next two IndyCar rounds

Castroneves, a four-time winner of the Indianapolis 500, will pilot the Honda-powered No. 66 entry for this weekend’s Detroit Grand Prix and the following race...
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Bell has been “extremely disappointed” by 2024 season, despite wins

Bell picked up an important win on Sunday night in the rain-shortened Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway – the longest race of the year...
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Clint Bowyer to run NASCAR Truck race at Nashville

Spire Motorsports announced on Wednesday that Bowyer – a former NASCAR Cup star now Fox Sports TV broadcaster – will drive its No. 7 Chevrolet...
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Front Row Motorsports intends to buy charter from Stewart-Haas

FRM currently operates two full-time Cup teams with Michael McDowell (No. 34) and Todd Gilliland (No. 38). McDowell is set to leave the team for...
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Vautier returns to IndyCar with Coyne for Detroit

A 34-year-old Frenchman, Vautier will drive the Honda-powered No. 51 entry for DCR on the tight and challenging 1.645-mile, nine-turn street circuit based in the heart...
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Briatore tipped for Alpine F1 role amid Renault frustration

Italian outlet Corriere della Serra and French newspaper L'Equipe have reported that the 74-year-old has been tapped up by Renault CEO Luca De Meo to...
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Rally dynasties in Sardinia

Rallying can very much be a family affair and, this weekend, Oliver Solberg will follow in the footsteps of father Petter at Rally Italia Sardinia;......
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Eriti eksklusiivne: Land Rover avaldas piiratud koguses valmistatava erimudeli

Eriti eksklusiivne: Land Rover avaldas piiratud koguses valmistatava erimudeli

Range Rover Sport sai Euroopas erimudeli Satin Edition. Seda saavad endale lubada aga väga vähesed.Loe "Eriti eksklusiivne: Land Rover avaldas piiratud koguses valmistatava erimudeli" täispikka...
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Mida pean teadma, kui tahan minna elektriautoga reisima?

Mida pean teadma, kui tahan minna elektriautoga reisima?

Mitmed elektriauto omanikud on teinud katsetusi, kas sellega saab ette võtta pikemaid matku või minna reisile. Millega peaks siis arvestama?Loe "Mida pean teadma, kui tahan...
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Elektriline Lancia Ypsilon saab võimsama ja sportlikuma HF-versiooni ning naaseb lõpuks ka autorallisse

Elektriline Lancia Ypsilon saab võimsama ja sportlikuma HF-versiooni ning naaseb lõpuks ka autorallisse

Itaalia brändi esimene täiselektriline auto saab ka ajaloolise HF-i embleemi, mis tähendab muidugi rohkem võimsust ja teravamat dünaamikat. Lisaks on ka teada, et Ypsilon HF-ist...
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The good, the bad and the bizarre on Formula E’s return to China

“It could be right on the cusp of tripping over and then you’ve got 22 cars stopped out on the track and we all look...
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Verstappen: Red Bull “clearly doesn’t understand” F1 bump weakness

Verstappen qualified and finish sixth in Monaco, while team-mate Sergio Perez was eliminated in Q1 and then caught up in a lap-one accident.It followed an...
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Kazakhstan replaces cancelled Indian MotoGP round in 2024 schedule

On Tuesday the promoter of the Indian GP announced that this year’s MotoGP race was cancelled and it will look to reschedule the event in...
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Mercedes reaffirms equal driver treatment despite Hamilton skepticism

Hamilton raised some eyebrows at the Monaco Grand Prix when he suggested he would be unable to ever outqualify Russell again this season – and...
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Vinales denies 2025 Aprilia deal done amid “open doors” on MotoGP grid

The 10-time grand prix winner has been with Aprilia since the latter half of the 2021 campaign, following his acrimonious split with Yamaha that year,...
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Why Ocon’s ‘not a team player’ reputation exists – and how he can fix it

The incident, where Ocon tried to barge his way past Gasly, proved terminal for the aggressor as his car became briefly airborne and caused damage...
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Suninen won’t change his approach despite Portugal shunt

Teemu Suninen has a very limited program planned for 2024. He selected just five rallies on which to make his mark on the WRC2 title......
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The WRC’s Rally Italy experiment

We’re set for a very different Rally Italy Sardinia this weekend. A dramatically reduced number of stages on Friday could limit the impact of running......
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What to expect from a shorter Sardinia

It’s a brave new world for rallying. The World Rally Championship is making a first step into flexible itineraries during the modern era, allowing rallies......
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Registreerumine Rallikrossi Eesti Meistrivõistluste kolmandale etapile on avatud!

Rallikrossi meistrivõistluste 2024 hooaja kolmandale etapile on registreerumine alanud. Etapp toimub 8. juunil Kesk-Eestis, Põltsamaa lähistel, Piiroja rallikrossirajal. Registreeru siit: Registreerunute nimekirjad avaldatakse jooksvalt...
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Motoringraja avaetapp toimub 1.-2. juunil Porsche Ringil

Eesti ja Balti motoringraja meistrivõistluste esimene etapp toimub Pärnus, Porsche Ringil 1.-2. juunil ja stardis on Baltimaade kiireimad sõitjad. Sel laupäeval-pühapäeval on Porsche Ringil stardis...
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1. juunil toimub ENKV 2. etapp Valgas!

Motokrossi Eesti Noorte Karikavõistluste II etapp sõidetakse 1. juunil Valgas, Jaanikese motokeskuses. Lisaks noortele andekatele sõitjatele on starti tulemas ka Eesti kiiremad naised ning MX...
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Andres Arnover jõudis kiirendusspordi EM-etapil poolfinaali. Võistlus katkestati

Andres Arnover (Ford Mustang) jõudis kiirendusspordi Euroopa meistrivõistluste avaetapil Suurbritannias Santa Podi rajal klassis Pro Mod poolfinaali, kuid võistlus katkestati. “Enne poolfinaale sadas tugevalt vihma...
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Vihur Lada ralliautost vormel Estonia velgedeni: MOMU avab suvehooaja garaažimüügiga

MOMU Mootorispordi Muuseum korraldab laupäeval, 1. juunil suvehooaja avaürituse, mis pakub meelelahutust ja tegevusi kogu perele. Kindlasti pakub suvehooaja avaüritusel põnevat uudistamist MOMU Mootorispordi Muuseumi...
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Uuendatud 992-põlvkonna Porsche 911 saab esimestkorda hübriidajami

Uuendatud 992-põlvkonna Porsche 911 saab esimestkorda hübriidajami

Porsche uuendas põhjalikult oma legendaarset sportautot 911. Uus 911 Carrera GTS on esimene tänavasõiduks mõeldud 911, mis saab ülikerge sporthübriidajami. Uuendatud sai ka tavaline Carrera...
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Stewart-Haas Racing to shut down NASCAR Cup Series operation

On Tuesday, team co-owners Gene Haas and Tony Stewart released a joint statement explaining their decision to shutter the organization after 15 years.“We have made...
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Chase Briscoe hopes to “land on his feet” after SHR closure

Co-owner Gene Haas and Tony Stewart issued a joint statement on Tuesday outlining the “difficult decision” that they made to close SHR at end of...
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Motokrossi Balti meistrivõistlustele eelregistreerimine lõppeb homme

Tänavu toimuvad esmakordselt kolme riigi koostöös Balti meistrivõistlused motokrossis. Esimene etapp on juba sel pühapäeval Leedus. Sari koosneb kolmest etapist: • 2. juunil Leedus Mickūnai...
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Eestlased teenis punktilisa Saksamaa motokrossi meistrivõistlustel

Möödunud nädalavahetusel toimus Vellahnis Saksamaa motokrossi meistrivõistluste kolmas etapp. Kõigis kolmes kavas olnud masinaklassis olid võistlemas ka meie sõitjad. Kuigi väga säravaid sõite keegi ei...
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Kuidas maanteel sõites kütust kokku hoida?

Kuidas maanteel sõites kütust kokku hoida?

Kuigi Eestis Euroopa mõistes suuri kiirteid ei ole, siis võib ka näiteks Tallinn–Tartu maanteel osadel lõikudel sõita kuni 120 km/h. Mida teevad suured kiirused aga...
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Ranking Lancia’s greatest rally cars

The Italian brand leaned into its history during Monday’s announcement where it confirmed a return to the stages through a Rally4 programme with its new...
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The cases Marquez and Martin are making for a Ducati MotoGP ride

Let's be upfront about it and admit that the story is slightly altered. While it is true that the first part of the equation must...
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India MotoGP promoter cancels this year’s race, eyes March 2025 date

Fairstreet Sports, the organiser of the event along with MotoGP rights holder Dorna, revealed on Tuesday that the second edition of the event has now...
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Loss, heartbreak, redemption: The road to Leclerc’s Monaco F1 triumph

How as a young child growing up in the principality, he would take the bus to school up the winding climb to Casino Square, dreaming how...
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Mir: Honda “took a step back to make two forward” with MotoGP updates

Honda has been working behind the scenes in private tests to improve its troubled 2024 package, though its riders didn’t receive some hoped-for improvements at...
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NBC nets over 5.3 million viewers for Indy 500

Despite being impacted by a nearly four-hour rain delay, last Sunday’s Indy 500 averaged a preliminary Total Audience Delivery (TAD) of 5.344 million viewers across...
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F1 24 game review: Slick but lacking polish

F1 24 is the latest entry in Codemasters and EA SPORTS’ long-running Formula 1 game series and features all the teams, circuits drivers and cars...
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Scott Dixon: Third-place finish in Indy 500 “all we had”

Dixon, a six-time IndyCar Series champion and 2008 Indy 500 winner, methodically moved forward after starting 21st and was leading after the final round of pit...
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Football icon Zidane named Le Mans 24 Hours starter

Zidane, a World Cup victor with France who won three UEFA Champions League titles as a manager with Real Madrid, has been named as official...
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Brad Pitt, Channing Tatum among producers of Isle of Man TT docuseries and feature film

Tatum’s Free Association, Pitt’s Plan B Entertainment, Jason Keller (who wrote Ford vs Ferrari), Entertainment 360, Box to Box Films and Mediawan will produce a...
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Looking back on 20 years of Sardinia in the WRC

It’s a long time, 20 years. When the WRC abandoned its traditional Italian home of Sanremo for the island of Sardinia in 2004, it wasn’t......
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Supermoto Eesti ja Läti meistrivõistlused algavad 02.06 Raassillal.

Rohkem infot ja regamine: The post Supermoto Eesti ja Läti meistrivõistlused algavad 02.06 Raassillal. appeared first on Eesti Mootorrattaspordi Föderatsioon. _____________________________ Allikas: Eesti Mootorrattaspordi...
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Rallikrossisõitja Romet Tsirna saavutas tugeva RallyX sarja etapil teise koha

Rallikrossisõitja Romet Tsirna (LifeLive TN11) saavutas Soomes Kouvolas sõidetud tugeva RallyX sarja kolmandal etapil krosskartide klassis teise koha. 4WD Open klassis sai Maiko Tamm (Ford...
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Vajad ruume seminariks või kontserdiks? Wasa Resorti Kuurordi Seminarikeskus on kõigeks valmis! 

Vajad ruume seminariks või kontserdiks? Wasa Resorti Kuurordi Seminarikeskus on kõigeks valmis! 

Pärnu maagilisel rannapromenaadil asuval Wasa Resortil on ettevõtetele ja ürituste korraldajatele rõõmusõnumeid! Lisaks 150 külalist majutavale neljatärnispaahotellile pakub Wasa Resort võimalust korraldada ka suuremaid üritusi...
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How F1’s top teams went all in with their Monaco rear wings

Cost cap restrictions have sometimes led teams to question whether the investment of a Monaco-only rear wing is worth it, or whether they are better...
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The simple rule change that could make the Monaco GP exciting again

As F1 machinery has grown ever bigger and heavier, it is clear the cars have outgrown the famous streets in terms of being able to...
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Explained: How the WRC’s sprint rally trial will work in Sardinia

The WRC and the FIA are keen to offer more varied event formats going forward, which could see more compact sprint events and longer endurance...
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Bagnaia “tired of losing points” to title rivals in MotoGP sprint races

Although two-time champion Bagnaia has been one of the star performers this year on the new GP24, the Italian hasn’t been able to convert his...
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Rally Italy Sardinia 2024 form guide

The European gravel season is underway and, after an action-packed Rally Portugal three weeks ago, we’re back at it with Rally Italia Sardegna. A quick......
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Superkrossi esiveoliste võitja Henri Muld: see oli elu üks ägedamaid sõite

LaitseRallyPark´is sõidetud superkossi karikavõistluste etapil osavõturohkeima esiveoliste klassi võitnud Henri Muld ütleb, et laupäevane võistlus oli tema elu üks ägedamaid. “Adrenaliin oli kogu aeg üleval:...
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Uut Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsporti esitletakse juba saabuval nädalavahetusel

Uut Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsporti esitletakse juba saabuval nädalavahetusel

Volkswagen tähistab oma ikoonilise Golf luukpära 50ndat juubelit sellel nädalavahetusel Nürburgring 24-tunni sõidul, kus esitletakse kõige fokusseeritumat esiveolist Golfi ja seda siis GTI Clubsport variandina.Loe...
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BMW ideeauto Skytop saab V-8-mootori ja on lootust, et seda hakatakse ka tootma

BMW ideeauto Skytop saab V-8-mootori ja on lootust, et seda hakatakse ka tootma

Saksa autotootja uus ideeauto vihjab, et tulevikus võib taas üle pika aja tulla müügile rariteetne ja piiratud tootmisarvuga sportauto sarnaselt kunagise Z8-ga.Loe "BMW ideeauto Skytop...
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Leitud Eesti registrist: nende kolme autoga tahaks küll sõita!

Leitud Eesti registrist: nende kolme autoga tahaks küll sõita!

See siin on rubriik, kus ilma mingi valehäbita otsime kontakti väga, väga eriliste autode omanikega lootuses, et nad on kõik väga lahked ja toredad inimesed...
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Ainulaadne asukoht ja hõrgud kulinaarsed naudingud – see on Kliff! 

Ainulaadne asukoht ja hõrgud kulinaarsed naudingud – see on Kliff! 

Sel suvel avab Saaremaal Panga pankrannikul oma uksed ainulaadne Kliff Butiik Majutus & Restoran. See on koht, kus looduslik ilu kohtub kaasaegse disaini ja kulinaarsete...
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Kuula: 24.05 Autotund: hooaja esimene Open Track ja kuidas ning kus oma maasturit proovile panna

Kuula: 24.05 Autotund: hooaja esimene Open Track ja kuidas ning kus oma maasturit proovile panna

Selles saates on kaks teemat, aga see-eest suured ja põhjalikud ning selleks on appi tulnud Raiko Ausmees Masinawärgist ja off-roadi spetsialist ning Eesti autospordi liidu...
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Enefit Volti autolaadijate võrk sai arvestatavat lisa

Enefit Volti autolaadijate võrk sai arvestatavat lisa

205 laadijast koosnev laadimisvõrk on saanud veelgi täiendust. Vaata järele, kus uued laadijad avati ning kas mõni neist ka kodu- või töökoha läheduses asub.Loe "Enefit...
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Alonso mistakenly believed he finished 10th in F1 Monaco GP

The Aston Martin driver spent much of the race playing the team game in building up a gap for Lance Stroll, which the Canadian could...
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Why Zhou was Sainz’s Monaco GP podium saviour

Sainz controversially benefitted from being allowed to take his original third place on the grid for the Monaco restart after its early red flag, with...
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Eleport on ainuõige valik elektriauto laadimisel Baltikumis ja Poolas 

Eleport on ainuõige valik elektriauto laadimisel Baltikumis ja Poolas 

Elektriautode populaarsus on viimastel aastatel kiiresti kasvanud, koos sellega on kasvanud ka vajadus elektriautode avaliku laadimise järele. Eesti teedel sõidab ligikaudu 6500 elektriautot ehk igapäevaselt...
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Kahest silindrist kaheksani ehk kui palju võtab hobiauto kütust?

Kahest silindrist kaheksani ehk kui palju võtab hobiauto kütust?

„Keda see huvitab?” kõlas üks reaktsioon, kui tekkis idee minna hobi­autode kütusekulu mõõtma. Aga keda ei huvitaks, kui palju kütust võtab Fiati 0,5-liitrine mootor võrreldes...
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Päeva kuulutus: tuntud kunstnik müüb erilist nõukogude “tank-traktorit”

Päeva kuulutus: tuntud kunstnik müüb erilist nõukogude “tank-traktorit”

Ei juhtu just tihti, et metsatehnika kuulutuste seast leiab tanki baasil ehitatud liikureid. Just sellise masina on aga skulptor Mati Karmin müüki pannud.Loe "Päeva kuulutus:...
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Filling in for Larson at Coke 600 “a lot of fun” for Allgaier

Allgaier, who competes full-time in the Xfinity Series for JR Motorsports, was the designated fill-in driver for Kyle Larson in his well-planned attempt to compete...
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Brad Keselowski: Coke 600 win “slipped through our fingers”

By the third stage in Coca-Cola 600, Keselowski’s No. 6 RFK Racing Ford was one of the fastest cars on the track and he was running...
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Alpine not ruling out F1 driver line-up change after latest Ocon/Gasly clash

The French manufacturer nearly had both its cars out of the Monaco Grand Prix early on after Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly collided on the...
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“Angry” Acosta says Barcelona MotoGP podium “put in the bin” by bike issue

The Tech3 GasGas rider – who turned 20 over the Barcelona weekend – scored a second sprint podium of the season on Saturday and was...
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Lancia announces long-awaited return to rallying

The news ahead of this weekend's Rally Sardinia follows months of speculation linking the Italian manufacturer, the most successful in World Rally Championship history having...
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Ducati won’t make 2025 factory MotoGP seat decision at Mugello

Over the last few weeks, Ducati management has suggested that it wants to make a decision on who partners Bagnaia in 2025 by the Mugello...
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Ten things we learned at the 2024 F1 Monaco Grand Prix

It was a thrilling edition of a race steeped in history, worthy of joining those that came before it in the stratosphere of motorsport's memorable...
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Five things you may have missed from F1’s Monaco Grand Prix

Perez damage bill up to three million euros, warns MarkoRed Bull advisor Helmut Marko reckons Sergio Perez's massive Lap 1 crash could cost the team...
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Rally Italy Sardinia 2024: entry list + itinerary

With Rally Portugal complete, the traditional gravel season of the World Rally Championship is now well under way. Portugal delivered drama aplenty, and that theme......
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Neuville: more of the same in Sardinia

Going into Rally Portugal, Thierry Neuville must have had doubts about the security of his championship lead. Extending his advantage as far as 24 points......
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Lancia reveals new rally car

As predicted by DirtFish last month, Lancia has confirmed its return to rallying. The Stellantis-owned brand has delivered a preview of its all-new Ypsilon Rally4......
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Is Hyundai getting the credit it deserves?

Before Rally Portugal earlier this month, when was the last time Hyundai departed a round of the World Rally Championship with a clear lead in......
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Järjekordne julgustav Spa külastus Alex Reimannile ja EST1 Racingule 

Möödunud nädalavahetusel sõideti konkurentsitiheda GT Cup Europe sarja kolmas etapp Belgias Spa-Francorchampsi ringrajal. Teiste hulgas jätkas oma Porsche roolis järjest rohkem hoogu koguvat hooaega ka...
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Türil startis uus vigursõidusari

Türil algas kuuest etapist koosnev Kabisa vigursõidusari. Noorteklassides oli parimad Oliver Takk ja Ralf Puusepp. Sarja üks eestvedaja Pärt Õlekõrs mainis, et avaetapi rada oli...
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Gordejev ja Niitsoo olid heas hoos Prantsusmaa MM-etapil

Külgvankrite motokrossi maailmameistrivõistluste komas etapp toimus möödunud nädalavahetusel Prantsusmaal Plomioni krossirajal. Meie korvipaar Gert Gordejev ja Sten Niitsoo tegid seal tänavuse hooaja parima tulemuse saades...
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Ida-Virumaal Pühajõel toimus sel laupäeval, 25. mail Eesti esimene motoveteranide kokkutulek.

Lisaks vanade aegade meenutamisele tegid legendid mõned ringid ka tsikli seljas. Juhan Laansoo ja EMF koostöös korraldati motolegendide kokkutulek, toimus tsiklite kolonn Pühajõe-Toila-Voka, demosõidud krossirajal,...
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Pühajõe motoveteranide kokkutuleku galerii

Fotod: BearSup Photos The post Pühajõe motoveteranide kokkutuleku galerii appeared first on Eesti Mootorrattaspordi Föderatsioon. _____________________________ Allikas: Eesti Mootorrattaspordi Föderatsioon -
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Vormel 2 liider Paul Aron: edu on toonud järjepidevus

Monaco etapiga vormel 2 sarja liidriks tõusnud Paul Aron tõi võistlusjärgsel pressikonverentsil välja, et edu on toonud järjepidevus. Monaco etapil sai Aron (Hitech Pulse-Eight) sprindis...
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Kuum Pärnu võõrustas noorte motokrossi euroopa meistrivõistluste teist etappi

25-26. mail toimus Pärnu lennuvälja krossirajal EMX85 ja EMX65 klasside Kirde regiooni teine ja otsustav etapp. Mõlemas võistlusklassis jõudsid poodiumile ka Eesti sõitjad. Lisaks noortele...
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Kardisportlane Albert Tamm võitis Šveitsi meistrivõistlustel; eestlased Lätis poodiumil

Albert Tamm võitis Franciacortas peetud kardispordi Šveitsi meistrivõistluste etapil Mini kvalifikatsiooni ja võistlussõidu. Teises võistlussõidus ületas eestlane finišijoone kolmandana, kuid tagas finaali parima stardikoha 25...
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Kardisportlane Konrad Karjus sai Soomes teise koha

Kardisportlane Konrad Karjus sai Soome meistrivõistluste esimesel osavõistlusel klassis Mini 60 teise koha. Kardispordi Soome meistrivõistlused viiakse läbi viie osavõistlusena kümneetapilisena, ühel nädalavahetusel kaks etappi....
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FIM MiniGP Balti sarja avaetapi võit läks Lätti

Pühapäeval sai Aravete kardirajal avalöögi noortele ringrajasõitjatele mõeldud FIM MiniGP Balti sari ja esimese võistluse võitis Timur Ščičko Lätist. Eesti, Läti ja Leedu mootorrattaspordi föderatsioonide...
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Euroopa MV Pärnu 2024 pühapäeva fotod

26.05.2024 toimunud Euroopa MV kirde regiooni etapist Pärnu motopargis. Fotod: Igor Tseskidov The post Euroopa MV Pärnu 2024 pühapäeva fotod appeared first on Eesti Mootorrattaspordi...
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Euroopa MV Pärnu 2024 laupäeva fotod

25.05.2024 toimunud Euroopa MV kirde regiooni etapist Pärnu motopargis. Fotod: Igor Tseskidov The post Euroopa MV Pärnu 2024 laupäeva fotod appeared first on Eesti Mootorrattaspordi...
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Leclerc struggled to see through tears on way to Monaco GP win

The Monegasque led every lap of this year's edition of the Monte Carlo race, ending a long quest for a home win - a venue...
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Pearn: “So many” NASCAR Cup drivers could pull off Indy-Charlotte Double

Only a handful of drivers have stepped up to the daunting task of trying to complete 1,100 miles as part of ‘The Double’ on Sunday...
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Indy 500: Newgarden goes back-to-back with last-lap pass on O’Ward

Despite a four-hour rain delay, the clouds diminished and an intense battle finished as the sun set on more than 300,000 fans at the Indianapolis...
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Charlotte Motor Speedway unveils changes to NASCAR Roval layout

CMS unveiled the Roval layout in 2018 – a 2.28-mile combination of the oval and an infield road course which added a road course event...
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Indy 500: Blomqvist error triggers multi-car crash on opening lap

Blomqvist, who started 25th, was rolling into Turn 1 when he drifted the No. 66 Meyer Shank Racing Honda under the white line and touched...
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Kyle Larson commits to running Indy 500, will miss start of Coke 600

It was the scenario Larson hoped to avoid in his bid to become the fifth driver to complete 'The Double' -- 1,100 miles of racing on...
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Bastianini admits he deliberately ignored penalty orders in Catalan GP

The factory Ducati rider was battling with Gresini’s Alex Marquez at the outer reaches of the top 10 in Sunday’s 24-lap Catalan GP when he...
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Verstappen: F1 Monaco GP was not really racing

The Red Bull driver started and finished in sixth place, as the whole of the top 10 remained unchanged, in a race starved of action...
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Gasly: Ocon has to change after “unnecessary” crash at F1 Monaco GP

Alpine had its best qualifying result of the season in the principality, with Gasly and Ocon qualifying 10th and 11th respectively on a track where...
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Wolff: Mercedes got Hamilton undercut messaging “completely wrong” in F1 Monaco GP

Verstappen ultimately finished sixth, one place ahead of Hamilton, in a race determined by tyre management as the top 10 on the grid remained in...
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MotoGP Catalan GP: Bagnaia wins from Martin, Marquez as Acosta crashes

Bagnaia looked on course to take the sprint victory on Saturday when he crashed out of the lead on the final lap.Biding his time in...
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DTM Lausitzring: Preining outsmarts Audi duo to take Sunday win

Manthey EMA’s Preining fell behind both van de Linde and Feller at one stage, but quickly repassed the Abt Audi duo to claim his first...
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MotoGP Catalan GP: Full Moto2 and Moto3 race results

The 18-lap Moto3 contest opened up Sunday’s race programme and proved to be another typical Barcelona slipstream fest.Championship leader Alonso prevailed as he faced high...
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Perez surprised Magnussen not penalised for Monaco first-lap shunt

The Mexican sustained a heavy crash after contact with the Haas driver at Beau Rivage, as Magnussen attempted to thread his car down the inside...
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Severe weather delays start of the Indianapolis 500

Indianapolis Motor Speedway released the following statement just after 11 a.m. EST in anticipation of the storms moving in:"Given the proximity of lightning moving toward...
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F1 Monaco GP: Leclerc takes home win in processional race

An audibly ecstatic Leclerc crossed the line 7.1s clear of Piastri to claim his first-ever victory at the Monaco street circuit, after overcoming the Australian...
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Bagnaia wanted to “bust a myth” with Turn 5 pass on Martin in Catalan GP

Bagnaia scored a key victory in Sunday's race at Barcelona after coming on top in a close duel with title rival Martin, overtaking him on...
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Marquez “not proud” of recent MotoGP comebacks after latest podium

The Gresini Ducati rider failed to get out of Q1 two weeks ago at the French GP but managed to recover from 13th on the grid...
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Hulkenberg: Perez/Magnussen Monaco crash “unnecessary, stupid”

On the uphill romp towards Massenet, Red Bull driver Perez and Magnussen tangled wheels, sending Perez into a heavy crash that red-flagged the race.The chasing...
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F1 Monaco GP red-flagged as Perez and Magnussen crash

Ferrari's Charles Leclerc had just led away easily from pole ahead of McLaren driver Oscar Piastri, while behind Carlos Sainz first attacked Piastri at Ste...
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Meeke’s Portuguese learning means less Ireland for Leckey

Kris Meeke may have been making headlines in 2024, but he’s not the only Northern Irishman enjoying a Portuguese comeback. Former Killarney Rally of the......
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ARA’s weakness is also its biggest strength

Cultural differences. I’m still getting used to them as a European venturing into the United States of America. There’s the small stuff: the prices on......
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Shanghai E-Prix: McLaren’s Hughes beats Vandoorne to pole by 0.001s

The Briton found himself a tenth down on Vandoorne after the opening sector at the Shanghai International Circuit, with Formula E using a truncated layout...
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NASCAR Coke 600: Byron spins but leads practice; Reddick penalized

The top four best average lap speeds all came from the first 20-minute session on Saturday with Byron leading the way at 181.317 mph.Tyler Reddick...
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Dixon: Honda “seems more level” with Chevy in Indy 500 race trim

Chevrolet-powered teams occupied the top eight spots in qualifying, including a clean sweep of the Fast Six led by pole-sitter Scott McLaughlin in the No....
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Chase Elliott earns first NASCAR Xfinity win since 2016

Elliott, making his first start of the season with Hendrick’s No. 17 Chevrolet team, struggled from the start but was among a handful of teams...
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Why Russell got new Mercedes F1 front wing over Hamilton in Monaco

Speaking about the 0.078 seconds gap between them as they lined up fifth and seventh, Hamilton was eager to suggest that he never had any...
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Haas F1 duo disqualified from Monaco qualifying over rear wing breach

After qualifying, the FIA's scrutineering team found the DRS clearance on both Haas cars to be greater than the maximum allowed opening of 85mm.The matter...
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When a championship-winning NASCAR crew chief engineered an Indy 500 team

Cole Pearn cut his teeth in NASCAR’s top level, helping guide Martin Truex Jr. to 24 wins over five seasons and the 2017 Cup title.After...
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McLaren: F1 Monaco GP banner issues ‘unacceptable’

The Monaco weekend has been blighted by the banners that cover the Armco barriers around the Monte Carlo street circuit repeatedly coming away.In some areas,...
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Haas faces F1 Monaco GP disqualification for rear wing breach

After qualifying both Haas drivers were found to have a rear wing with a DRS clearance that exceeds the maximum permitted limit of 85mm on...
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NASCAR Coke 600: Ty Gibbs beats Byron to first career pole

After a brief delay for some light drizzle, Gibbs rocketed to top of the leaderboard in the final round of Saturday’s qualifying with an average lap...
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The exclusive list of NASCAR Cup champions with Indy 500 starts

Only five NASCAR Cup Series drivers have ventured into the world of American open-wheel racing. Among that group, only five were or went on to...
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All you need to know about the 2025 Dakar

There are few motorsport events in the world, especially those celebrating a 47th birthday in 2025, that have been able to merge tradition with innovation in......
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Ajaloolise Soomes sõidetud Eesti autoralli meistrivõistluste etapi parimad olid Urmo Aava / Janno Siitan

Terminal autoralli Eesti meistrivõistluste hooaja kolmas etapp jätkus laupäeva hommikul ja võistlejaid ootasid ees kuus kiiruskatset, millest pärast erinevaid seisakuid sõideti ära viis. Mad-Croc Länsirannikon...
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Pirelli set for new extreme wet-weather F1 tyre test with Ferrari

The two-day test will consist of a day of dry running with 2025 prototype slick compounds, before the track is made wet for day two...
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F1 Monaco GP: Leclerc leads Verstappen and Hamilton in FP3

The session was red-flagged after the opening 10 minutes when Valtteri Bottas clipped the Swimming Pool exit wall, an impact that broke the front-right suspension...
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“Why are we doing this?”: Bob Varsha recalls the doomed 1996 U.S. 500 

Once upon a time, open-wheel racing dominated the American motorsports scene. The CART (Championship Auto Racing Teams) IndyCar series was enormously successful, even poaching reigning...
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F3 Monaco: Tsolov takes maiden win in disrupted sprint race

The ART driver was rarely threatened as team-mate Laurens van Hoepen dropped to third behind Tim Tramnitz at the start and was unable to recover...
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Evans “shocked”, “annoyed” at lack of Formula E penalty for Wehrlein in Shanghai

Jaguar’s Evans took victory in the first of two races this weekend at the Shanghai International Circuit, having taken the lead on the final lap...
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MotoGP Catalan GP: Espargaro snatches pole; Martin crashes and Marquez 14th

On Saturday ahead of this weekend’s sixth round of the 2024 season, Espargaro grabbed a first pole of the season with a new lap record...
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Aprilia hints at Espargaro MotoGP replacement preference

On Thursday ahead of the Catalan Grand Prix, three-time MotoGP race winner Espargaro announced he will be retiring from racing at the end of the...
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Why risk still trumps tyre temps in Monaco’s F1 pole fight

Getting the front and rear Pirellis into their perfect grip window can help unlock those extra hundredths that can make all the difference between pole...
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Red Bull: Staff shouldn’t “bear the brunt” of F1 cost cap changes

The FIA is looking to include many more items into the cost cap from 2026 onwards, with an initial target figure of around $220 million.Some...
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F1 Monaco GP qualifying – Start time, how to watch, TV channel

Ferrari's Charles Leclerc set the pace in Friday practice ahead of Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton and Aston Martin driver Fernando Alonso.Runaway championship leader Max Verstappen made...
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Shanghai E-Prix: DS Penske’s Vergne beats Rowland to pole

Vergne set a mighty opening sector at the Shanghai International Circuit, Formula E’s first visit to the venue which is using a different layout to...
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Sanchez holds off Heim for NASCAR Truck win at Charlotte

Sanchez, who opened the season with his first career win at Daytona, chased down Christian Eckes to take the lead for the first time with...
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Shanghai E-Prix: Evans wins with last-lap pass but remains under investigation

Evans and Pascal Wehrlein dominated the majority of the 29-lap race at the Shanghai International Circuit, each leading for large portions around the truncated grand...
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F1 discussing new team $600 million dilution fund formula

Discussions have begun between teams and F1’s commercial rights holder about the terms of a new Concorde Agreement deal that will define how the series...
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Can Ogier end an eight-year wait in Sardinia?

HL Can Ogier end an eight-year wait in Sardinia? SH Superstar Frenchman has enjoyed an outstanding start to the season. Can he continue it in......
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Plaan paigas: Tallinn ostab 76 miljoni euro eest uusi ühissõidukeid

Plaan paigas: Tallinn ostab 76 miljoni euro eest uusi ühissõidukeid

Pealinn soovib ühistranspordi uuele tasemele viia ning seepärast plaantiakse hankida kümneid uusi ühissõidukeid.Loe "Plaan paigas: Tallinn ostab 76 miljoni euro eest uusi ühissõidukeid" täispikka artiklit...
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On vähemalt üks hea põhjus, miks eelistada matkaautot lennukile!

On vähemalt üks hea põhjus, miks eelistada matkaautot lennukile!

Suvi on hea aeg reisimiseks ja uute kohtade avastamiseks. Kuid kuidas seda kõige paremini teha – kas lennates kiirelt sihtkohta või hoopis kruiisides matkaautoga?Loe "On...
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Jeep Avenger 4xe on maasturi uus nelikveoline hübriidversioon

Jeep Avenger 4xe on maasturi uus nelikveoline hübriidversioon

Möödunud aastal Euroopa aasta auto tiitliga pärjatud Jeep Avengeri väikemaastur saab lõpuks nelikveolise versiooni, mis margi nime ka väärib. Maastiku läbimise võimekust on samuti parandatud.Loe...
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Autoliidud kritiseerivad kehvasti põhjendatud parkimiskeeldu.  “See poleks liiklusohutuse mõttes hea”

Autoliidud kritiseerivad kehvasti põhjendatud parkimiskeeldu. “See poleks liiklusohutuse mõttes hea”

Kullertransport muutub järjest populaarsemaks, kuid samal ajal üritab riik täielikult keelata kõnnitee servas autoga peatumise, kritiseerivad Eesti Logistika ja Ekspedeerimise Assotsiatsioon (ELEA) ja Eesti Autoomanike...
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IndyCar provides update to dashed white line and penalties for Indy 500

After much anticipation and debate, IndyCar shared how the dashed white line at the exit of Turn 4 to the pit entry attenuator will be...
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Brown: Ilott on McLaren’s “consideration list” for 2025 IndyCar drive

Ilott has been called upon on multiple occasions by Arrow McLaren through the early part of the 2024 campaign in the IndyCar Series, including Sunday’s...
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Allgaier “the lucky one” as Larson’s standby driver for Coke 600

What contribution Allgaier ultimately makes remains up in the air as it will be dictated by weather conditions in Indianapolis on Sunday.Larson, the fifth driver to...
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What we learned from Friday practice at the 2024 F1 Monaco GP

Charles Leclerc and Ferrari ended Friday on top at Formula 1’s 2024 Monaco Grand Prix – the home hero in command in FP2, while Red...
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Legge and DCR trying to find the right balance for Indy 500

The Briton has been put through a challenging time trying to rein in the No. 51 Dale Coyne Racing with Rick Ware Racing Honda, with...
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Perez: Ferrari “not reachable” for F1 rivals in Monaco so far

The Monegasque was just under 0.2 seconds clear of Lewis Hamilton in the second free practice session at the Monte Carlo circuit, and half a...
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Indy 500: Dixon leads final Carb Day practice at 227.206mph

Dixon, a six-time IndyCar Series champion and 2008 Indy 500 winner, throttled to a flying lap of 227.206mph around the 2.5-mile Indianapolis Motor Speedway.“Yeah, I...
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Shanghai E-Prix: Nato and Vergne share FP2 top spot as cause of software issue revealed

The Frenchmen finished joint fastest in Saturday morning’s FP2 after both the Andretti and DS Penske drivers posted a 1m13.430s.Porsche’s Pascal Wehrlein took third only...
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Former NHRA champ Tanner Gray earns first ARCA win at Charlotte

Gray, a former NHRA Pro Stock champion, earned his first national series victory in a stock car in impressive fashion with his win in the...
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Logano fine with NASCAR waiting for Larson “as long as it’s within reason”

Larson is driving the No. 17 Arrow McLaren-Hendrick Chevrolet in the 108th running of the Indy 500 while also competing full-time in the Cup Series...
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The call that changed Hannu Mikkola’s life

Today would have been Hannu Mikkola’s 82nd birthday. What better way to remember and celebrate the two-time world champion than to go back in time......
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Why 2027 has to return rallying to the people

We’ve gone too far. Rally1 crossed a line. We’ve forgotten who we are, where we come from. Yes, rallying is about pushing boundaries, but it’s......
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New ARA winner Cordero plotting return with WRC car

Ricardo Cordero has seen enough. The three-time NACAM champion came to Oregon Trail Rally as a warm-up event for his next championship round north of......
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FOTOD. Mad-Croc Länsirannikon ralli avapäeva eestlaste parima tulemuse sõitsid välja neljandat kohta hoidvad Egon Kaur / Allan Birjukov

Reede õhtul anti start Terminal autoralli Eesti meistrivõistluste hooaja kolmandale etapile, mis esmakordselt Eesti autoralli ajaloos sõidetakse Soomes. Mad-Croc Länsirannikon ralli avapäeval sõideti kaks kiiruskatset...
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Alex Reimann ja EST1 Racing sukelduvad Belgias kirjusse GT konkurentsi

Sel nädalavahetusel sõidetakse GT Cup Europe sarja kolmas etapp Belgias Spa-Francorchampsi ringrajal, kus must-oranži Porschega jätkavad oma põnevat hooaega ka Alex Reimann ning EST1 Racing...
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How Magnussen will race under F1 ban threat for 11 months

Under F1’s penalty points system – introduced in 2014 – some of his rivals have approached the threshold of 12 points and automatic suspension for...
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Galerii: BMW avaldas erilise kunstiauto, mis osaleb järgmisel kuul Le Mans’i 24-tunni sõidul

Galerii: BMW avaldas erilise kunstiauto, mis osaleb järgmisel kuul Le Mans’i 24-tunni sõidul

BMW poolt alustatud kunstiauto programm on 1975. aastast muutnud erinevad margi sport- ja võidusõiduautod sõitvateks kunstiteosteks. Pea 50 aasta jooksul on muuhulgas oma panuse teinud...
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The MotoGP candidates who could replace retiring Aleix Espargaro

Thanks to Espargaro's efforts since 2017, the RS-GP has become one of the grid's best packages, with the Spaniard having won three times on it...
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Why Williams may not be such a crazy F1 choice for Sainz

But as paddock whispers emerged in Monaco that the Spaniard is in talks with the Grove-based squad, a deeper analysis of what the team can...
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Why Hannu Mikkola turned Lancia down

When Audi’s senior management invited Hannu Mikkola into the office, he had an idea what was coming. This was 1986, the World Rally Championship was......
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F3 drivers unimpressed by controversial Macau GP Formula Regional switch

F3 cars became the headline act of the Macau Grand Prix weekend in 1983, replacing the Formula Pacific cars that had contested the event since...
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Kuidas jälgida Mad-Croc Länsirannikon rallit?

Täna/reede õhtul kell 19.30 antakse Soomes Turus start Terminal autoralli Eesti meistrivõistluste kolmandale etapile, Mad-Croc Länsirannikon rallile. Järgnevalt praktiline info Mad-Croc Länsirannikon ralli 2024 jälgimiseks:...
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How Espargaro “silenced many mouths” during his underdog MotoGP career

Whenever an 'exceptional press conference' is quickly ushered into the MotoGP weekend schedule for a single rider, it usually means only one thing: retirement.Growing up...
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2024 NASCAR Coke 600 at Charlotte schedule, entry list, and how to watch

Last weekend, Joey Logano took a dominant win in the NASCAR All-Star Race, leading 199 of 200 laps from pole position.However, the story was all...
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Palou “struggling a little bit more” compared to last year’s Indy 500

Palou stormed to pole for last year’s edition of “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing,” leading the charge for Chip Ganassi Racing (CGR) as all four...
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Ty Gibbs believes he’s “definitely close” to first Cup win

Ty Gibbs has shown no signs of a “sophomore slump” in his NASCAR Cup career and in fact looks closer than ever to earning his...
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How NASCAR’s longest race became a proving ground for rising stars

Of course, it's a bit strange to think that inexperienced drivers seem to shine in this grueling five-hour race, but it's happened enough for it...
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F1 says Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia eyeing races

With F1 satisfied that its three races in the United States are enough for that market, attention has shifted to other regions to capture a...
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Grosjean on Ferrucci feud: “I don’t think we play in the same field”

The pair have tangled on multiple occasions each of the last two race weekends, with Ferrucci recently citing payback in practice at the last round on the...
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Verstappen: Red Bull now needs to be at 100% in F1, and hasn’t been

Verstappen and Red Bull's dominance since the second half of 2022 has been such that the Dutchman has largely cruised to his second and third...
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Williams in advanced talks with Sainz over 2025 F1 deal

Sainz's future has been the subject of intense speculation over recent weeks as he bids to finalise a race seat for next year.He is known...
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FIA urged to delete best laps of F1 drivers causing Monaco red flags

Yellow and red flags in qualifying can be particularly disruptive on the tight confines of the Monte Carlo street circuit, something which has been exploited...
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Ainult kliima täitmisest ei piisa! Mida veel on vaja, et süsteem toimiks? 

Ainult kliima täitmisest ei piisa! Mida veel on vaja, et süsteem toimiks? 

Kuumal suvepäeval on auto kliimaseade asendamatu, jahutades salongi ja luues sõiduks meeldiva keskkonna. Kuid seda mugavust saad nautida muidugi vaid siis, kui kliimaseade on töökorras....
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Kia EV3: esmamuljed esitluselt ja intervjuu Kia Euroopa turundusjuhiga

Kia EV3: esmamuljed esitluselt ja intervjuu Kia Euroopa turundusjuhiga

Kia tutvustas hiljuti Frankfurdis oma kolmandat täielikult elektrilisele platvormile loodud mudelit, milleks on kompaktne linnamaastur EV3. Loe "Kia EV3: esmamuljed esitluselt ja intervjuu Kia Euroopa...
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Video: need õnnetusse sattunud mootorratturid on teistele hoiatuseks

Video: need õnnetusse sattunud mootorratturid on teistele hoiatuseks

Liiklusjärelvalvekeskus pani kokku video, kus oli hoiatuseks seatud ritta hooletute mootorratturitega juhtunud õnnetusi. Samuti toodi rida näpunäiteid ohutuks liiklemiseks.Loe "Video: need õnnetusse sattunud mootorratturid on...
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Schumacher family wins legal action over fake AI interview

Die Aktuelle caused huge controversy when it published a front-page feature claiming to have a “first interview” with Schumacher since his 2013 skiing accident.Inside, and...
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WRC legend Petter Solberg set for rally comeback in ERC

The 2003 world champion will make a comeback at the Royal Rally of Scandinavia in Sweden, which hosts the third round of the ERC from...
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Tudengid hakkavad uut Eesti päikeseautot arendama koos Enefitiga

Tudengid hakkavad uut Eesti päikeseautot arendama koos Enefitiga

Rahvusvaheline energiaettevõte Enefit lõi käed Solaride’iga ja asus päikeseautosid arendava MTÜ liikmeks. Koostöö eesmärk on ehitada Austraalias toimuva päikeseautode maailmameistrivõistluste võiduauto.Loe "Tudengid hakkavad uut Eesti...
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Mootorratastega juhtuvad õnnetused: mida saab parandada ja millal mitte?

Mootorratastega juhtuvad õnnetused: mida saab parandada ja millal mitte?

Kevadel ja suvel, kui liiklusesse tuleb rohkem kaherattalisi, toimub ka rohkem õnnetusi. Räägime, mida oodata, kui õnnetus on juhtunud.Loe "Mootorratastega juhtuvad õnnetused: mida saab parandada...
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Mercedes-AMG PureSpeed näitab eriti rariteetsete mudelite tulevikku

Mercedes-AMG PureSpeed näitab eriti rariteetsete mudelite tulevikku

Uue PureSpeed kontseptauto avaldamisega avab Mercedes-AMG ukse eksklusiivsete erimudelite maailma. Need pakuvad justkui coach build lähenemist, kus autode disain on viidud järgmisele tasemele.Loe "Mercedes-AMG PureSpeed...
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Alonso bullish Aston Martin “will fix things quicker than other F1 teams”

Aston Martin came out of the blocks flying in 2023 with six podiums for the Spaniard across the first eight races.But as rivals Mercedes, Ferrari...
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Pagenaud to drive de Ferran’s 2003 Indy 500 winner at IMS

De Ferran, who was the 2000 and 2001 CART IndyCar champion for Penske, passed away in December at the age of 56 following a heart...
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Sainz confident of not missing competitive F1 drive as Audi deadline looms

The Spaniard is out of contract at the end of this season after Ferrari elected to replace him with Lewis Hamilton for 2025.He is still...
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Preview: What to look out for in the 2024 Indy 500

This Sunday's 108th edition of the Indianapolis 500 is the most prestigious event of the IndyCar season, as 33 cars vie for the honour of...
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Barcelona MotoGP upgrades highlighting philosophy differences at Yamaha and Honda

The championship’s two Japanese manufacturers have been working hard over the last few months to close the gap to their European rivals and return to...
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Conquest Ferrari squad adds Serra for Detroit IMSA GTD Pro class entry

Eric Bachelart’s team makes the jump as there is no pro-am GTD class presence at the event, which is labeled the Detroit SportsCar Classic.Regular driver...
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What A2RL was like on the ground

It’s fair to say that the idea of a fully autonomous race raised more than a few eyebrows. In the automotive space, attempts at autonomous...
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Three-time MotoGP winner Aleix Espargaro announces retirement

The 34-year-old Spaniard made the announcement on Thursday afternoon ahead of his home Catalan Grand Prix at Barcelona, where he won both the Saturday and...
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Rally1 to remain until end of 2026

Rally1 cars will remain at the forefront of the World Rally Championship until the end of 2026, providing the FIA’s World Motor Sport Council agrees......
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Solberg on the Rocky road to a rallying return

What do you do when your car is calling you? You answer it. And, if you’re Petter Solberg, you take it to the European Rally......
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Ogier dispenses advice to winless team-mate Katsuta

Takamoto Katsuta’s World Rally Championship campaign in 2024 has been a mixture of promise and frustration. Fridays have been Katsuta’s domain. He led the way......
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Nädalavahetus autospordis: vigursõidust Monaco Grand Prix´ni

Nädalavahetusel võisteldakse Eestis vigur- ja maastikusõidus, superkrossis ning mitmed Eesti autosportlased stardivad välismaal. Nädalavahetusel on mängus ka Terminal autoralli Eesti meistrivõistluste punktid, seda aga Soome...
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Veoautod võistlevad 29. juunil Missos koos sõiduautodega

Autokrossi Inten Eesti meistrivõistluste teine etapp toimub 29. juunil Misso rallikrossirajal koos Misso Karika neljanda etapiga. “11. mail Raassillal peetud autokrossi ja rahvakrossi ühine võistlus...
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Dorna expects to make Indian MotoGP round decision imminently

Last week, announced that the Buddh International Circuit round, initially scheduled for 20-22 September, is set to be axed from the calendar after the...
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MotoGP Catalan Grand Prix: Start time, how to watch and more

MotoGP will visit the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya this weekend for the Catalan Grand Prix. Last year’s race was won by Aprilia Racing’s Aleix Espargaro in his...
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Does Ferrari have an F1 engine power problem in qualifying?

For the Emilia-Romagna event, Ferrari had arrived at the first of two home races fielding considerable attention given its comprehensive first upgrade package was being...
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Autod keelatud! Pärnu muudab liikluse ranna lähistel jalakäijakesksemaks

Autod keelatud! Pärnu muudab liikluse ranna lähistel jalakäijakesksemaks

Supeluse tänav on suvisel ajal autovaba olnud üsna mitu aastat. Sel sügisel on aga plaanis pikema perspektiiviga muutused.Loe "Autod keelatud! Pärnu muudab liikluse ranna lähistel...
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Marco Andretti credits Hampson, Wickens for stronger 2024 Indy 500 bid

While Andretti has always been regarded as a threat during the Month of May, it has been a decade since he was in a proper...
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Brett Moffitt returns to JGR to run Iowa NASCAR Xfinity race

Moffitt, who competed in what is now the ARCA East series for JGR early in his career, will drive the No. 19 Toyota for the...
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RB targets improvements to F1 starts that are “hurting” says Ricciardo

The team’s VCARB 01 is showing some impressive speed in qualifying – with its two cars having got into Q3 at Imola last weekend –...
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The drivers who could become Britain’s next F1 winners

His long-awaited maiden Formula 1 victory in Miami made Lando Norris the 21st driver from the United Kingdom to become a grand prix winner. More...
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Flying high in Oregon with Team DirtFish

What was Sean Edwards doing? In the middle of the night – in the middle of the Oregon Trail Rally – the world’s fastest Volvo driver was......
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Digging deeper into a truly extraordinary ARA round

Oregon Trail Rally threw plenty of curveballs. The headline, naturally, was both Subaru factory cars retiring within a mile of one another and opening the......
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Teen mais avarii ja mu autol on naastrehvid – kas kindlustus tuleb appi?

Teen mais avarii ja mu autol on naastrehvid – kas kindlustus tuleb appi?

Praegu ei tohi enam küll naastrehvidega sõita, aga mis saab siis, kuid rehvid on veel vahetamata ja põhjustad avarii? Kas kindlustus aitab hüvitada kahjusid?Loe "Teen...
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Video: Tallinna tänavatel seikles ringi hirmunud põder

Video: Tallinna tänavatel seikles ringi hirmunud põder

Ei ole haruldane, et metsloomad – näiteks jänesed või rebased – linnas elavad. Suuri metsaloomi näeb pealinna tänavatel aga harva.Loe "Video: Tallinna tänavatel seikles ringi...
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Maternity leave inclusion a concern in new $220 million F1 cost cap proposal

As part of the ongoing efforts to frame a new Concorde Agreement, with documents having been recently distributed to teams, talks have begun about where...
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Robert Virves läheb üle pika aja rajale ja avaldas raevuka välimusega uue auto

Robert Virves läheb üle pika aja rajale ja avaldas raevuka välimusega uue auto

Eesti rallilootus Robert Virves pole juba eelmisest aastast saati WRC-rajale jõudnud. Nüüd on aga kindel, et õige pea saab talle taas kaasa elada.Loe "Robert Virves...
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GMA T.50 ja McLaren F1 võrdlustesti videot peab nägema iga autoentusiast

GMA T.50 ja McLaren F1 võrdlustesti videot peab nägema iga autoentusiast

Gordon Murray Automotive’i poolt valmistatud T.50 on rohkelt kajastust saanud, kuna tegemist on siiski ühe maailma kiidetuima superauto McLaren F1 teise tulemisega. Nüüd on esmakordselt...
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Proovisõit: Volkswagen T-Cross kohendati paremaks, aga kas piisavalt?

Proovisõit: Volkswagen T-Cross kohendati paremaks, aga kas piisavalt?

Volkswageni pisikese linnamaasturi „nägu” kohendati ning muidugi lisandus ka tänapäevaseid vidinaid. Kas aga midagi on ka tuntavalt muutunud? Selle teadasaamiseks tegi Autogeenius T-Crossiga pikema tiiru.Loe...
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Melbourne to be FIA F2 opener for 2025 with all venues unchanged

The Albert Park venue is due to return to being the Formula 1 season-opener, having not held the first round since 2019, and it will...
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NASCAR fines Stenhouse, suspends three others for post-race fight

Stenhouse Jr. was fined $75,000 for a violation of the sport’s code of conduct.On the opening lap of the All-Star Race at North Wilkesboro (N.C.)...
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Inside Hyundai’s rally-meets-Nurburgring challenge

'Three left minus, long, bumpy', may resemble an ordinary rally pacenote. But this is how a World Rally Championship driver sees one of motorsport’s most...
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Ford “a long ways away” from WEC podium contention with torque sensor setbacks

Ryan Hardwick and Giorgio Roda, the bronze-graded drivers in the Proton Competition team that runs the Mustang in the WEC, both identified inexperience with the...
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Alpine praises Schumacher as its weighs up F1 driver options for 2025

The F1 driver market is fast-moving and Haas's recent results – four points scores in seven grands prix in 2024 – have made it a...
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All to know about Max Verstappen’s sim racing career amid Le Mans 24 Hours ambition

Verstappen shocked the F1 paddock when he dovetailed the Imola Grand Prix with a Nurburgring 24 Hours sim race - both of which he won.The...
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MotoGP set to remain faster than WSBK under 2027 rules – how do they compare now?

Earlier this month MotoGP announced the framework for its 2027 rules revolution, which is headlined by a switch from 1000cc to 850cc engines and a...
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Perez’s Imola GP setback won’t affect his F1 future – Red Bull

Perez lost the runner-up spot in the drivers' championship to Charles Leclerc on Sunday after floundering throughout the Italian weekend, as Red Bull struggled to...
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The F1 upgrades that Aston Martin is adamant will not be ‘rolled off’

A pretty extensive overhaul had been aimed at lifting the squad up the grid, but it ended up making the car more difficult to drive...
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Could Katsuta follow Rovanperä into drifting?

Kalle Rovanperä has created a neat sideline for himself with his drifting exploits, but now the world rally champion is encouraging his team-mate Takamoto Katsuta......
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When late WRC regulation change allowed an underdog to shine

How long do you need to prepare for a new set of technical regulations? Three years? Two years? One year? The current crop of World......
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VIDEO. Lääne-Eesti rahvaralli võitsid Martin Vaga / Kristian Teern

Lääne-Eesti rahvaralli võitsid nelikveoliste klassi kiireimad Martin Vaga / Kristian Teern. Noorteralli Eesti meistrivõistluste kahes klassis olid parimad Henry Tegova / Martin Juga ja Kristian...
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Esmakordselt heideldakse autoralli Eesti meistrivõistluste punktide nimel Soome teedel

Eeloleval nädalavahetusel jätkuvad Terminal autoralli Eesti meistrivõistlused hooaja kolmanda etapiga. Esmakordselt Eesti autoralli ajaloos heideldakse meistrivõistluste punktide nimel Soome teedel. Paremad vaatamiskohad leiavad pealtvaatajad hõlpsalt...
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Driftisõitja Artur Altmets teenis Riias sajast punktist 99

Driftisõitja Artur Altmets teenis Riias Bikernieki rajal toimunud võistlusel Grand Opening Semipro klassis kvalifikatsioonis sajast võimalikust punktist 99. “Kvalifikatsioonis läks üllatavalt hästi, kuna esimesele ringile...
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FOTOD. Noored Roolis teine etapp Kulbilohu rallikrossirajal üllatas tiheda konkurentsiga

Möödunud pühapäeval toimus Kulbilohu rallikrossirajal Noored Roolis sarja teine etapp, kus teineteisega võtsid seekord mõõtu kokku 66  noort vanuses 8–15 aastat. Seekordne hooaeg on siiani...
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Indrek Mägi tuli Soome motokrossi meistrivõistluste avaetapil 4. kohale

19. mail toimus Sipoos Soome motokrossi meistrivõistluste esimene etapp. MX1 klassis lööb sarjas kaasa Indrek Mägi, kes avaetapil neljanda koha teenis. Mägi alustas päeva ajasõidu...
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Kevin Saar tegi Ameerikas hooaja parima etapi

Möödunud nädalavahetusel toimus Ameerikas High Pointi krossirajal AMA ATV motokrossi sarja viies etapp. Tänavuse hooaja kõige parema esituse tegi seal Kevin Saar, kes Pro klassis...
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2025 NASCAR Hall of Fame class revealed

Two drivers – both from Modern Era Ballot – and one team owner – from the Pioneer Ballot – were elected Tuesday to become the...
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When Nolan Siegel sent it, he provided a glimpse of IndyCar’s future

The phrase “just send it” is common among drivers, but the reality is very few have the courage to push through a corner at nearly...
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Josh Bilicki joins Joe Gibbs Racing in multi-race NASCAR Xfinity deal

JGR has used a variety of drivers in its No. 19 Toyota GR Supra this year. Ryan Truex, Aric Almirola, Ty Gibbs, Taylor Gray have all...
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Indy 500 starting grid: McLaughlin on pole, 33-car field in full

The 30-year-old Kiwi will lead the 33-car field to the green flag for a three-wide rolling start across 11 rows for the 200-lap, 500-mile race.In...
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Team AmeriVet enters NASCAR’s Coke 600 with Ty Dillon

The team has formed a partnership with Amerivet Securities, which the team described as a 'leading service-disabled veteran-owned broker-dealer.' Dillon will pilot the No. 50...
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Zak Brown “would love” to continue with Hendrick for more Larson Indy 500s

Larson, the 2021 NASCAR Cup Series champion, has impressed in the buildup to his Indy 500 debut, where he is set to start fifth on...
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Buescher ‘pumped’ for Coke 600 after recent run of near-wins

Buescher never led a lap in Sunday night’s All-Star Race at North Wilkesboro (N.C.) Speedway, but he was running his best when it mattered most...
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McLaren reveals bold Senna-inspired F1 livery for Monaco GP

The Woking-based team has worked with sponsor partner OKX on the complete takeover of the MCL38 colour scheme – replacing its papaya orange with the...
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BMW not concerned about Le Mans rookies in WEC Hypercar roster

BMW Motorsport boss Andreas Roos believes the credentials of event newcomers Raffaele Marciello, Marco Wittmann and Sheldon van der Linde will negate their lack of...
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Andretti hires Pat Symonds as push to join F1 grid continues

As previously reported, Symonds was set to leave his position as F1's chief technical officer after seven years in the job, playing a crucial role...
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How McLaren’s challenge is forcing Red Bull to ramp up its F1 upgrade game

But as McLaren has closed in on the Milton Keynes-based squad, it is now under pressure to ensure that it leaves no performance on the...
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Does Red Bull no longer have F1’s fastest car?

The 2024 season is starting to shift towards a three-horse race between Red Bull, McLaren and Ferrari as car upgrades appear to have whittled down...
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O’Ward feels “helpless” over issue he fears will handicap his Indy 500

The 25-year-old Mexican was Arrow McLaren’s best shot to win last year’s race until he crashed out in the closing stages, after an ambitious move...
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Hyundai’s plan to help Tanak unlock potential from WRC car

Tanak has struggled to adjust to the i20 N Rally1 following his return to the Korean manufacturer this season but showed signs he’s made a...
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Semenuk: Oregon retirement will make Subaru stronger

Ricardo Cordero’s Oregon Trail Rally win blew a breath of fresh air through the ARA National Championship last weekend – but it might come at......
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Why Citroën is now a match for Škoda on gravel in WRC2

If there were dramatic scenes at the head of the World Rally Championship field on last week’s Rally Portugal, they were nothing compared with WRC2.......
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Noore automehaaniku konkursi võitja läheb Eestit esindama Leedus toimuvale finaalvõistlusele

Noore automehaaniku konkursi võitja läheb Eestit esindama Leedus toimuvale finaalvõistlusele

Automehaaniku ametit populariseeriva võistluse Eesti vooru võitis Kristjan Sula Rakvere Ametikoolist. Madis Terandi ( Tartu Rakenduslik Kolledž) saavutas teise koha ning kolmandaks tuli Erik Ignatovitš...
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Politsei ja mupo kontrollivad Tallinnas ühissõidukiradadel sõitjaid

Politsei ja mupo kontrollivad Tallinnas ühissõidukiradadel sõitjaid

Politsei ja Tallinna munitsipaalpolitsei amet kontrollivad 21.–23. mail Tallinnas ühissõidukiradadel sõitjaid. Rikkujaid ootab suuline hoiatus või rahatrahv.Loe "Politsei ja mupo kontrollivad Tallinnas ühissõidukiradadel sõitjaid" täispikka...
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Lamborghini asendab oma V-10-jõuallika uhiuue ja võimsa V-8-hübriidmootoriga

Lamborghini asendab oma V-10-jõuallika uhiuue ja võimsa V-8-hübriidmootoriga

Ka Lamborghini-sugused karismaatilised ja tähelepanu köitvad ning valjud superautod peavad lõpuks nõuetele alla vanduma ja mootorid väiksemaks tegema. Vabalthingava V-10 asemel on tulemas turbodega V-8,...
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Vinales: Aprilia must “be smart” to avoid Barcelona MotoGP expectations after 2023

The sixth round of the 2024 campaign takes place this weekend at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya and is expected to be a strong hunting ground...
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F1 technical chief Pat Symonds to leave role

Symonds has been part of the F1 organisation since 2017, having worked as part of a team that shaped grand prix racing's technical regulations to...
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Mercedes no longer “zig-zagging” in hunt for an F1 magic bullet

The German manufacturer is working on a new development direction for its next update package, which it hopes will deliver a better balance for its...
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Ferrari set to keep bonus payment in new F1 Concorde Agreement – but now capped

Teams are in discussions with F1 owners Liberty Media over the terms of the new Concorde Agreement that is due to come into force from...
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Horner has to “work on the maths” regarding lost Mercedes F1 staff – Wolff

Over the Miami Grand Prix weekend Horner shot back at suggestions from Mercedes and McLaren that Red Bull would be weakened by designer Adrian Newey's...
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Evans’ Portugal set back has a silver lining

Elfyn Evans left Rally Portugal under something of a cloud. The Welshman has, however, found a silver-lining in that cloud. The Matosinhos event was not......
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Treeningud Piiroja Rallikrossirajal

Head kolmandal etapil osalevad võistlejad! Piiroja rallikrossirajal saab treenida kuni 30.05! Treeningajad kooskõlastada: Kaido Soolepp, tel: 5279964 Artikli edasi lugemiseks või galerii vaatamiseks vajuta siia...
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Andres Arnover: oleme Euroopa meistrivõistlusteks valmis

Andres Arnover sõitis kiirendusspordi Euroopa meistrivõistluste avaetapi eel toimunud võistlusel Doorslammers Suurbritannias Santa Podis isikliku rekordi. Euroopa meistrivõistluste etapp toimub samal rajal eeloleval nädalavahetusel. Arnover...
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Ostujuht. Puid las lõhub ikka masin, aga kuidas seda valida?

Ostujuht. Puid las lõhub ikka masin, aga kuidas seda valida?

Eri tootjate puulõhkumis­masinate tehnoloogias suurt erinevust pole, küll aga võimsuses, ­ergonoomias ja kvaliteedis.Loe "Ostujuht. Puid las lõhub ikka masin, aga kuidas seda valida?" täispikka artiklit...
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Rallipaar Vanagas-Sikk sai Euroopa “Dakaril” tõsise paugu, kuid ometi lõpetati medalikohal

Rallipaar Vanagas-Sikk sai Euroopa “Dakaril” tõsise paugu, kuid ometi lõpetati medalikohal

Edukast Dakari rallist on möödas vaid mõni kuu, kuid juba on alanud ettevalmistused järgmise aasta Dakariks. Selleks osalevad Leedu-Eesti rallipaar Benediktas Vanagas ja Kuldar Sikk...
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Tallinnas muutuvad fooririketest ja katkistest liiklusmärkidest teatamise kontaktid

Tallinnas muutuvad fooririketest ja katkistest liiklusmärkidest teatamise kontaktid

Ikka juhtub, et pealinnas lõpetavad vahel mõned foorid töö, lähevad natuke “peast sassi” või sõidetakse märgid külili. Mida sel puhul teha?Loe "Tallinnas muutuvad fooririketest ja...
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Tehnoülevaatus lõppes enne kui Euroopa ringreis? Kas oma mootorrattale võib välismaal ülevaatuse teha?

Tehnoülevaatus lõppes enne kui Euroopa ringreis? Kas oma mootorrattale võib välismaal ülevaatuse teha?

Hiljuti kerkis ühes motohuviliste grupis esile küsimus, millele ammendavat vastust ei saadud: kas Eestis registreeritud mootorrattale võib välismaal ülevaatuse teha?Loe "Tehnoülevaatus lõppes enne kui Euroopa...
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Politsei rammis linnatänavatel hullumeelselt kihutanud mootorratturi teelt välja

Politsei rammis linnatänavatel hullumeelselt kihutanud mootorratturi teelt välja

Politsei Lõuna prefektuur avaldas, et nädala eest peeti Tartus kinni üle 100 kmh/h kihutanud mootorrattur.Loe "Politsei rammis linnatänavatel hullumeelselt kihutanud mootorratturi teelt välja" täispikka artiklit...
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Bentley uue Continental GT hübriidmootoriga versiooni esimesed tehnoandmed on nüüd teada

Bentley uue Continental GT hübriidmootoriga versiooni esimesed tehnoandmed on nüüd teada

Nüüd, kui tavamudelitel on Bentley W-12 mootor pensionile saadetud, on aeg jätkata pisut tagasihoidlikumate ja ökonoomsemate jõuallikatega. Uus Continental GT luksuskupee saab V-8 hübriidajami.Loe "Bentley...
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Renault Rafale sai võimsa 300 hj versiooni, mille arendusse kaasati ka Alpine’i insenerid

Renault Rafale sai võimsa 300 hj versiooni, mille arendusse kaasati ka Alpine’i insenerid

Renault tutvustas Rafale’i suure jõudlusega versiooni E-Tech 4×4 300 hj. Tagateljele lisatud elektrimootor lisab autole püsiva aktiivse nelikveo ja muidugi on olemas ka Renault’del kasutatav...
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Nelijärve puhkekeskuses veedad kõige mõnusamad päevad oma elust

Nelijärve puhkekeskuses veedad kõige mõnusamad päevad oma elust

Nelijärve puhkekeskus asub Aegviidus nelja sillerdava järve vahel ja pakub väga palju võimalusi puhkamiseks pere, sõpruskonna või kogu töökollektiiviga.Loe "Nelijärve puhkekeskuses veedad kõige mõnusamad päevad...
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Aston Martin F1 upgrades may have made car “difficult to drive”

Aston's major Imola update, which included a floor redesign, a front wing and diffuser, was shaken down by Fernando Alonso in FP1 before Lance Stroll also...
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McLaughlin relishes “gnarly” run to snatch record Indy 500 pole

McLaughlin set a memorable record-setting four-lap average of 234.220mph having set off as the last of the Fast Six, scoring Penske’s 19th Indy 500 pole.Team-mates...
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WEC calendar won’t expand in 2025

Series promoter the Automobile Club de l’Ouest has stressed the importance of capping the expansion of the series, at least temporarily, following its return to...
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Tearful Vettel ‘finishing Senna’s job’ with Austrian flag tribute at F1 Imola

This month marked the 30-year anniversary of Senna's fatal accident at Imola on 1 May 1994, which came the day after Austrian Ratzenberger lost his...
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Ten things we learned at the 2024 F1 Imola Grand Prix

Formula 1 headed back to Imola after the 2023 Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix was cancelled due to flooding in the Italian region. This time, the sporting...
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Why Perez thought P8 was “the best we could get” at F1 Imola GP

The Mexican had failed to make the top 10 in qualifying, knocked out in Q2 with a lap time 0.015s slower than Daniel Ricciardo's on...
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Kyle Busch to run Charlotte NASCAR Xfinity race with RCR

Busch, 39, has more wins than any other driver in NASCAR Xfinity Series history. The two-time NASCAR Cup Series champion has won 102 NXS races,...
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Indy 500: Newgarden paces intense post-qualifying practice at 226.238mph

The defending race winner of the Indy 500, Newgarden served up a flying lap of 226.238mph in the No. 2 Team Penske Chevrolet to edge...
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McLaren’s Bird returns to Formula E action in Shanghai after injury

The 37-year-old Briton has been out of racing action since the start of May after sustaining the injury in a practice crash ahead of the...
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Kyle Larson “thought for sure” he would win All-Star Race

Larson had already had a full day, qualifying fifth for next weekend’s Indianapolis 500 earlier in the day, and arrived at North Wilkesboro about 30...
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The rock, the rally and the buzz of the biz

Scotland’s greatest export? You might be thinking whisky. But Villa Pouca doesn’t do a good single malt. It does McRae’s rock. Raised in Lanark and......
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How Toyota can help Katsuta

In the midst of a run of gravel rallies through the European late spring and early summer, the World Rally Championship events come thick and......
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Cordero claims debut Oregon victory

Ricardo Cordero has ended Brandon Semenuk’s 12-rally run of ARA National Championship wins with victory on the Oregon Trail Rally. The Citroën C3 Rally2 driver......
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Endel Kiisa ärasaatmine

Foto: ETV foto arhiiv Anname teada, et Endel Kiisa saadetakse viimasele teele 29.mail 2024 algusega kell 12 Tallinnas Kaarli kirikus. The post Endel Kiisa ärasaatmine...
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EMV Karksi-Nuia etapi pühapäeva fotod

19.mail Karksi-Nuias toimunud Eesti motokrossi meistrivõistluste pühapäevased fotod teie ees. Fotograaf : Igor Tseskidov The post EMV Karksi-Nuia etapi pühapäeva fotod appeared first on Eesti...
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25-26. mai toimub Pärnus MX Naiste Euroopa ja noorte Põhja-Euroopa etapp!

Täpsemalt toimub Pärnu Lennuvälja motopargis 25-26. mai motokrossi Euroopa meistrivõistluste 4.etapp MX Naiste klassile ning Põhja-Euroopa 2.etapp noortele ja kiiretele: EMX65 – 8. kuni 12....
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FOTOD. Uskumatu Võidusõit alustas hooaega Kuningamäe kardirajal

Harrastajate kardisari Uskumatu Võidusõit alustas hooaega Kuningamäe kardirajal. Võistlema asus koguni 60 sõitjat. Võistlusklassis Raket, mis jagunes omakorda veel Algajate ja Pro kategooriateks, valitses esimest...
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Paul Aron vähendas vahet vormel 2 sarja liidriga

Paul Aron (Hitech Pulse-Eight) saavutas vormel 2 sarja Imola etapil sprindis teise ja põhivõistlusel kuuenda koha. Sprindi võitis Franco Colapinto (MP Motorsport), põhivõistluse Isack Hadjar...
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Mark Martin Loomets Itaalias poodiumil, Fernando Paimre võitis Leedus

Mark Martin Loomets lõpetas kardispordi Itaalia meistrivõistlustel poodiumil. Fernando Paimre võitis Leedus, teised eestlased noppisid mitmeid poodiumikohti. Kardispordi Itaalia meistrivõistlustel oli eri klassides stardis kolm...
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Busch and Stenhouse brawl following run-in during All-Star Race

In what turned out to be a rather tame first 100 laps of the 200-lap main event, the race actually got off to an eventful...
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NASCAR All-Star Race: Joey Logano runs away with $1 million win

Hours after team owner Roger Penske’s IndyCar drivers swept the front row for this year’s Indianapolis 500 in qualifying, Logano added a $1 million prize...
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Motokrossi Eesti meistrivõistluste teisel päeval käisid rajal külgvankrid ja quadid

Motokrossi Eesti meistrivõistluste avaetapp toimus nädalavahetusel Karksi-Nuias. Teisel võistlustpäeval käisid rajal külgvankrid ja quadid. Külgvankritel näitasid maailma tipptaset lätlased Daniels ja Bruno Lielbardised, kes kindlalt...
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Eesti meeskonnale Euroopa ringrajasarja etapil kaksikvõit

TCR Europe sarja kolmas ja neljas etapp sõideti Belgias, Zolderi ringrajal. ALM Honda Racing meeskond ja selle sõitjad olid nädalavahetusel heas hoos ja ilus punkt pandi neljanda...
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Will Power: Racing gods don’t want me to have Indy 500 pole

Reality hit the 43-year-old Aussie in exactly the 38.3753s it took team-mate Scott McLaughlin’s opening lap that equates to running 234.526mph around the 2.5-mile Indianapolis...
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Ericsson “can’t believe” he backed off on Indy 500 last-chance qualifying lap

Former F1 racer Ericsson, the 2022 Indy 500 winner, was on course to make the field when he backed off at the end of his...
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Gibbs, Wallace and Gragson advance into NASCAR All-Star Race

Ty Gibbs, who drives the No. 54 Joe Gibbs Racing Toyota, dominated the 100-lap All-Star Open from start to finish, leading every lap at North...
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Indy 500: McLaughlin sets new pole record at 234.220mph in Penske sweep

The New Zealander was the last of the drivers in the Fast Six to go out and delivered an ominous opening lap of 234.526mph before...
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Indy 500 qualifying: Siegel bumped from field, then wrecks

Dale Coyne Racing’s 19-year-old rookie is the only driver who will go home today, despite a huge scare for 2022 Indy 500 winner Marcus Ericsson...
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Why Albon wasn’t penalised for driving with “10mm” loose wheel in Imola GP

The Williams driver stopped on lap eight from running 14th early on in Sunday's race, but when he returned to the track he slowed down...
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McLaren unsure Norris could have passed Verstappen to win F1 Imola GP

Norris initially struggled to keep up with polesitter Verstappen in the first stint on medium tyres, but after the sole pitstop for hard tyres the...
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Our writers rate the 2024 F1 Imola Grand Prix

The Red Bull driver maintained a comfortable lead until the last few laps and rarely seemed to be threatened by the McLarens and Ferraris behind...
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Indy 500 qualifying: McLaughlin beats Power in Fast 12 by 0.009mph

The 11th driver to go out on track as track temperatures hit a scorching 125F, McLaughlin’s No. 3 Team Penske Chevrolet put together four inch-perfect...
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Indy 500: Newgarden leads Top 12 practice, Power hit with plenum event

Newgarden, the defending Indy 500 champion, latched on to a tow and seized the fastest lap of 234.052mph and a four-lap average of 233.708mph. His...
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Leclerc: Ferrari power strategy cost shot at better F1 Imola GP result

The Italian squad had impressed in Friday practice but, in its preparations for qualifying, the team appeared to lack pace at the start of the...
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Corey Heim wins rain-delayed NASCAR Truck race at North Wilkesboro

At one point Saturday, Heim’s No. 11 Tricon Garage Toyota was swamped in water when the race was halted by severe storms at the track,...
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Verstappen “almost ended in the grandstands” amid Imola F1 hard tyre struggles

Red Bull driver Verstappen narrowly edged McLaren's Lando Norris after he gapped the Briton in the first stint on mediums, but struggled much more on...
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F1 Imola GP: Verstappen resists late Norris push for fifth win of 2024

Higher tyre degradation than expected compared to when Red Bull struggled badly for car balance in practice on Friday appeared to ease Verstappen's path, as...
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Why isn’t David Croft doing Sky F1 commentary in Imola and who is his replacement, Harry Benjamin?

Formula 1 fans will miss out on hearing the iconic “It’s lights out and away we go” at the Imola race this weekend as David...
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Rahal: “Anomaly” Indy 500 team-mate Sato has a “hell of an engine”

Rahal will go into his second consecutive last-chance qualifying with his family-run, Honda-powered Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing team, 12 months after being bumped from the...
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Chevrolet explains issue that derailed several Indy 500 qualifying runs

There were concerns early on after Kyle Larson, the sixth driver to go out in the qualifying order, endured a brief hiccup of power to...
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2024 F1 Imola GP results: Max Verstappen beats Lando Norris

Verstappen beat McLaren’s Lando Norris and the Ferrari of Charles Leclerc in the 63-lap race at the Autodromo Internazionale Enzo e Dino Ferrari.2024 F1 Imola...
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F3 Imola: Meguetounif charges to maiden win, Fornaroli new points leader

The Frenchman had started the F3 feature race third, behind his Trident team-mates Leonardo Fornaroli and polesitter Santiago Ramos.After initially dropping out of the podium positions when sprint race winner Oliver...
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Super Formula Autopolis: Makino finally claims maiden victory

Dandelion Racing driver Makino leapt from second on the grid into an early lead, as poleman Ayumu Iwasa slipped to third place behind Naoki Yamamoto.That...
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Indy 500 qualifying results: How Pole Day works and who will get bumped?

Saturday’s qualifying session was a barnstormer, with Team Penske sweeping the top of the speed charts, Arrow McLaren battling back from some issues and Rinus...
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Verstappen wishes F1 had ’24 Imolas’, but the series has other plans

Imola, the site of the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix, has added additional gravel traps at Piratella, Acque Minerali and Variante Alta to help tackle the...
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Alonso hit with F1 Imola GP pitlane start

Alonso only qualified 19th after being called to the pits due to a problem with his car at the end of the session, when the...
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Why McLaren won’t gamble with F1 Imola GP strategy in Verstappen fight

The Woking-based team has emerged as Red Bull’s closest challenger at Imola, with its pace suggesting that it had the potential to grab pole position.Despite...
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Aston Martin F1 upgrades “not good enough” to keep up with rivals

Following McLaren's update package that was brought forward to Miami, several other teams including Aston and Ferrari have stuck to this weekend's Imola race to deploy...
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F2 Imola: Hadjar resists Bortoleto to win after Bearman pit nightmare

Hadjar put on a masterful defensive display to fend off polesitter Bortoleto in a race where the main drama was restricted to the pitlane.Read Also:FIA...
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Supercars Perth: Waters wins as penalty costs Mostert

When the Walkinshaw Andretti United's crew released Mostert from the pitlane after a tyre change, he drove into the path of Tickford's Thomas Randle, forcing...
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The F1 driver market dominoes about to fall

As F1 gathered for the start of the European season in Imola this weekend, the return of the traditional motorhomes in the paddock triggered a...
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Cordero leads after crazy Oregon Saturday

Nobody saw Saturday coming. After 12 American wins on the bounce, it was fair to expect Brandon Semenuk would be lining up number 13 in......
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FOTOD. Rallikrossi Eesti meistrisari jätkus põneva võistlusega Kulbilohus

Rallikrossi Eesti meistrivõistlused jätkusid teise etapiga Elva lähedal Kulbilohu rallikrossirajal. Osavõturohkeima (18) krosskartide Xtreme klassi poodiumi hõivasid Eestis valmistatud P-Techi kartidega sõitjad: võitis Andre Kiil,...
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EMV Karksi-Nuia etapi laupäeva fotod

18.mail Karksi-Nuias toimunud Eesti motokrossi meistrivõistluste laupäevased fotod teie ees. Fotograaf : Igor Tseskidov The post EMV Karksi-Nuia etapi laupäeva fotod appeared first on Eesti...
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Subaru’s nightmare Saturday opens the door in Oregon

The Oregon Trail Rally result was thrown wide open on Saturday morning’s first gravel stage with both factory Subaru WRXs retiring after hitting the same......
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NASCAR Classic: How ‘One Hot Night’ changed the All-Star Race forever

The 1992 All-Star Race was an event where everything perfectly came together to create one of the most memorable races in NASCAR history, and it...
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Sainz: Ferrari F1 upgrade expectations “completely out of reality”

Ferrari brought a comprehensive set of upgrades to its first of two home races, which it had shaken down during a filming day at Fiorano...
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2024 F1 Imola GP qualifying results: Verstappen takes pole

Verstappen will start ahead of McLaren’s Lando Norris and Ferrari's Charles Leclerc after the one-hour qualifying session, which is split into three segments with five cars...
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Tsunoda’s Imola speed shows Red Bull is right to wait on Perez’s F1 future

On a weekend where Red Bull has had to adjust its ride height set-ups considerably to cope with the RB20's ongoing dislike for kerbs, Perez's...
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Rinus VeeKay limps away from major Indy 500 qualifying crash

The 23-year-old Dutchman, who was expected to be a strong contender for pole position this weekend, was the fourth of 34 drivers to go out...
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F1 team-mates’ qualifying battles: Imola GP

After every F1 qualifying session, publishes each team's qualifying record in terms of team-mate duels.This record is based exclusively on qualifying results so that...
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Indy 500: Power leads Penske 1-2-3 with 233.758mph qualifying run

The ninth of the 34 drivers vying to make the field of 33, Power produced four crisp laps to complete the 10 miles around the...
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What F1 GPS data reveals about Verstappen’s Imola qualifying save

Having been congratulated on his run of poles that stretches back to the 2023 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix by Red Bull team boss Christian Horner,...
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Piastri given three-place grid penalty at F1 Imola GP for impeding Magnussen

In Q1 Piastri blocked Haas driver Magnussen into the Tamburello complex on the Dane's final flyer.The incident ruined Magnussen's session, going out in 18th while...
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Verstappen credits “tow buddy” Hulkenberg for help to grab Imola F1 pole

Verstappen and Red Bull had appeared on the back foot in Imola all weekend, but after turning around their car set-up, Verstappen came up with...
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The Red Bull turnaround behind Max Verstappen’s Imola F1 pole

Finding a remedy to the team's situation, where it seemed to struggle for a cadence over the kerbs and through the second sector of the...
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NASCAR All-Star Race: Logano earns pole, Bell wins pit crew challenge

The qualifying session, which was postponed from Friday due to rain at North Wilkesboro (N.C.) Speedway, featured a three-lap run with the driver completing a...
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Engine issue derails Kyle Larson’s first Indy 500 qualifying run

The NASCAR Cup star went out sixth among the 34 drivers, speeding to a quick opening lap of 232.719mph in the No. 17 Arrow McLaren...
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Alison LaRoza: smiles, hugs and high-fives

Oregon sits under a cloud this week. For much of the American rallying community, it’s hard to imagine that cloud lifting. But out of the......
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Motokrossi Eesti Meistrivõistluste avaetapp sõideti Karksi-Nuias

Sel nädalavahetusel toimub Karksi-Nuias Ainja krossirajal motokrossi Eesti meistrivõistluste esimene etapp. Laupäeval, 18. mail käisid rajal sooloklasside sõitjad. Kõige kiiremas MX Open klassis teenis etapivõidu...
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Nurburgring Endurance Series cancels 2024 season, remains committed to 2025

After two race cancellations, trouble with numerous stakeholders in German motorsport and low entry numbers, the series organised by AvD and NR Holding announced on...
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Verstappen: Red Bull “severely off the pace” in Imola F1 practice

Verstappen's frustration boiled over throughout both practice sessions as his upgraded Red Bull RB20 proved hard to control on the technical Italian venue's second sector.The...
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F1 Imola GP qualifying – Start time, how to watch, TV channel

Charles Leclerc set the pace in Friday practice, making Ferrari the favourite to take pole position on home turf.Red Bull, meanwhile, suffered with the updated...
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NASCAR All Star Race: Ty Gibbs fastest in practice at North Wilkesboro

The practice on Friday included drivers already qualified for the All-Star Race main event as well as those who will run in the preliminary All-Star...
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Harvick: Working with Hendrick “a peek behind the curtain”

Harvick, who retired from full-time competition in the Cup Series at the end of last season, was asked by Hendrick Motorsports team owner Rick Hendrick...
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What we learned in Friday practice for the 2024 F1 Imola Grand Prix

After the opening series of pan-continental flyaway rounds, the Formula 1 circus returned to its European heartland and descended upon Imola.One of F1's returning classics...
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Indy 500 Fast Friday practice halted by Siegel’s flying crash

A 19-year-old California native, Siegel was in the midst of a third lap during a simulated qualifying run when his No. 18 Dale Coyne Racing...
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Podcast: Brandon Semenuk is a proper rally nerd

Can the left seat ever be the right seat? Check out this edition of SPIN, the Rally Pod. Brandon Semenuk and Keaton Williams think so.......
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Mercedes parting ways with F1 aero chief, but will get Ferrari signings early has learned that Mercedes has begun an internal reshuffle of its aerodynamics department with Vino departing following six years at the team.He had been...
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Ferrari’s F1 upgrades are all about “tilting the map”

But the current generation of ground-effect cars are trickier beasts to make fast, and the challenge involves nailing the right compromise between high-speed and low-speed...
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Kyle Larson open to future Indy 500s if debut “doesn’t scare the shit out of me”

A 31-year-old California native, Larson is learning the nuances of an Indy car through the process of his maiden attempt to make the field of 33...
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Why “misfortune” would help Bearman’s case for 2025 Haas F1 seat

After his impressive surprise debut in place of the appendicitis-addled Carlos Sainz at Ferrari in Jeddah, Bearman is now finally starting the main challenge of...
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Red Bull explains why Lambiase wasn’t engineering Verstappen in FP1

Red Bull opened up for first practice at Imola on Friday afternoon with Tom Hart acting as the voice in Verstappen's ear instead of Lambiase,...
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F1 Imola GP: Leclerc quickest in FP2 as Verstappen slides to seventh

After he had also led Friday afternoon's FP1 action, Leclerc continued as the frontrunner through the early stages of the day's second 60-minute session when...
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O’Ward: “Badass” Indy 500 qualifying boost means “that wall comes fast”

O’Ward, who set the pace on Thursday courtesy of a “pretty fat tow lap”, is looking forward to the extra turbo boost that becomes available...
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Why Oregon’s ARA round is a must-see this week

We’re just a couple of hours south of Olympus country, but this does feel like something of another world. The trees are gone. Replaced by......
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Repliik: minister Võrklaeva jutt automaksu rohelistest eesmärkidest ei veena kedagi

Repliik: minister Võrklaeva jutt automaksu rohelistest eesmärkidest ei veena kedagi

Nädal tagasi tagasi toodi avalikkuse ette automaksu eelnõu uus versioon, mille peamine muudatus on registreerimistasu lisandumine kõigile esmatehingutele. See on korraga hea ja halb uudis....
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Automaks: kolm olulist küsimust rahandusministeeriumile uue eelnõu kohta

Automaks: kolm olulist küsimust rahandusministeeriumile uue eelnõu kohta

Eelmisel nädalal avalikustas rahandusministeerium automaksu uue eelnõu. Kaks põhimõttelist suurt muudatust olid sellised, et registreerimistasu tuleb tasuda üks kord ka Eesti liiklusregistris juba olevate sõidukite...
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Morgan Midsummer on täpselt see auto, mis sobib suvisteks lõbusõitudeks

Morgan Midsummer on täpselt see auto, mis sobib suvisteks lõbusõitudeks

Briti sportautode tootja Morgan avaldas uue, koostöös Pininfarina disainimajaga tehtud piiratud tootmisarvuga Midsummer mudeli. Pärast Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martini ja McLareni esiklaasita superautosid leidis Morgan,...
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Kasutatud Audi A2: kas tootjale suure kahjumi toonud väikeauto teeb sama ka omanikule?

Kasutatud Audi A2: kas tootjale suure kahjumi toonud väikeauto teeb sama ka omanikule?

Väidetavalt kaotas Audi iga müüdud A2-ga peaaegu 10 000 eurot. Nii polegi neil ehk hirmus kahju, et pesamuna eriti kaubaks ei läinud.Loe "Kasutatud Audi A2:...
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Millist autot ei tohiks kindlasti automaatpesulasse viia? 

Millist autot ei tohiks kindlasti automaatpesulasse viia? 

Nagu öeldakse on puhas auto ilus auto. Kuid milline variant oma neljarattalise pesemiseks valida – kas sõita läbi automaatpesulast, pesta ise või viia sõiduk käsipesulasse?...
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Miks jõudis pooleks lõigatud Nissan Leaf Riia automuuseumisse?

Miks jõudis pooleks lõigatud Nissan Leaf Riia automuuseumisse?

Riias asuvasse Balti riikide suurimasse automuuseumisse on jõudnud uus ja väga ebatavaline eksponaat – pooleks lõigatud elektriauto Nissan Leaf. Mida teeb 2018. aastast pärit Leafi...
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Päeva kuulutus: Tallinna linn müüb autot, kuhu ei pääse sisse

Päeva kuulutus: Tallinna linn müüb autot, kuhu ei pääse sisse

Linnaametnikud üritavad lahti saada autost, kuhu paraku sisse ei pääse. Sellest hoolimata ei ole ka hind kõige odavam.Loe "Päeva kuulutus: Tallinna linn müüb autot, kuhu...
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Supercars Perth: Mostert leads Percat in Friday practice

At a venue which has been something of a bogey circuit for the Walkinshaw Andretti United team in recent years. Mostert topped the times for...
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Exclusive: What goes on inside Formula 1’s race control room

F1’s race control was thrust into everyone’s living room in 2021, when then-race director Michael Masi decided it was a good idea to air his...
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Kuidas arvutada välja auto tegelik kütusekulu?

Kuidas arvutada välja auto tegelik kütusekulu?

Sõiduautode puhul on üheks oluliseks kriteeriumiks kütusekulu. Üldjuhul on kõik autotootjad omapoolse info ka kirja pannud, kuid tegelikkuses ei pruugi see alati päris reaalne olla....
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Kuula: 17.05 Autotund: tüütu start-stop, iganenud suunaviidad ja neli proovisõitu

Kuula: 17.05 Autotund: tüütu start-stop, iganenud suunaviidad ja neli proovisõitu

Päike paistab, ilm on hea ja seetõttu oleme positiivses meeleolus ja viriseme pigem vähem. Aga mõned asjad, mis maailmas valesti, võtame siiski ette. Näiteks start-stop...
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F1 Imola GP: Leclerc leads opening practice, Verstappen struggles

Leclerc set the session’s best time – a 1m16.990s – aboard the updated Ferrari shortly after the one-hour FP1 action was stopped by Alex Albon’s...
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Mercedes delivers fresh batch of F1 car upgrades at Imola

The rear wing’s tip section has been completely overhauled as part of the redesign, with the team having already switched to a semi-detached layout for...
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Why MotoGP’s latest stewarding moan highlights a rules of engagement flaw

Complaints about officiating in sport is a tale almost as old as time itself. Stewarding in MotoGP has come under an immense amount of fire...
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Vasseur talks on Newey prospects and his plans for Mercedes F1 captures

And while the Scuderia's boss Fred Vasseur remains tight-lipped on the state of their discussions, ahead of the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix he offered some...
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Speaking from experience, Hamilton backs Antonelli as his Mercedes F1 successor

Mercedes is still waiting to see if it can somehow convince Max Verstappen to join the team as Red Bull's power plays drag on, but...
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Red Bull reveals true extent of Imola F1 upgrades

The first European race of the season is traditionally a popular place to introduce a first suite of car updates as it takes place two...
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How Verstappen plans to fit Nurburgring 24 sim race into Imola F1 weekend

While participating on a Team Redline - the sim racing team he drives for - stream, Verstappen announced a few days ago that he was...
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Why Vettel wanted to lead a Senna F1 tribute at Imola

Vettel will take Senna's 1993 McLaren MP48 for a lap of honour on Sunday at the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix, marking the 30th anniversary of...
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The coolest rallycross cars in the PNW

The rain didn’t bother Josh Hunter. On the contrary, the muddier the better – those are the conditions where his 1967 V8 Mustang really works......
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Improving the WRC’s spectacle without harming competition

The real rally starts tomorrow. No phrase is uttered more often on the opening day of a World Rally Championship event than this one. Opening-stage......
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Latvala: Katsuta needs to relax more

After crashing out of the lead battle at Rally Portugal, you could forgive Takamoto Katsuta for wondering what exactly he has to do to get......
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Mercedes-Benz pakub soodsat elektriautode laadimisteenust

Mercedes-Benz pakub soodsat elektriautode laadimisteenust

Mercedes me Charge on laadimisteenus, mis annab meie klientidele ühe lepingu raames ligipääsu erinevate operaatorite avalikele laadimisjaamadele nii kodumaal kui ka muudes EL riikides.Loe "Mercedes-Benz...
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Bastianini finds it “strange” facing potential factory Ducati MotoGP exit

Bastianini’s two-year contract with Ducati expires at the conclusion of the 2024 season and the Italian marque is yet to decide who will partner Francesco...
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Aston Martin prepared to run two Valkyrie Le Mans Hypercars in WEC 2025

The British manufacturer’s head of endurance, Adam Carter, explained that it would adapt to the proposed rule requiring factory entrants in the Hypercar division to...
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Erakordne: eestlannast automaaler sai üllatava võimaluse kanda Prantsusmaal olümpiatuld

Erakordne: eestlannast automaaler sai üllatava võimaluse kanda Prantsusmaal olümpiatuld

Olümpiatuli süttib Pariisis 26. juulil. Praegu on olümpia tõrvik teel läbi Prantsusmaa. Ka eestlannal Liis Leidmal, kes peab Toyota Elke esinduses automaalri ametit, õnnestus mai...
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Suur lugu: liikluspsühholoogi sõnul on kõige ohtlikum aeg suvine pärastlõuna

Suur lugu: liikluspsühholoogi sõnul on kõige ohtlikum aeg suvine pärastlõuna

Liiklusõnnetuste puhul tuuakse tavaliselt välja lihtsad põhjendused: liigne kiirus, joobes juht, ei andnud teed peateel liikujale, kaldus vastassuunavööndisse … Seekord aga uurime liikluspsühholoog Inna Gorislavskajalt,...
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Kuidas leida oma (elektri)autole suurepärane kodulaadija?

Kuidas leida oma (elektri)autole suurepärane kodulaadija?

Hea Autogeenius sõber! Oled teinud suure ja suurepärase otsuse – plaanid soetada endale elektri jõul liikuva auto! Õnnitleme! Nüüd seisab ees teine vähemalt sama oluline...
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The junior single-seater rival to F1’s Norris seeking career redemption

The entry list for Formula E’s Berlin double-header wasn’t short of new names, as the World Endurance Championship’s Spa clash last weekend offered the chance...
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Newey not ready for F1 retirement as he’ll “probably go again” at another team

Newey is set to leave Red Bull after an extremely successful 18-year stint at the team, designing the cars that propelled Sebastian Vettel and Max...
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Le Mans organiser predicts multiple hydrogen manufacturers in 24 Hours by 2029

The race organiser is confident that there will be significant take-up of the rules it is putting in place for the carbon-neutral fuel.According to club...
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Overweight Williams F1 car costing it 0.45 seconds per lap

The Grove-based outfit is pushing to get itself much closer to F1’s 798kg minimum weight limit, with a host of new lighter parts to be...
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Why Marquez is the key to Pramac’s continuation with Ducati in MotoGP

Pramac has until the summer to unilaterally validate the agreement that would allow it to remain the only team with full factory support from Ducati...
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Ex-Haas F1 sporting director to lead Juncos IndyCar team

O’Neill, who held the roles of sporting director and team manager at Haas in F1 from 2014-17, steps into a newly created role by JHR and...
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WRC’s 2025 rule change will create “pretty crap” car – Hyundai’s Abiteboul

Abiteboul made the claims after his Hyundai team conducted computer simulations of the 2025 rules to see how removing hybrid, and modifications and air restrictor....
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Bearman: “Back to the drawing board” for F1 on spray guards

Ferrari completed an FIA test last Thursday at Fiorano to trial the second attempt at introducing spray guards to cover the wheels in the wet,...
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Abiteboul: We won’t spend one Euro testing a Rally1 alternative

Hyundai team principal Cyril Abiteboul has talked DirtFish through the thinking behind his team’s plans not to prepare for anything other than a continuation of......
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Nädalavahetus autospordis: viis võistlust Eestis ja mitmed eestlased võistlevad välismaal

Nädalavahetusel toimub Eestis viis autospordivõistlust ning mitmed Eesti autosportlased stardivad välismaal. Rallikrossi Eesti meistrivõistluste punktid on mängus Kulbilohus, kus laupäeval sõidetakse teine etapp. Võistlussõidud algavad...
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Mida teha, kui valasid AdBlued kütusepaaki?

Mida teha, kui valasid AdBlued kütusepaaki?

AdBlued tuleb kindlasti valada ainult AdBlue jaoks mõeldud paaki. Tegemist ei ole kütuselisandiga, mida niisama kütusele juurde segada. Tegemist on happega ning hape kütusepaagis on...
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20 Eesti müüduimat autot. Kui palju on pidamiskulu ühe aastaga tõusnud?

20 Eesti müüduimat autot. Kui palju on pidamiskulu ühe aastaga tõusnud?

Hinnatõus igas sektoris ei ole viimastel aastatel mingi uudis, muu hulgas on kallimaks läinud ka autod, tõusnud intressikulud, kerkinud kütuse hind ja ka käibemaks. Kui...
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How an 18-month design reset transformed McLaren into F1 race winners

Although Lando Norris’ triumph was not won entirely on pace, as Max Verstappen’s RB20 was damaged after he ran over that bollard, it was clear...
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2024 F1 Emilia Romagna Grand Prix session timings and preview

Following the cancellation of last year's race due to flooding in the region, Imola makes its much-awaited return to the grand prix calendar on 17-19...
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Opel esitles uue põlvkonna Grandlandi, mille elektriline versioon sõidab kuni 700 kilomeetrit

Opel esitles uue põlvkonna Grandlandi, mille elektriline versioon sõidab kuni 700 kilomeetrit

Opel esitles aprilli lõpus uut Grandlandi linnamaasturit, mille seeriamudel on esimene Opel, mis kannab nende uut disainikeelt nagu näiteks 3D Vizor koos valgustatud Blitzi logoga...
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What will the FIA’s WRC promotional unit actually do?

The World Rally Championship needs to reach more people. There may not yet be agreement on the direction of travel for the technical regulations, but......
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Rallikrossi Eesti meistrivõistlused jätkuvad põnevate sõitudega Kulbilohus

Rallikrossi Eesti meistrivõistluste teine etapp sõidetakse laupäeval, 18. mail Elva lähedal Kulbilohus. Kõige rohkem osalejaid on eelregistreerunud krosskartide Xtreme klassi (15) ja meistrisarja uude autoklassi...
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EAL kuulutab välja konkursi rallikomitee esimehe leidmiseks

EAL kuulutab välja konkursi rallikomiteele uue esimehe leidmiseks. Komitee senine juht Emilia Abel astub tööülesannete suurenemise tõttu 31. mail 2024 tagasi. Komitee juht vastutab spordireeglite...
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MOMU uus eksponaat – legendaarse spordireporteri Gunnar Hololei Volga

MOMU Mootorispordi Muuseumi kogu täienes hiljaaegu uue eksponaadiga, milleks on legendaarsele mootorispordi kommentaatorile Gunnar Hololeile kuulunud Volga. Gunnar Hololei töötas üle nelja aastakümne (1949-1990) Eesti...
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Indy 500: McLaughlin tops second day of practice at 229.493mph before deluge

Although the session was altered to start earlier at 10am ET (originally 12pm), the weather that also impacted Tuesday’s opening day hung around the Indianapolis...
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Exclusive: Will Brown “living the dream” with NASCAR opportunity

It’s been a true stock car rollercoaster ride and it’s hard for Brown to fathom how quickly his racing career has evolved. He is committed,...
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Mis on suurim viga kindlustusjuhtumi pildistamisel?

Mis on suurim viga kindlustusjuhtumi pildistamisel?

Kindlustusjuhtumi fikseerimise juures on üks olulisimaid tegevusi sündmuse jäädvustamine. Paraku inimesed ei tea tihti, mida täpsemalt pildistama peaks. Loe "Mis on suurim viga kindlustusjuhtumi pildistamisel?" täispikka...
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Mercedes-Benz on peatanud uue elektriautode platvormi arendamistööd

Mercedes-Benz on peatanud uue elektriautode platvormi arendamistööd

Järgmine tagasilöök elektriautode tuleviku osas tuleb Mercedes-Benzi poolt, kes väidetavalt on peatanud elektriautode suurema platvormi arendamise, vahendab Autocar. Vajalikud investeeringud on niivõrd suured, et autotootja...
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Proovisõit: uus Škoda Kodiaq on üks mitmekülgsemaid autosid, mida praegu müüakse

Proovisõit: uus Škoda Kodiaq on üks mitmekülgsemaid autosid, mida praegu müüakse

Škoda Kodiaqi uus põlvkond saabub Volkswageni-Škoda suurte pereautode laine viimasena: Passatit ja Superbi jõudsime juba võrdlustestiski proovida, Tiguani ehk Škoda suure linnadžiibi sõsarmudeliga käisime sõitmas...
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Vanast Autolehest: Kõrvuti kolm rahvalikku Fordi viimasest 99 aastast

Vanast Autolehest: Kõrvuti kolm rahvalikku Fordi viimasest 99 aastast

Autoleht tegi 15 aastat tagasi ajalugu, pannes võrdlustestis kõrvuti kolm omas ajas vägagi populaarset Fordi, kuid selle väikese kiiksuga, et uusima ja vanima rahvaauto vanusevahe...
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Open Track Festival 2024: autoentusiastide sõiduhooaja avamine Audrus koos Cars & Coffee näitusealaga

Open Track Festival 2024: autoentusiastide sõiduhooaja avamine Audrus koos Cars & Coffee näitusealaga

19. mail toimub Eestis esimest korda sündmus nimega Open Track Festival 2024. Varasemalt juba 70 korda toimunud Open Tracki korraldus usaldati alates käesolevast aastast Masinawärk...
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Suur lugu: kuidas on sanktsioonid mõjunud nõukaautode varuosade saadavusele?

Suur lugu: kuidas on sanktsioonid mõjunud nõukaautode varuosade saadavusele?

Lada, Moskvitši, Volga ja teiste nõukaaegsete (hobi)autode varuosi pärast sõja puhkemist Venemaalt enam tuua ei tohi. Kas nüüd on defitsiit, nagu nõukaajale kohane?Loe "Suur lugu:...
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Autoankeet. Priit Võigemast ostis oma esimese korraliku honorari eest tuunitud Honda Civicu

Autoankeet. Priit Võigemast ostis oma esimese korraliku honorari eest tuunitud Honda Civicu

Autoankeet on rubriik, kus küsime erinevatelt Eesti tuntud ja olulistelt inimestelt autode ja üldisemalt liiklusega seotud küsimusi. Seekord vastab näitleja Priit Võigemast.Loe "Autoankeet. Priit Võigemast...
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Barnicoat: Hard to prepare for “extreme” Super Formula debut after late call-up

Team Impul revealed on Tuesday that Barnicoat will step into its #19 car for this weekend’s second round of the season, following last week’s news...
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A vote of confidence or biding his time? What Albon’s new Williams F1 deal means

Albon was hailed as one of the stand-out performers of last season, scoring all but one of Williams' 28 points to drag it up to...
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DTM champion Preining headlines Phantom Global team’s maiden Spa 24 assault

The Austrian will join Jaguar's Formula E reserve Joel Eriksson and Jaxon Evans in the Porsche Motorsport Asia Pacific-supported squad's roster for the centenary edition...
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Schumacher F1 watches top $4 million after cyber-attack delays auction

The personal collection belonging to the seven-time F1 world champion reached a total of 4 million Swiss Francs ($4.41 million).The collection was set to go...
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FIA planning harsher F1 penalties to clamp down on Magnussen Miami tactics

In Miami's sprint Magnussen was handed three 10-second penalties for leaving the track and gaining an advantage, which meant the Haas driver was able to...
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Has the WRC finally turned a corner in its promotion pursuit?

Harmony within the World Rally Championship has been a rare commodity over the last 12 months. Conflict over a lack of promotion or uncertainty over...
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Espargaro unimpressed by MotoGP stewards’ approach after French GP incidents

Aprilia rider Espargaro had a run-in with two different riders during last Sunday's race at Le Mans as he tumbled from running third in the...
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How a determined Brazilian traded Uber for racing in the WEC has occasionally ridden in an Uber with a driver who believed they had missed their calling as a racing driver. But it’s not often...
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Hamilton has never known F1 tyres to have such a “minuscule” working range

The recent Miami Grand Prix proved to be extremely tricky for drivers to find the sweet spot with their rubber, as a combination of temperatures,...
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What Marquez would have to give up to sign for the factory Ducati MotoGP team

When the first rumours surrounding Marquez's possible arrival to the factory Ducati team next season began to surface, the thesis of Red Bull's sponsorship quickly...
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A car ahead of its time?

Rally1 vs Rally2 vs Rally2-plus: it’s a major area of debate for the future of the World Rally Championship. An argument against basing the WRC’s......
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Does part-time Rovanperä have a crashing problem?

Pressure. It can make or break an athlete. Some thrive as the temperature rises, while others crumble. But, now that the pressure is off, is......
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Was Neuville’s Portugal performance a champion’s drive?

A dramatic Rally Portugal brought plenty of talking points to the World Rally Championship last weekend. While Toyota’s Sébastien Ogier secured his second consecutive WRC......
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M-Sport: Fourmaux now looks like the finished article

If M-Sport’s team principal Richard Millener had a haughty look, he’d probably be wearing it right now. And with some justification. His protégé is delivering......
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Lastekaitsepäeval saab Porsche Ringil näha ajaloolisi ringrajarattaid

Motoringraja Eesti meistrivõistluste avaetapil 1. juunil osalevad lisaks moodsatele tsiklitele ka ajaloolised ringrajarattad. Lastekaitsepäeva hommik algab Porsche Ringil kell 11.00 näitusega, kus osalevad ka Unic...
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Majanduslikel põhjustel ära jäänud Võru rallit asendab Lätis sõidetav Cēsise ralli

Algselt 7. ja 8. juunile planeeritud, kuid majanduslikel põhjustel ära jäävat Terminal autoralli Eesti meistrivõistluste hooaja neljandat etappi, Võru rallit asendab 9.-10. augustini Lätis sõidetav...
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Noored Roolis sari jätkub pühapäeval Kulbilohu rallikrossirajal

Noored Roolis hooaja teine etapp sõidetakse juba sellel pühapäeval, 19. mail Tartumaal Kulbilohu rallikrossirajal. Võistlussarjas kasutatavateks autodeks on ühesugused Renault Twingod. Igal võistlusel osaleb keskmiselt...
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18-19. mai toimub Karksi-Nuias EMV I etapp

Juba sellel nädalavahetusel – 18-19. mail toimub Karksi-Nuias motokrossi Eesti meistrivõistluste I etapp! Järgneval lehel on võimalik veel eelregistreerida ning tutvuda võistlusjuhendiga: EMV 1. etapp...
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Kanaan only an option for Indy 500 if Larson is forced to withdraw

Larson is making his maiden attempt in the Indy 500 as part of ‘the double’ on Memorial Day Weekend that includes running the 600-mile NASCAR...
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Cam Waters to make NASCAR Cup debut with RFK at Sonoma

Waters, 29, has over 250 starts as a Supercars driver, winning eleven races and ending the year as the championship runner-up twice.The Tickford Racing driver...
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IndyCar confirms new hybrid engine race debut for Mid-Ohio

As part of a collaborative effort between Chevrolet, Honda and IndyCar, the first-of-its-kind hybrid unit features the current 2.2-liter, twin-turbocharged V-6 engine paired with ultracapacitor...
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Magnussen: “Unfinished business” with Haas F1 behind desire to stay

The Dane joined Haas in 2017, a year after the team made its grand prix debut, staying there until he lost his drive at the...
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Jimmie Johnson joins NBC broadcast team for Indy 500, NASCAR races

NBC Sports on Tuesday announced the seven-time Cup Series champion will contribute to pre-race and race coverage of the network’s presentation of the 108th Running...
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F1 eyes lightweight halo from 2026

As F1 moves towards its all-new rules era with revamped turbo hybrid engines, motor racing’s governing body has laid out ambitious plans for a change...
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NASCAR suspends three crew members, reinstates another

Marten Lindley, crew chief of JR Motorsports’ No. 1 Chevrolet driven by Sam Mayer in the Xfinity Series has been fined $10,000 and suspended next...
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Liikluskindlustus on kümnendiku võrra kallimaks läinud

Liikluskindlustus on kümnendiku võrra kallimaks läinud

Kindlustuskahjud pole juba mõnda aega kukkunud, kuid aastases võrdluses see siiski juhtus. Samas ei takista see maksete tõstmist.Loe "Liikluskindlustus on kümnendiku võrra kallimaks läinud" täispikka...
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Auto just siis, kui seda vajad ehk miks tasub ettevõttel liikuda omamiselt tarbimise poole?

Auto just siis, kui seda vajad ehk miks tasub ettevõttel liikuda omamiselt tarbimise poole?

Avis on toonud turule uue mobiilsuslahenduse, MyAvis. Tegemist on ärikliendile mõeldud teenusega, mis võimaldab ettevõttel kombineerida erinevaid liikumisviise. Rendi auto pooleks tunniks, päevaks või mitmeks...
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Galerii: Lahti autonäituse fookus olid küll väikesed autod, aga valik oli see-eest suur

Galerii: Lahti autonäituse fookus olid küll väikesed autod, aga valik oli see-eest suur

Tänavuse näituse peateema oli „Pieni on kaunista” ehk maakeeli väike on ilus. Seda ilu jagus tõepoolest mitmesse näitusehalli miniatuursete autode, veokite ja tsiklite kujul, rääkimata...
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Tallinnas muudeti segadust tekitava ristmiku liikluskorraldust

Tallinnas muudeti segadust tekitava ristmiku liikluskorraldust

Mustamäel Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla kõrval paiknev ristmik ei ole silma paistnud kõige optimaalsema liikluskorraldusega, kuid nüüd seda muudeti.Loe "Tallinnas muudeti segadust tekitava ristmiku liikluskorraldust" täispikka artiklit...
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Kaido Soorsk: Miks mitte piirata ka jalamehe ja ratturi kiirust?

Kaido Soorsk: Miks mitte piirata ka jalamehe ja ratturi kiirust?

Irvhammaste sõnul on meie suurel naabril olnud läbi aegade kaks probleemi: kehvad teed ja suur hulk lolle. Mulle on meeldinud arvata, et oleme paremas seisus...
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Porsche 911 esimene hübriidajamiga versioon näitas oma võimekust Nürburgringil

Porsche 911 esimene hübriidajamiga versioon näitas oma võimekust Nürburgringil

Saksa autotootja annab viimast lihvi esimesele liikluskõlbulikule hübriidajamiga 911 sportautole.Loe "Porsche 911 esimene hübriidajamiga versioon näitas oma võimekust Nürburgringil" täispikka artiklit portaalist Autogeenius. _____________________________ Geenius...
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Turbod, mis turbod? Bugatti järgmine V-16-mootor on vabalthingav

Turbod, mis turbod? Bugatti järgmine V-16-mootor on vabalthingav

Mõni kuu tagasi avaldas Bugatti oma järgmise auto jõuallika, milleks on V-16-sisepõlemismootor. Nüüd on teada ka rohkem infot ja tuleb välja, et suur mootor ei...
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Kasutatud Mercedes E-klass (W213): mugav, ülitehnoloogiline, aga siiski paari veaga

Kasutatud Mercedes E-klass (W213): mugav, ülitehnoloogiline, aga siiski paari veaga

Eelmine E-klass pakub traditsioonilise Mercedese väärtusi eesotsas eesrindliku tehnoloogia ja mugavusega, tasemel on ka kvaliteet.Loe "Kasutatud Mercedes E-klass (W213): mugav, ülitehnoloogiline, aga siiski paari veaga"...
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Acosta: French GP was first chance for “something big” in MotoGP

Acosta was once again the top rider in the KTM contingent at Le Mans, with a rapid launch allowing him to jump from seventh on the...
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Newgarden “missing” Cindric at Indy, Porsche sportscar boss replaces him

Newgarden’s regular strategist Tim Cindric and race engineer Luke Mason were both suspended by legendary team owner Roger Penske from IndyCar duties following the illegality...
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DTM’s new Full Course Yellow rule receives heavy criticism from teams

Starting this year, the pitlane is effectively closed whenever a FCY or a safety car is deployed in the DTM, with any urgent visit to...
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Indy 500: Schedule and how to watch IndyCar’s biggest race in 2024

The world-famous Indy 500 is billed as ‘the greatest spectacle in racing’ with its banked oval, historic traditions and wheel-to-wheel battles capturing the attention of...
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The eight key changes Ferrari has made to its F1 car for Imola

The team did so to ensure it had enough time if there were teething problems for what is quite a substantial change, not only to...
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Albon: Williams lack of F1 performance a “realisation” of task ahead

The Grove-based team was one of the surprises of 2023 when it jumped from the bottom of the 2022 constructors' championship to finish seventh as...
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Peugeot claims unfair treatment in veiled BoP attack following WEC Spa

Jean-Marc Finot, the French manufacturer’s motorsport boss, told at Spa that “my feeling is that we are being treated unfairly”.He did not mention the...
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Indy 500: Dixon fastest at 229.107mph as weather halts practice

The six-time IndyCar Series champion and 2008 winner of the Indy 500, Dixon scorched around the 2.5-mile Indianapolis Motor Speedway with a flying lap of...
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Euro NASCAR driver Paul Jouffreau penalized for use of racial slur

Jouffreau, the reigning EuroNASCAR 2 series champion, was accused of directing a racial slur towards a fellow sim racer on the online broadcasting platform Twitch.On...
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Evans feels “new ideas” are required after WRC Portugal struggles

The Toyota driver felt that “everything he touched went wrong” last weekend as he witnessed his six-point deficit to championship leader Hyundai’s Thierry Neuville balloon...
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Hyundai granted joker dispensation for 2025

Hyundai will have the opportunity to deliver 50% of its new-for-2025 car after a deal was struck with rival manufacturers allowing the Korean manufacturer to......
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What Evans must do to remain in WRC title fight

If Elfyn Evans won the lottery on Saturday night, he’s probably lost the ticket. Nothing went right for Toyota’s Welshman in Portugal last week. There......
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How can the WRC up its social media game?

Social media is a contentious issue in the world of rallying. I know firsthand – we talk about the constantly shifting nature of the media......
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FOTOD. Markus Häidberg asfaldikogemusest veobagiga: huvitav oli sõita

Inten autokrossi Eesti meistrivõistluste avaetapp sõideti Raassilla täielikult kõvakattega rajal, mis oli paljudele veoauto- ja veobagisõitjatele uus kogemus. Veobagi Super klassi võitja, mitmekordne Eesti meister...
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Endel Kiisa in memoriam

  Esmaspäeval 13. mail lahkus meie hulgast legendaarne motosportlane Endel Kiisa.  1. oktoobril 1937. aastal Käinas sündinud Endel Kiisa lõpetas aastal 1969 autonduse erialal Tallinna...
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Eestlased tõid Ape motokrossilt koju mitmeid esikohti

Läti motokrossi meistrivõistluste teine etapp toimus möödunud nädalavahetusel Ape krossirajal. Legendaarne motokross toimus sellel aastal juba 51. korda. Ape krossil on alati osalemas palju meie...
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Gordejev ja Niitsoo teenisid Hollandi MM-etapil punkilisa

Külgvankrite motokrossi maailmameistrivõistluste teine etapp toimus möödunud nädalavahetusel Hollandis Heerde krossirajal. Raskel liivarajal ei läinud Gert Gordejevil ja Sten Niitsool kõige paremini ja punkte teeniti...
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ENKV Narva etapi galerii

Emadepäeval so 12.05.2024 toimus selle aasta Eesti noorte karikavõistluste avaetapp ja valik meie fotosid teie ees. Fotograaf : Igor Tseskidov The post ENKV Narva etapi...
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Ilus Volkswageni elektriauto, aga kahjuks vaid hiinlastele

Ilus Volkswageni elektriauto, aga kahjuks vaid hiinlastele

Volkswageni Euroopas müüdavaist ID-seeria elektriautodest ükski pole eriline iludus, kuid Hiina jaoks osatakse neid mingil põhjusel teha palju kenamaid. Loe "Ilus Volkswageni elektriauto, aga kahjuks...
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Renault’ elektriveok lööb pimedas helendama

Renault’ elektriveok lööb pimedas helendama

Renault kattis Euroopa seitsmes riigis juulini tuuritava elektriveoki E-Tech T Diamond Echo kabiini ja küljevoolundid tuuninguhulle küllap sügavalt vaimustava, pimedas elektrivoolu toimel helendava elektroluminesentskilega. Loe...
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Video: Leedu toll sai saagiks Venemaale smugeldatud Cybertruckid

Video: Leedu toll sai saagiks Venemaale smugeldatud Cybertruckid

Leedu toll avaldas eelmisel nädalal video kahest Cybertruckist, mis teel kinni peeti. Euroopas neid autosid teatavasti ei müüda ning seega tekkisid ka suured kahtlused.Loe "Video:...
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Mis saab, kui sõidan suveperioodil edasi lamellrehvidega?

Mis saab, kui sõidan suveperioodil edasi lamellrehvidega?

Kui talviseid naastrehve võid kasutada reeglina kuni 31. märtsini, siis lamellrehvidega võib sõita sisuliselt aasta läbi. Siiski ei ole see soovituslik, sest suvel kuluvad lamellrehvid...
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Galerii: Rolls-Royce Cullinan sai uuenduse käigus värske ja rohkelt valgustatud näo

Galerii: Rolls-Royce Cullinan sai uuenduse käigus värske ja rohkelt valgustatud näo

Rolls-Royce uuendas kiiresti luksusmargi menukaimaks mudeliks saanud Cullinani välimust ja sisustust, muutes 5,43 m pikkuse ja ligi 2,7-tonnise tühimassiga pooldžiibi esiosa peaaegu tundmatuseni.Loe "Galerii: Rolls-Royce...
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Kuula: 10.05 Autotund: tähistame sünnipäeva, räägime autole kuluvast rahast ja Eestisse ostetud superautodest

Kuula: 10.05 Autotund: tähistame sünnipäeva, räägime autole kuluvast rahast ja Eestisse ostetud superautodest

Selles saates on teemaks üks rõõmus sündumus – Autogeeniuse portaal sai seitsme aastaseks ja sellega seoses vaatame, mis tehtud ja kuidas see sündis.Loe "<span class="autogeenius">Kuula:...
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DrivePlot – Eesti uues automüügiportaalis ei maksa kuulutamine midagi! 

DrivePlot – Eesti uues automüügiportaalis ei maksa kuulutamine midagi! 

DrivePlot on uus eestlaste loodud automüügiportaal, mida iseloomustab lihtsus ja mugavus. Kuid mille poolest see teistest eristub? Loe "DrivePlot – Eesti uues automüügiportaalis ei maksa kuulutamine...
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Miks müüb Citroën selliseid “Siiami kaubikuid”?

Miks müüb Citroën selliseid “Siiami kaubikuid”?

Sarnaselt teiste kaubikutega on ka Citroën Jumper saadaval erinevates kerekonfiguratsioonides. Need sabapidi kokku keevitatud isendid võivad aga päris kummastust tekitada.Loe "Miks müüb Citroën selliseid “Siiami...
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Ilott gets Indy 500 start with Arrow McLaren IndyCar team

The Brit lost his full-time seat with Juncos Hollinger Racing at the end of last season, despite impressing during his time with the team.But he...
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Ferrari confirms arrival of ex-Mercedes F1 men D’Ambrosio, Serra

Serra, formerly the performance director at Mercedes, will take on the head of chassis performance engineering role at Ferrari on 1 October and will report...
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Veebikoolitus ettevõtjale: tööandja auto, isikliku sõidu auto kasutamine, sõidupäevik, käibemaks ja kõik muu seonduv

Veebikoolitus ettevõtjale: tööandja auto, isikliku sõidu auto kasutamine, sõidupäevik, käibemaks ja kõik muu seonduv

Sõidukitega seotud maksunüansid on ettevõtjate seas aktuaalsed olnud ajast aega. Viimatine tulumaksuseaduse muudatus leevendas küll töö ja kodu vaheliste sõitude kompenseerimist, kuid aktuaalseks jäävad ikka...
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Stewart-Haas Racing impresses with double top-five at Darlington

It's been an uphill climb for Stewart-Haas Racing (SHR) recently, but Sunday at Darlington was a bright spot for both the No. 4 and No....
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Keselowski: “This is just another chapter” after first win with RFK

In the nearly three seasons since Keselowski joined Roush Fenway Keselowski Racing as a part-owner and full-time driver, the organization has undergone vast changes evident in...
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NASCAR to launch in-season bracket tournament for $1 million prize

Something immensely popular in the NBA, NASCAR star Denny Hamlin created his own version of it last year after floating the idea of introducing a...
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Juncos Hollinger Racing reveals special liveries for the Indy 500

Grosjean, who survived a fiery crash in his final Formula 1 start in 2020, was aptly called 'The Phoenix' following the accident. He crashed through...
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Norris can beat Verstappen in straight fight but ‘many races ending in tears’ – Brown

Norris led home Verstappen in F1's most recent race in Miami – the Briton gaining from a mid-race safety car just as he appeared to...
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Tanak not far from “being in the fight” after Portugal WRC victory challenge

The 2019 world champion ignited his season last weekend by ending a 2024 podium drought after losing out in an intense victory battle with Toyota’s...
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Ferrari F1 reserve Shwartzman tops Berlin FE rookie test

The DS Penske driver posted a 1m01.937s inside the final hour to become the only driver to break the 1m02s barrier during the two three-hour...
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Marquez ‘still missing something’ to fight for 2024 MotoGP title

After five rounds on the year-old Ducati, Marquez has scored two grand prix podiums and three sprint rostrums.His latest brace of podiums at the French...
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Why Rovanperä’s off wasn’t Portugal’s biggest story

Saturday morning. It’s just after seven and as the cars depart service for the stages, some of the World Rally Championship’s heavier hitters head inside......
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DirtFish’s Rally Portugal 2024 Driver Ratings

Rally Portugal delivered once again. There was action, drama, heroics, the lot. But in that equation, there will always be star performers and those who......
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What we learned from Rally Portugal 2024

The European gravel season got underway in spectacular fashion at Rally Portugal. The eventual winner may not have surprised too many people, but pre-rally predictions......
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EMF-i legendide kokkutulek

  Ootame kõiki EMF-i motolegende, veteransportlasi ja palju kaasaelajaid 25. mail algusega kell 11:00 Toilasse Pühajõe krossirajale! Ajakava: 11:00 –  kolonni rivistamine 12:00 – start...
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Markus Kajak sõitis end Saksamaal poodiumile, Albert Tamm Hispaanias

Lisaks kodumaisele hooaja algusele sõitsid Eesti kardisportlased ka võidu välismaal. Markus Kajak lõpetas Saksa meistrivõistluste etapi kolmandana, näidates kiireimat ringiaega. Albert Tamm sõitis end poodiumile...
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Reimann ja EST1 Racing näitasid Beneluxi Porsche Carrera Cupi debüüdil Belgias head kiirust

Nädalavahetusel sõideti legendaarsel Spa-Francorchampsi ringrajal FIA WEC võistlusnädalavahetuse raames Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux sarja avaetapp. EST1 Racing tiimi värvides tegi sarjas oma debüüdi ka Alex...
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Karl Robin Rillo näitas Euroopa meistrivõistlustel head kiirust

  Quadide Euroopa meistrivõistluste teine etapp toimus 11-12. mail Hollandis Heerde krossirajal, kus eestlastest oli stardis Karl Robin Rillo (Redmoto). Etapile oli kirja pannud 33...
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Eesti Noorte Karikavõistluste esimene etapp motokrossis toimus Narvas

Pühapäeval, 12. mail toimus Narvas Eesti Noorte Karikavõistluste esimene etapp motokrossis. Mitmetes klassides olid paljud meie parimad küll võistlemas samal ajal Lätis, kuid põnevaid võidusõite...
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FOTOD ja VIDEO. Vaatemänguline kardihooaja avamine Laitses

Eesti kardispordi meistrivõistlused algasid Laitse kardirajal. Põnevaid võistlussõite peeti mitmetes klassides, osadel neist peatume pikemalt. Dramaatilises Mini 60 finaalis polnud vastest Nikita Ljubimovile, kes võttis...
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Linnamäe krossirada võõrustas MX Liiga kolmandat etappi

Möödunud laupäeval, 11. mail toimus Jõgeval Linnamäe krossirajal MX Liiga kolmas etapp. Päikesepaisteline ja äärmiselt tuuline ilm tegid korraldajate elu raskeks kiiresti kuivava raja nöol,...
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Ott Tänak ja Martin Järveoja lõpetasid Portugali MM-ralli nädalavahetuse suurima punktiskooriga

Möödunud nädalavahetusel sõidetud Portugali MM-ralli võitsid Toyotal sõitnud Sébastien Ogier / Vincent Landais. Reedel rallit juhtinud Takamoto Katsuta ja viimase kahe aasta Portugali ralli võitja...
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Darlington NASCAR Cup: Keselowski snaps 110-race winless streak

Chris Buescher, Keselowski's teammate at RFK Racing, was working feverishly to hold off Reddick in the final laps of Sunday’s race when Reddick got into him as...
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IMSA Laguna Seca: Porsche beats Cadillac after last-gasp Tandy pass

Tandy (Porsche Penske Motorsport 963) passed Cadillac’s Jack Aitken inside the final dozen minutes of the 2h40m event that was run for GTP and GTD...
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Power “knocking on the door” after another runner-up finish in Indy GP

After starting third, Power applied consistent pressure for the top spot on in- and out-laps, but undoubtedly the win was decided in the event’s only...
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Berlin E-Prix: Da Costa seals Porsche home win after beating Cassidy

The Portuguese driver took his second on-the-road win of the season in Germany, after also winning in Misano before he was disqualified due to a...
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MotoGP French GP: Martin beats Marquez and Bagnaia in nail-biter

Having dominated the sprint race on Saturday, Martin converted pole to a second grand prix victory of the 2024 season to open up a lead...
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Neuville stunned by almost “impossible” result in WRC Rally Portugal

The Hyundai driver had downplayed chances of a strong result in the first event of the WRC’s traditional gravel season given the disadvantage of opening...
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Ogier: Surpassing Markku Alen’s WRC Portugal record “means a lot”

Eight-time world champion Ogier added yet another record to his glittering resume by scoring a record sixth career Rally Portugal after beating Hyundai’s Ott Tanak...
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Wehrlein: Formula E Berlin contact with Dennis “should not happen”

The Porsche driver was left to finish fourth in the sequel at the Tempelhof Airport circuit on Sunday, one spot ahead of Dennis as the...
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Miami needs bigger DRS to make racing more exciting, says Stella

Drivers appeared to favour making overtakes into Turn 11 during this year's race, with surprisingly few efforts made into the tight Turn 17 at the...
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Bagnaia reckons French GP result preview of 2024 MotoGP title fight

Bagnaia once again went head-to-head with Pramac counterpart Jorge Martin and Gresini Ducati’s Marc Marquez for top honours in Sunday’s French GP at Le Mans.Martin...
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Lietz “had no idea” last-lap WEC Spa move was for LMGT3 victory

Lietz revealed that he at first "had no idea" about the significance of his pass on team-mate Klaus Bachler into Les Combes, which secured victory...
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Martin “doesn’t have anything to demonstrate” to Ducati after French GP win

Martin emerged on top in an epic battle with fellow Ducati riders Francesco Bagnaia and Marc Marquez to win the French Grand Prix, extending his...
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Marquez was “completely exhausted” when he reached Le Mans MotoGP win fight

The Gresini Ducati rider endured a tough qualifying which saw him knocked out in Q1, though he recovered brilliantly in the sprint to finish second.Marquez...
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Ogier takes 60th career WRC win in Portugal

Sébastien Ogier scored the 60th victory of his World Rally Championship career on Rally Portugal, becoming the most successful driver in the history of the......
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The lesson Ogier learned from his sixth Portugal win

After adding World Rally Championship victory number 60 and becoming the most successful driver in Rally Portugal history, surpassing Markku Alén, you’d think Sébastien Ogier......
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Eesti külgvankripaarid pääsesid Horvaatias poodiumile

Sel nädalavahetusel Horvaatias Grobniku ringrajal toimunud Internationale Sidecar Trophy sarja teisel etapil pääsesid poodiumile mõlemad Eesti ringraja külgvankripaarid. Eero Pärm / Lauri Lipstok (LCR Yamaha,...
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What the teams made of WRC’s vision to improve promotion

The WRC Promoter presented its vision to its key stakeholder group, which included Hyundai, Toyota, Ford, Stellantis and Skoda alongside representatives from the FIA during...
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Verstappen not a fan of F1 superlicence points system blocking Antonelli

A driver aiming to compete in an F1 race has to accumulate a total of 40 points to be granted a superlicence, a system that...
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2024 MotoGP French Grand Prix – How to watch, session times & more

Pramac rider Jorge Martin leads the standings on 92 points, with reigning champion Francesco Bagnaia sitting 17 points behind in second on the factory Ducati...
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Ferrari protest into WEC Spa result rejected

The Ferrari AF Corse team submitted a protest against the the stewards’ decisions declaring that the race would be restarted after the original time the...
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Jota’s victory in WEC Spa is “proof” of the 963 programme, says Porsche

Urs Kuratle, director of the LMDh project at Porsche, explained that the win for British team’s 963 LMDh shared by Will Stevens and Callum Ilott...
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Berlin E-Prix: Dennis takes first Formula E pole of 2024 after stunning turnaround

The Briton and his Andretti team put in a remarkable turnaround from yesterday having qualified on the back row of the grid before retiring in...
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WRC Portugal: Ogier holds rally lead, Evans hit by overheating drama

Thick fog provided a curveball for the field, but it failed to derail Ogier as the eight-time world champion led Tanak by 10.1s after the...
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Tsunoda made a “huge step” in F1 2024, says RB

Tsunoda scored seventh in last weekend's Miami Grand Prix, cementing RB's sixth position in the constructors' table after team-mate Daniel Ricciardo scored fourth in Saturday's...
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The legend of Fafe

Fafe. It’s a name that only requires the quietest whisper to set the imagination of drivers and fans on a journey. A journey of thrills,......
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Engine issue puts Evans Rally Portugal at risk

Elfyn Evans has suffered a late drama on Rally Portugal, as oil temperatures skyrocketing aboard his Toyota GR Yaris Rally1 has put his rally at......
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Lucas Orav ja Maiko Tamm rallikrossi RallyX poodiumil. „Uhke tunne on seista poodiumil kuuekordse maailmameistri kõrval.“

Rallikrossi RallyX sarja teisel etapil Rootsis Tierpis jõudsid poodiumile kaks Eesti sõitjat: Maiko Tamm 4WD Openis ja Lucas Orav krosskartide klassis. Sarja põhiklassi 4WD Open...
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Esimese eestlasena Drift Mastersi etapi võitnud Kevin Pesur: unistus on täitunud

Hispaanias Ricardo Tormo ringrajal toimunud kõrgetasemelise driftisarja Drift Masters avaetapi võitnud Kevin Pesur ütleb, et tunne on võimas. „Üks mu unistusi on täitnud,“ rääkis esimese...
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Chris Buescher has moved past the “bitterness” of Kansas loss

Buescher ended up on the short end of the closest finish in NASCAR history in a last-lap side by side duel with Kyle Larson last...
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Indy NXT Indy GP: Foster claims win in second race of the weekend

Foster stalked and made numerous attempts to pass race leader Caio Collett (HMD Motorsports) for the majority of the race before finally getting by with...
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How Palou managed the final restart to win the Indy GP

The Spaniard was in pursuit early on after faltering away his start from pole, but regained the advantage with an overcut pit strategy on the...
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Lundgaard “Happy to be disappointed” with first podium of IndyCar season

The 22-year-old Dane made the most of a front row start by jumping into the lead over pole-sitter Alex Palou at the start and appeared...
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IMSA Laguna Seca: Bourdais pips Derani for pole in Cadillac 1-2

Bourdais beat the sister Cadillac Racing entry of Pipo Derani and Philipp Eng’s BMW in the quickfire 15-minute qualifying session, ahead of this weekend’s 2h40m...
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Fuming Herta says team-mate Ericsson raced him “like an ass”

After Ericsson and Herta qualified down in 21st and 24th respectively, the pair collided on the second lap of the Indy GP in a frantic...
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IndyCar Indy GP: Palou beats Power, Lundgaard in strategic battle

The reigning and two-time IndyCar Series champion, Palou recovered from getting behind early and utilized a sensational in-lap and out-lap on his strategy to secure...
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Justin Allgaier dominates in NASCAR Xfinity win at Darlington

Allgaier took both stage victories and in the final stage the pit crew on his No. 7 JR Motorsports Chevrolet team got him first off...
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WRC Portugal: Ogier responds to Tanak challenge to lead into final day

The eight-time world champion claimed four of the day’s nine stages, including two of the afternoon tests, to fend off a charging Tanak.Ogier headed to...
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WEC Spa: Jota Porsche claims maiden win in crash-delayed thriller

Will Stevens and Callum Ilott secured the first customer car victory of the Hypercar era for Jota in a 1-2 for the Porsche 963 LMDh,...
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WRC2 championship leader handed one-minute Portugal penalty

Yohan Rossel has been given a one-minute penalty on Rally Portugal for a safety violation, as he drove off from a tire change before co-driver......
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Ogier responds to Tänak push in Portugal lead battle

Sébastien Ogier has continued to hold Ott Tänak at bay in the battle for Rally Portugal victory, leading the Hyundai driver by 11.9 seconds with......
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Ford hints at bigger ambitions in off-road motorsport

Ford Performance and M-Sport revealed half of a four-strong driver line-up for its Dakar program on Friday. Carlos Sainz and Nani Roma are big names.......
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Tänak tire trouble hands Ogier Portugal lead

Sébastien Ogier has taken the lead of Rally Portugal after a Saturday morning filled with incidents, including the rally-ending crash of his team-mate and erstwhile......
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Rovanperä and Solberg explain Portugal crashes

Coming over the brow of a medium right-hander at the end of a long straight, it was clear that Kalle Rovanperä’s Toyota GR Yaris Rally1......
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Albert Tamm oli Champions of the Future Academy Valencia esimesel etapil kolmas

Eesti noored kardisportlased MINI klassis Sebastian Kirss (9 a) ja Albert Tamm (11 a) ning OK-N Junior klassi Kristian Ebras (12 a) olid täna võistlemas...
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Kevin Pesur võitis Drift Mastersi avaetapi Hispaanias

Kevin Pesur võitis rahvusvahelise driftisarja Drift Masters esimese etapi Hispaanias. Valencias Ricardo Tormo ringrajal toimunud võistluse finaalis alistas Team Estonia Autosport liige Pesur soomlase Lauri...
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Evans: Driving to smartphone WRC pacenotes “almost as good as normal”

Evans was forced to drive to pacenotes read from a smartphone by his co-driver Scott Martin for three stages after the latter left his pacenote...
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Ferrari stripped of WEC Spa pole, Porsche takes top spot

The car driven by Antonio Fuoco to a second consecutive WEC pole position in Friday afternoon's Hyperpole session by a margin of 0.507s has lost...
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IndyCar Indy GP: Lundgaard beats Power in spin-packed FP2

The 22-year-old Dane vaulted to the top of the leaderboard in the final moments of the 45-minute session with a 1m09.5588s lap on the 2.439-mile,...
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WRC Portugal: Rovanpera, Ogier split by a second, Evans suffers pacenote issue

Reigning world champion Rovanpera snatched the rally lead on stage six, but the margin never grew larger than a second as the part-time driver battled...
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Ferrari’s Calado admits “I screwed up” after missing WEC Spa Hyperpole

The Briton revealed that he made mistakes on his two quick laps aboard the #51 Ferrari 499P Le Mans Hypercar in the opening 15-minute qualifying...
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Chadwick: First Indy NXT podium shows improvements “starting to pay off”

In a race that featured plenty of contact and spins, Chadwick’s Andretti Global machine managed to avoid the chaos, climbing from sixth to third and...
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Indy NXT Indy GP: Abel fends off Siegel to win first race of doubleheader

The latest edition of the championship rivalry building between Abel and Nolan Siegel (HMD Motorsports) took to the 2.439-mile, 14-turn circuit, with the former successfully...
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IMSA Laguna Seca: Acura fastest, Aitken shunts Cadillac in FP1

Albuquerque beat BMW’s Philipp Eng and Mathieu Jaminet (Porsche Penske Motorsport 963) in the 90-minute opening practice session for the fourth round of the series.Eng...
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Van Gisbergen hopes to get “in a seat in the Cup Series next year”

The three-time Supercars champion became the first driver in more than 60 years to win a Cup race in his debut when captured the victory...
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IndyCar Indy GP: Champion Palou snatches pole by 0.09s from Lundgaard

The Spaniard was quiet for the majority of qualifying, but managed to deliver a late flyer of 1m09.0004s to claim the top spot on the...
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Ogier chasing down Rovanperä for Portugal lead

Kalle Rovanperä leads Rally Portugal by a single second from Toyota team-mate Sébastien Ogier, following a frenetic Friday on the roads around Arganil. Both world......
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Pastrana returns for Oregon Trail Rally

Subaru Motorsports USA has confirmed it will return to a two-car team at next week’s Oregon Trail Rally, with Travis Pastrana back in the #199......
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Rovanperä takes narrow lead as Evans has pacenote drama

Kalle Rovanperä and his Toyota team-mate Takamoto Katsuta are separated by only 0.2s after eight stages of Rally Portugal – but Elfyn Evans ran into......
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Paddon: why am I doing this?

While Portugal focuses the northern hemisphere’s rallying eye, the cat’s back down under. Playtime’s over for the Kiwi mice. Saturday is round two of the......
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Ebaseaduslikult kiirenduselt põgenenud BMW juht lõpetas kraavis

Ebaseaduslikult kiirenduselt põgenenud BMW juht lõpetas kraavis

Kolmapäeva hilisõhtul anti politseile teada, et Antsla kandis on kogunenud seltskond, kes autodega kiirendavad.Loe "Ebaseaduslikult kiirenduselt põgenenud BMW juht lõpetas kraavis" täispikka artiklit portaalist Autogeenius....
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Juulis alustatakse eriti kiire BMW M4 CS tootmist

Juulis alustatakse eriti kiire BMW M4 CS tootmist

Nelikveoline BMW M4 CS arendab 550 hobujõudu ja edestab kiirenduses nii nelikveolist M4 Competition Couped kui tagaveolist M4 CSL-i.Loe "Juulis alustatakse eriti kiire BMW M4...
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Automaksu uus eelnõu: laieneb ka esmakordsele omanikuvahetusele Eestis, aga summad on väiksemad

Automaksu uus eelnõu: laieneb ka esmakordsele omanikuvahetusele Eestis, aga summad on väiksemad

Rahandusminister Mart Võrklaeva sõnul on mootorsõidukimaksu eelnõus tulemas kaks põhimõttelist muudatust: registreerimistasu tuleb tasuda üks kord ka Eesti liiklusregistris juba olevate sõidukite müügil ning juriidiliste...
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Millisesse kohta on sõidukit ohutu parkida, millises kohas võib saada sõiduk mõlkida?

Millisesse kohta on sõidukit ohutu parkida, millises kohas võib saada sõiduk mõlkida?

Oled sõiduki ära parkinud ning asjatoimetustelt tagasi tulles avastad, et autol on mõlk, mida seal enne ei olnud. Kuhu oleks siis mõistlik parkida, et seda...
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Kolm Eesti noort jahivad nädalavahetusel punkte sarjas Champions of the Future

Kolm Eesti noort jahivad nädalavahetusel punkte sarjas Champions of the Future

Kõrgetasemelise kardisarja, Champions of the Future Academy, mis toob kokku noored võidusõidutalendid üle maailma, teine võistlusnädalavahetus saab alguse laupäeval Valencias. Eestit esindavad MINI klassis Sebastian...
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Ehitatud Eestis: hullumeelne 9-liitrise mootoriga Superbird valmis rekordilise kiirusega

Ehitatud Eestis: hullumeelne 9-liitrise mootoriga Superbird valmis rekordilise kiirusega

Helesinine Plymouth Roadrunner Superbird seostub eestlasele pigem menuka multifilmiga „Autod”, kuid teisel pool ookeani tuleb paljudele meelde hoopis legend võidusõidurajalt. Mõlemal juhul on tegu haruldusega,...
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Uus CUPRA Leon: täiustatud ja eraldiseisvaks mudeliks ümber kujundatud

Uus CUPRA Leon: täiustatud ja eraldiseisvaks mudeliks ümber kujundatud

29. aprillil toimus Madridis uue CUPRA Leoni maailma esmaesitlus. Vaatemänguline sündmus tähistas margile olulist verstaposti, tutvustades nii CUPRA Leoni 5-ukselist luukpära kui ka universaalversiooni Sportstourer....
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Inaugural A2RL race ends with victory for TUM

Machine met F1 talent, and one team's misfortune meant a victory for Munich-based team TUM.After a week of build up, and plenty of lapping, the...
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Ford signs Carlos Sainz Sr to lead Dakar Rally programme in 2025

Sainz and double event winner Nani Roma will be two of the four drivers to represent Ford in the prestigious Dakar event in Saudi Arabia...
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Ohtlike manöövritega kaamerasse jäänud juht sai kaela sadade eurode suuruse trahvi

Ohtlike manöövritega kaamerasse jäänud juht sai kaela sadade eurode suuruse trahvi

Mõne nädala eest kirjutasime, kuidas õppesõidumärgiga Kia Tallinnas hullumeelseid möödasõite tegi. Nüüd said teatavaks, millised on taolise käitumise tagajärjed.Loe "Ohtlike manöövritega kaamerasse jäänud juht sai...
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Kumba siis eelistada – kas harjumuspärast bensiinimootorit või hoopis hübriidajamit?

Kumba siis eelistada – kas harjumuspärast bensiinimootorit või hoopis hübriidajamit?

Hübriidautode hulk turul aina kasvab – need meeldivad inimestele, sest ühendavad elektri- ja sisepõlemismootoriga autode kõik head küljed. Kuid ka hübriide on erinevaid. Millised need...
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Bensiinita ei saa: Ford lükkab elektriautodele ülemineku tähtaega edasi

Bensiinita ei saa: Ford lükkab elektriautodele ülemineku tähtaega edasi

Kui eelnevatel aastatel sedasid paljud autotootjad oma elektrile lülitumise tähtajaks 2030. aasta, siis viimasel ajal kipuvad mitmed sellest taganema. Viimasena on sellele viidanud Ford. Miks...
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Corey Heim to run Nashville Cup race with 23XI Racing

Heim, 21, currently competes full-time in the NASCAR Truck Series. He has seven career wins there and made the Championship 4 last year. The Georgia native...
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MotoGP French GP: Martin tops second practice, Marquez into Q1

Setting the pace in FP1, Martin continued that form in the hour-long second session at Le Mans with a new lap record of 1m30.388s.The championship...
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Formula E battery concerns prompt Attack Mode change for Berlin

Ahead of the two races in Germany, which will be held on a new configuration at the Tempelhof Airport circuit, the Attack Mode duration has...
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WRC Promoter to set out vision for the future

The meeting is expected to focus largely on conveying the promoter’s plans and initiatives regarding the promotion of the championship.It is understood the FIA will...
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Porsche: Vettel outing at Le Mans still a future possibility despite 2024 absence

Vettel emerged as a late contender to drive Porsche Penske Motorsport's third 963 LMDh at La Sarthe following a successful test at Aragon in March...
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McLaren won’t get carried away given Red Bull’s F1 Miami struggles

Lando Norris took his maiden win in Miami as McLaren rolled out a significant 10-part upgrade package.While Red Bull's polesitter Max Verstappen struggled with floor...
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WRC Portugal: Katsuta leads as inspired Neuville impresses

Toyota driver Katsuta, starting sixth on the road, produced a strong and consistent pace across Friday morning’s four stages to take a 2.9s lead over...
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WEC Spa: Ferrari beats Porsche to pole, top Toyota in seventh

Fuoco took the top spot by almost exactly half a second at the wheel of the #50 Ferarri 499P Le Mans Hypercar in the 12-minute...
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Why Ford and M-Sport signed Sainz

It would have been shortly before his 10th birthday. Quite possibly standing in the kitchen at home in Cumbria. Matthew Wilson knew then. And he......
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Katsuta heads tight Friday fight in Portugal

Ten seconds split the top six drivers after a fascinating opening morning at Rally Portugal – but it’s Toyota’s Takamoto Katsuta sitting at the top......
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Sainz confirmed for Ford’s Dakar assault

Carlos Sainz’s sensational return to Ford has been confirmed, with the four-time Dakar winner joined by countryman Nani Roma. The two Spaniards represent half of......
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Katsuta snatches Portugal lead as crash delays running

Takamoto Katsuta has taken the lead of Rally Portugal from early pacesetter Thierry Neuville. World Rally Championship points leader Neuville had led overnight after the......
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Hyundai gambles on future WRC rules

Hyundai has gambled on the current World Rally Championship regulations remaining in place for the next two years – focusing its future development on the......
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Kuidas jälgida kardispordi Eesti meistrivõistluste etappi LaitseRallyPark´is? Ajavõtt, otseülekanne, ametlik info

LaitseRallyPark´is sõidetakse täna/reedel ja laupäeval kardispordi Eesti meistrivõistluste etapp. Võistlusel on võimalik pilk peal hoida ka otseülekande vahendusel. Olulised lingid on järgmised. Võistluse ametlik infotahvel,...
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Spa-Francorchampsi ringrajal algab Benelux Porsche Carrera Cupi uus hooaeg. Stardis ka Alex Reimann ja Thomas Kangro

9.-11. maini sõidetakse legendaarsel Spa-Francorchampsi ringrajal Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux sarja avaetapp, kus EST1 Racing tiimi värvides on stardis ka Alex Reimann. Porsche Estonia tiimis...
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Tamm jahib võitu, Kirss ja Ebras esimesi punkte – Champions of the Future Academy kardisarja teise etapi eel

Kõrgetasemelise kardisarja, Champions of the Future Academy, mis toob kokku noored võidusõidutalendid üle maailma, teine võistlusnädalavahetus saab alguse laupäeval Valencias. Eestit esindavad MINI klassis Sebastian...
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WRC drivers expect Portugal to deliver “most competitive” victory fight

This weekend marks the start of the traditional gravel rally season welcoming the strongest Rally1 field of the season to date, comprising five previous Portugal...
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Zarco says outburst at Jerez MotoGP stewards was ‘unprofessional’

Zarco raged at chief FIM steward Freddie Spencer following last month’s Spanish GP after a collision with Aleix Espargaro late in the race.The French rider’s...
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2027 MotoGP rules “will make riders’ lives more difficult”

Earlier this week, MotoGP announced the technical regulation framework it will introduce in 2027, headlined by a switch to 850cc engines.The aim of the new...
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Bagnaia: Claims I don’t want Marquez as 2025 MotoGP team-mate are “bull***t”

Ducati is currently deciding which rider to place alongside Bagnaia in 2025, as Enea Bastianini’s two-year contract is due to expire at the end of...
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Why Miami isn’t feeling any heat from Las Vegas F1 competition

Speaking exclusively to during last weekend’s third Miami GP at the Hard Rock Stadium, Epp said that the advent of a third grand prix...
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RB: Ricciardo performance in Miami F1 sprint “had been coming”

Ricciardo endured a tough start to the 2024 season, being outperformed by team-mate Yuki Tsunoda in the opening race while struggling to get comfortable aboard...
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Sainz: Norris “deserved a little bit of luck” for first F1 win

After 110 grand prix starts and 16 podium finishes, McLaren driver Norris won his maiden F1 race on Sunday after he benefitted from a safety...
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The “frank discussions” needed for Andretti to continue its Formula E Porsche relationship

Michael Andretti’s face of thunder as he stormed down to the Porsche garage was just as memorable as the celebrations that soon followed after Jake...
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Cancellation of second race leads to spat between NES and marshals

With NES openly blaming marshals, theories on social media insist that NES never had enough marshals in the first place, which led the series to...
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DirtFish is going bigger in Ireland

DirtFish is delighted to partner with Onthepacenote to bring further coverage of the remaining rounds of this year’s Irish Tarmac Rally Championship. The DirtFish YouTube......
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Uus CUPRA Formentor: eduloost uueks ikooniks

Uus CUPRA Formentor: eduloost uueks ikooniks

Uue CUPRA Formentori esitlus 29. aprillil Madridis oli märkimisväärne sündmus, kus suurejoonelise vaatemänguga rõhutati mudeli tähtsust margile. Loe "Uus CUPRA Formentor: eduloost uueks ikooniks" täispikka...
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Uus lisavarustus: BMW testib R 1300 GS-i peal automaatset käiguvahetust

Uus lisavarustus: BMW testib R 1300 GS-i peal automaatset käiguvahetust

BMW tahab tuua midagi uut oma mootorratastele ning nüüd avalikustas firma “Automated Shift Assistant” (ASA) süsteemi, kus sõitja saab ise valida, kas ta tahab kasutada...
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Millal viia auto sillastendi ja mis juhtub, kui sellega viivitad?

Millal viia auto sillastendi ja mis juhtub, kui sellega viivitad?

Sildade reguleerimine ehk sillastend on oluline osa sõiduki hooldusest. Selle käigus reguleeritakse rataste kokkujooksu ja kontrollitakse, et need oleksid autotootja poolt määratud optimaalses asendis. Kuid...
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5 tähelepanuväärset uue auto pakkumist mai algusest

5 tähelepanuväärset uue auto pakkumist mai algusest

Siin meie järjekordne ringkäik mööda automüüjaid. Vaata, mis meile Eesti turul viimastel nädalatel silma jäi. Leidsime mõned värsked mudelid ja mitu soodus- või kampaaniapakkumist. Abiks...
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Ferrari trials more aggressive F1 spray guards in Fiorano FIA test

Photos from the test showed Charles Leclerc's brother Arthur driving the 2023 Ferrari SF-75 with fully covered front and rear full-wet tyres. The guards include...
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Auto kaitsekile – parim vahend murevabaks autokasutuseks

Auto kaitsekile – parim vahend murevabaks autokasutuseks

PPF (Paint Protection Film) kaitsekile on autoomanike seas üha populaarsemaks muutuv meetod, mis aitab kaitsta sõiduki värvipinda erinevate kahjustuste eest. Viimastel aastatel on toode saanud...
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Alustatakse Tallinna-Rapla maantee keskpiirde eemaldamisega. Kui palju see maksab?

Alustatakse Tallinna-Rapla maantee keskpiirde eemaldamisega. Kui palju see maksab?

Kurikuulsaks saanud piirde eemaldamistööd algavad esmaspäeval (13. mai). Kokku läheb see maksma isegi enam kui piirde paigaldus.Loe "Alustatakse Tallinna-Rapla maantee keskpiirde eemaldamisega. Kui palju see...
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Pildid: uus Cupra Leon tuleb nii ringrajale mõeldud “metslasena” kui algajale sõitjale sobivana

Pildid: uus Cupra Leon tuleb nii ringrajale mõeldud “metslasena” kui algajale sõitjale sobivana

Seati sportlik sõsarmark Cupra on avaldanud terve rea uusi sõidukeid. Teiste seas sai täiesti uue näo nüüd ka Leon.Loe "Pildid: uus Cupra Leon tuleb nii...
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Marini: Too early for Honda to start thinking about 2027 MotoGP rules

MotoGP announced the full framework for its 2027 technical regulations overhaul earlier this week, headlined by a switch to 850cc engines and reduced aerodynamics.As with...
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Verstappen: Brown trying to “stir things up” with Newey/Red Bull F1 comment

Brown stated that he had seen an increase in applications from those currently employed by Red Bull in the wake of the allegations and power...
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WEC Spa: Ferrari leads the way in FP1 as new manufacturers impress

Antonio Fuoco led the way in the 90-minute session with a time that gave him a margin of more than a second over team-mate Antonio...
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The unheralded “leader” helping Jota to new heights in the WEC

Twelve months is a long time in motorsport. Plenty has changed since the last time the World Endurance Championship descended on Spa a little over...
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Peugeot explains decision not to use WEC reserve driver at Spa

A desire to maximise seat time for the regular drivers of its 2024-spec 9X8 Le Mans Hypercar, which is making only its second race outing...
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Liberty had “outpouring of interest” from OEMs after MotoGP takeover news

In early April, Liberty Media announced it had acquired Dorna Sports and MotoGP in a €4.2 billion deal it expects to close come the end...
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Andretti’s Formula E Porsche collaboration extended until 2026

The announcement, which was made ahead of Porsche's home event in Berlin on Thursday, means Andretti's involvement with the German manufacturer will now extend to...
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Red Bull to reveal RB17 hypercar at Goodwood Festival of Speed

In June 2022, the Advanced Technologies arm of Red Bull's Formula 1 team revealed plans to launch its own £5 million hypercar, penned by Newey.The...
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Toyota not “expecting too many changes” to WRC technical rules for 2025

The WRC is currently gripped by discussions over the technical rules for next year after teams strongly opposed the FIA’s proposal to make changes to...
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When Röhrl used Lancia’s tricks against the Italians

At some point, the question’s coming. Given the potential for dry and dusty conditions, it’s as inevitable as the consumption of Pastéis de Nata in......
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Sordo tops Portugal shakedown, Rovanperä suffers issue

Dani Sordo’s first World Rally Championship appearance in five months has gotten off to a flying start, as Hyundai’s third driver for Rally Portugal topped......
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Meeke downplays odds of WRC2 Portugal victory

Kris Meeke has a message for the watching world: don’t be expecting any heroics at this week’s Rally de Portugal. While the Northern Irishman arrives......
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Nädalavahetus autospordis: kolm võistlust Eestis ja arvukalt eestlasi võistleb välismaal

Nädalavahetusel võisteldakse Eestis kardispordis, krossis ja maastikurallis, mitmed eestlased stardivad välismaal. Kardispordi Eesti meistrivõistlused algavad LaitseRallyPark´is reedel ja laupäeval toimuva võistlusega. Kvalifikatsioonid sõidetakse reedel algusega...
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Inten autokrossi Eesti meistrivõistlused algavad Raassillal, kavas ka rahvakross, driftishow ja kontsert

Inten autokrossi Eesti meistrivõistlused algavad laupäeval, 11. mail Raassilla rajal, kus toimub ka rahvakrossivõistlus ning päeva lõpetab driftishow ja kontsert. Autokross toimub koos Tarvastu Karika...
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VIDEO. Ida-Virumaal toimub maastikuralli MudEst Rallyraid

Laupäeval, 11. mail toimub Ida-Virumaal maastikuralli MudEst Rallyraid, mille lisakatsed sõidetakse Sirgala karjääris. Kavas on kaks lisakatset, millest esimese pikkus on 92 kilomeetrit ja teisel...
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Kardispordi Eesti meistrivõistlused algavad LaitseRallyPark´is

Reedel ja laupäeval sõidetakse kardispordi Eesti meistrivõistluste avaetapp LaitseRallyPark´i kardirajal, kus möödunud aasta suve lõpus ja sügisel peeti raja esimesed võidusõidud. Mitmetele sõitjatele veel uudne...
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Eleport avas Kaunases Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa suurima elektriautode laadimispunkti

Eleport avas Kaunases Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa suurima elektriautode laadimispunkti

Projekti esimeses etapis paigaldati Kaunase Akropolise kaubanduskeskuse parklasse 20 laadijat, mis võimaldavad üheaegselt laadida kuni 40 elektrisõidukit. Esimesed kaks nädalat, kuni 17. maini on Akropolise...
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Intervjuu Verge Motorcycles omanikuga: „Tallinna lähedal käivituv tehas suudab aastas toota üle 10 000 tsikli!”

Intervjuu Verge Motorcycles omanikuga: „Tallinna lähedal käivituv tehas suudab aastas toota üle 10 000 tsikli!”

Tallinna külje all on käivitumas tehas, mis toodaks aastas üle 10 000 maailma parima elektrimootorratta. Vaevalise alguse kiuste on Soome algupäraga Verge tsiklitehase omanikud lootust...
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Katusele kinnitatud jalgratas lendab tagumisele autole ja teeb kahju. Kes hüvitab?

Katusele kinnitatud jalgratas lendab tagumisele autole ja teeb kahju. Kes hüvitab?

Ilmad lähevad aina soojemaks ning kutsuvad üha enam veetma aega kodust väljas. Üks hea viis ilusaid ilmasid nautida on teha seda jalgrattaga, mille saad ka...
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TWR Speedcat on Jaguari restomod, mis maksab üle veerand miljoni euro

TWR Speedcat on Jaguari restomod, mis maksab üle veerand miljoni euro

Restomod-autode valik aina laieneb ning rikastele Jaguari fännidele TWR-il häid uudiseid. 1975. aastast lausa 21 aastat tootmises olnud kupee Jaguar XJS saab põhjaliku värskenduse ja...
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Volkswagen esitles uut California matkabussi, mille valikus on ka pistikhübriid

Volkswagen esitles uut California matkabussi, mille valikus on ka pistikhübriid

California uus mudel on ehitatud Multivani platvormile ja eelkäijaga võrreldes on see ruumikam. Loomulikult on Californial ülestõstetav katusetelk, mis on varustatud mitme akna ja putukavõrkudega....
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Ocon: Alpine should “not celebrate too hard” after Miami GP F1 point

Ocon registered the first point-scoring finish of the year for the French squad after finishing 10th in last Sunday's race.The result marked the end of...
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Puig: Honda yet to find the direction it wants with MotoGP bike

Despite showing some impressive signs of recovery over the winter, and benefitting from a new concession system that came into force this year, Honda has...
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Uuring: millise mootoriga autot Eesti inimesed hetkel osta plaanivad?

Uuring: millise mootoriga autot Eesti inimesed hetkel osta plaanivad?

Automaksu ootuses on tänavu uue auto ostu planeerivate inimeste seas fossiilkütuse ja maasturite eelistus kõrgem kui nende seas, kes planeerivad ostu tulevatel aastatel, selgub Kantar...
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Ford ei kavatse Focuse eluiga pikendada ja auto kaob tootmisest juba järgmisel aastal

Ford ei kavatse Focuse eluiga pikendada ja auto kaob tootmisest juba järgmisel aastal

Kui viimaste kuude jooksul on esile tulnud mitmeid uudiseid, kus autotootjad lükkavad oma elektriautode plaane hilisemaks ja annavad rohkem aega klientidel osta sisepõlemismootorite ja hübriidajamitega...
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Bentley Batur kabriolett on viimane mudel, mis saab W-12 jõuallika

Bentley Batur kabriolett on viimane mudel, mis saab W-12 jõuallika

Bentley poolt aastaid kasutuses olnud kahe turboga 6-liitrine W-12 mootor jõuab veel viimasesse 16-sse autosse, milleks on just lahtised Batur luksusautod. Väidetavalt üle 2 miljoni...
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Lundqvist still trying to “find the sweet spot” after Barber podium

Lundqvist heads into this weekend’s round on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway road course eighth in the standings, which was aided by a recent strategic masterpiece...
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Friends of Laguna Seca announce Lauri Eberhart as CEO

FLS, a non-profit organization based in Monterey County, appointed Eberhart into the role following her depth of experience in motorsports and facility management.“Lauri brings a...
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Ticktum “would like to build” on Formula E journey as he seeks new contract

The 24-year-old Briton is out of contract when the current campaign comes to an end in July which will also mark three years of racing...
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Russell: Mercedes can take inspiration from first Norris F1 win

Lando Norris scored his maiden F1 victory on Sunday for McLaren, the team's first since the 2021 Italian Grand Prix.The turnaround from the team's position...
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Gravel season “definitely” an opportunity for Tanak to ignite WRC title bid

The Hyundai driver heads to Portugal this week - which marks the start of the WRC’s traditional gravel season - sitting fourth in the championship...
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First FIA CEO Natalie Robyn announces departure

Robyn was appointed to her role in November 2022 as part of a bid by FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem to reform the management structure...
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MotoGP promoting special liveries to celebrate 75th anniversary understands that MotoGP rights holder Dorna has held several meetings with premier class teams to help honour the occasion.Dorna has suggested that the special...
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Michael McDowell leaving Front Row Motorsports after 2024 season

Multiple sources told that McDowell’s likely landing spot for next season is Spire Motorsports, and later Wednesday afternoon Spire confirmed that McDowell had signed...
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Will WRC indecision push Kalle Rovanperä away?

What does Kalle Rovanperä think? As the dossier that will dictate the next two years in the World Rally Championship is compiled and completed, what......
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What impact will Toyota’s part-time champions have in Portugal?

There are two very big names on the Rally Portugal entry list that we haven’t seen simultaneously since November last year: Sébastien Ogier and Kalle......
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DirtFish secures rallying’s golden history

Barrie Hinchliffe wasn’t a film maker. He was an artist. He painted pictures, took you on a journey, showed you the world. Then told you......
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Why the WRC’s future hangs in the balance

The talking is just about done. Once the dossier is closed, the next two years in the World Rally Championship is decided. Slower Rally1, faster......
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When Toivonen’s Portuguese stormer went south

It was a dream Lancia debut that turned sour soon after Sintra. Four decades ago, Henri Toivonen’s career was at something of a crossroads. David......
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Kevin Saar tegi Ameerikas hooaja parima võistluse

Nädalavahetusel toimus Ameerikas kuulsal Ironmani krossirajal AMA ATV motokrossisarja neljas etapp. Pro klassis tegi selle hooaja parimad sõidud Kevin Saar, kes tuli etapi kokkuvõttes kõrgele...
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Talviku võistleb välihooaja Ühendriikides

Möödunud sügisel USA-sse kolinud Jörgen-Matthias Talviku lõpetas edukalt enda sisehooaja ning jätkab nüüd võistlemist AMA Pro Motocross sarjas. Creo KTM ridades superkrossi sõitnud Talviku alustab...
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Teise etapi karikad paneb välja INTAR

Teise etapi Eesti meistrivõistlused rallikrossis 2024 / 2. etapp / Kulbilohu krossirada / 18.05 karikad paneb välja meie vinge koostööpartner Intar MW! Neile ja meile...
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FOTOD ja VIDEO. Sõiduautotehnikud võistlesid Kulbilohus

Sõiduautotehnikute pädevusvõistlus toimus seekord Kulbilohu rallikrossirajal. Teemaks oli ka autosport ja üheks esinejaks autoralli 2019. aasta maailmameister Martin Järveoja. Videos räägivad võistluse peakorraldaja Tõnu Taalimäe,...
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Treeningpäev Kulbilohu krossirajal

Hei rallikrossisõitjad! Koostöös Reinsalu Spordiga saab ka seekord päev enne EMV etappi Kulbilohu rallikrossirajal trenni teha. Reedel 17.05 alates kella 10.00 kuni 16.00-ni. Treeninguks registreeri...
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US House Judiciary Committee chairman opens probe into F1’s Andretti rejection

Just days after Mario Andretti appeared on Capitol Hill, Republican Jim Jordan has written to F1’s owners demanding explanations for the decision-making process that has...
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Kyle Larson’s ‘Month of May’ is already one to remember

Larson passed then-leader Denny Hamlin at the start of a two-lap overtime Sunday night at Kansas Speedway, then went toe-to-toe with Chris Buescher before escaping...
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Bourdais: Repaved Laguna Seca “to be at least a couple of seconds faster”

Last year saw a full resurfacing of the 11-turn, 2.238-mile road course for the first time since 2006, which also included a new pedestrian bridge...
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TNT Sports “thrilled” as Dale Earnhardt Jr. joins its NASCAR broadcast team

Earnhardt will serve as an on-air commentator for TNT Sports’ exclusive coverage of five NASCAR Cup Series races each summer, airing in consecutive weeks on...
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Miami GP grabs biggest ever live F1 US TV audience

ABC's broadcast of Lando Norris's maiden F1 victory attracted an average audience of 3.1 million viewers, which beats the previous record of 2.6 million that...
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Alonso says FIA “on board” with new F1 driving standards guidelines on the way

The Aston Martin driver thrust the issue of penalties into the spotlight at the Miami Grand Prix when he suggested some drivers got away unpunished...
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F1 Miami GP boss says $280 lobster rolls price was posted out of context

Garfinkel, who is the managing partner of the Formula 1 event and also the boss of the Miami Dolphins NFL team, spoke to selected media...
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Rally Portugal 2024 Form Guide

With the European leg of the World Rally Championship now in full swing, Rally Portugal follows swiftly on from Croatia Rally. It is only the......
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Plaanis on auto ostmine: kas valida laen või liising?

Plaanis on auto ostmine: kas valida laen või liising?

Auto soetamine on oluline ja mõnikord keeruline otsus, mis nõuab põhjalikku kaalumist. Enne autoostu seisavad paljud silmitsi küsimusega, kas valida finantseerimiseks autolaen või -liising. Mõlemal...
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Horner: Wolff should be more worried than me after losing 220 F1 staff to Red Bull

Over the Miami Grand Prix weekend, it emerged several key Red Bull staff members, including long-time sporting manager Jonathan Wheatley, have been the subject of...
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Penske suspends Cindric and other senior staff over IndyCar scandal

They include his right-hand man, Tim Cindric, who is the president of all his racing operations, along with long-time managing director Ron Ruzewski. In all,...
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Ferrari takes BoP hit for Spa WEC round

Its 499P Le Mans Hypercar has had 12kg added to its minimum weight and its maximum power reduced by 4kW (5bhp) for Saturday’s Spa 6...
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Acosta: Jerez MotoGP round “a reality check” for KTM

The Spanish GP at Jerez proved to be one of KTM’s best weekends of the 2023 campaign, with Brad Binder winning the sprint and finishing...
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Chris Harris on F1: All Hail Kevin Magnussen, the Chaos King of Miami

The perennial fascination with Formula One is that even seasoned fans cannot predict the heroes and zeroes of a race weekend. Here we are locked...
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Flying back in time with Air Adamo

Sometimes I wonder if Andrea Adamo’s my friend at all. He always does this. Always. It’s a Tuesday morning full of typing, zooming, talking. And now......
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Kaart näitab, kus juhtus 10 aasta andmeil enim kokkupõrkeid metsloomadega

Kaart näitab, kus juhtus 10 aasta andmeil enim kokkupõrkeid metsloomadega

Maikuus algab taas metsloomade aktiivsem liikumine ning sel ajal tasub sõidukijuhtidel eriti ettevaatlik olla, sest teele võivad sattuda eelmise aasta põdravasikad, metskitsed, siilid, jänesed, konnad...
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Kaubiku rentimine – millisel puhul mõistlik ning millised on ohud?

Kaubiku rentimine – millisel puhul mõistlik ning millised on ohud?

Ikka juhtub, et on vaja vedada suurt koormat, mis sõiduautosse ei mahu. Kui käru käepärast pole, on üheks lahenduseks rentida kaubik. Mida peaks kaubaautot rentides...
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Proovisõit: Ford Transit Customi uus põlvkond loodi koos sakslastega. Oli see hea mõte?

Proovisõit: Ford Transit Customi uus põlvkond loodi koos sakslastega. Oli see hea mõte?

Fordi ja Volkswageni koostöös loodud keskmist mõõtu kaubikud Transit Custom ja Transporter on Fordi-nimelise versiooni proovisõidu põhjal otsustades paremad kui kunagi varem, sest kaks pead...
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Kas Hiinast pärit Dongfengi uus elektriline pikap meenutab ühte teist kuulsat autot?

Kas Hiinast pärit Dongfengi uus elektriline pikap meenutab ühte teist kuulsat autot?

Arvestades Tesla Cybertrucki kuulsust, olgu see negatiivne või positiivne, oli vaid aja küsimus, millal üritatakse midagi sarnast teha. Üks sellistest on Hiina autotootja Dongfengi uus...
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Ferrari 12Cilindri kuulutab julgelt, mitu silindrit selle kapoti all peitub

Ferrari 12Cilindri kuulutab julgelt, mitu silindrit selle kapoti all peitub

Ferrari tuleb aeg-ajalt välja mudelinimedega, mis võivad esialgu kõlada kentsakalt, kuid hiljem ei pruugi seda märgatagi, näiteks Ferrari LaFerrari. Hetkel võib sama kategooria alla panna...
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How Mercedes is going “all in” as first F1 upgrade steps appears in Miami

After a bunch of experiments over the first races of the campaign, the team thinks it finally has a direction it needs to pursue in...
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What Newey expected when he first joined Red Bull

Who’d have thought – just a year ago, when they were still suffering a ‘Jag Rac’ hangover – that early in 2007 Red Bull Racing...
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Sainz singled out by Sauber as top target for Audi F1 era

Sauber already made one of the first moves of the 2025 driver market by signing Nico Hulkenberg from Haas on a multi-year deal, which takes...
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Why Magnussen is racing rest of 2024 season under threat of F1 race ban

The Dane had an incident-filled time in Miami last weekend as he got involved in skirmishes in both the sprint and the grand prix.But it...
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Latvala reveals plans for his newly rebuilt Celica

Sliding down the Ritola stage on his roof, it was hard to see the positives. But this is Jari-Matti Latvala – he always sees the......
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FOTOD. Mulgi Driftil saavutasid Eesti sõitjad kahes klassis poodiumikohti

Raassilla rajal toimunud Balti ja Eesti meistri- ning karikavõistluste avaetapil Mulgi Drift saavutasid eestlased poodiumikohti kahes võistlusklassis. Street-klassi 36 osaleja seas kuulus poodium Eesti sõitjatele:...
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Ott Tänak / Martin Järveoja lähevad Portugalis püüdma hooaja esimest poodiumikohta

Neljapäeval antakse Portugalis start autoralli MM-hooaja viiendale etapile. Hooaja teisele kruusarallile on registreerunud 69 võistluspaari, kelle hulgas ka Ott Tänak / Martin Järveoja (Hyundai i20...
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Pourchaire “tired mentally” after “amazing” oval test debut

The 20-year-old Frenchman was aided by team-mate Alexander Rossi, who helped shake down the No. 6 Arrow McLaren Chevrolet. Tony Kanaan, the 2013 Indianapolis 500...
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Siegel “open” to bolstering current IndyCar schedule

A stacked 2024 campaign has seen Siegel step up into the IndyCar Series for select rounds with Dale Coyne Racing while also running full-time in...
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Porsche names third LMDh car drivers as full Le Mans entry list revealed

The publication of the list followed last week’s deadline by which teams had to nominate their full line-ups for the French enduro on 15/16 June.The...
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Perez averted “disaster” with Verstappen in “optimistic” Miami GP F1 start

Having made a brilliant initial launch from fourth on the grid, Perez was able to draw alongside the two Ferraris ahead of him and make...
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Norris pleased to prove doubters wrong after maiden F1 win

Norris beat Red Bull's Max Verstappen in Sunday's Miami Grand Prix after a mid-race safety car allowed him to take the restart in the lead,...
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Truex “in position to steal one” until late caution at Kansas

As Sunday’s race drew to a close, Denny Hamlin held a precarious lead as Truex was closing fast on newer tires and Hamlin’s team was...
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Who is Lando Norris, F1’s newest grand prix winner?

The McLaren driver crossed the line 7.6 seconds clear of the all-conquering Max Verstappen, converting a strategy in which he went long on the medium-compound...
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Wolff sees “no relevance” to Mintzlaff’s Verstappen pursuit criticisms

The Mercedes boss found himself on the receiving end of scathing remarks from Mintzlaff over the Miami Grand Prix weekend, with the energy drinks company's...
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4.mail toimus EHKK karikavõistluste teine etapp Tihemetsa Motokeskuses

Läinud laupäeval, 4.mail toimunud EHKK karikavõistluste teisel etapil Tihemetsa Motokeskuses, paitas võimas kevadpäike külastajate palgeid. Ilus ilm ja Vabariigi enim hillitsetud rada tõi kokku paarsada...
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What MotoGP’s 2027 rules overhaul could mean for the series

By the time the 2027 MotoGP season rolls around, 10 years will have passed since the series’ last major regulations shake-up was introduced in 2016....
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10 things we learned from the 2024 F1 Miami Grand Prix

Prior to Formula 1's third visit to the Hard Rock Stadium, nobody other than Max Verstappen had won a Miami Grand Prix. And it was...
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Rally Portugal 2024: entry list + itinerary

Following swiftly on from the World Rally Championship’s first pure asphalt round of 2024 comes the opening conventional gravel event: Rally Portugal. A rally steeped......
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FOTOD. 16aastane Ragnar Simuland saavutas ringrajadebüüdil esikoha

16aastane Ragnar Simuland võitis Pärnus Porsche Ringil toimunud ringrajasõidu Eesti ja Balti meistrivõistluste esimese etapi klassis V1600. Varem kardispordiga tegelenud Simulandile (Toyota Yaris) oli laupäevane...
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Auto Bassadone #Flex – 0% sissemakse, 0% lepingutasu

Auto Bassadone #Flex – 0% sissemakse, 0% lepingutasu

Kuidas oleks, kui võiksite saada endale uue auto Loe "Auto Bassadone #Flex – 0% sissemakse, 0% lepingutasu" täispikka artiklit portaalist Autogeenius. _____________________________ Geenius Meedia OÜ -...
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Drugovich joins Action Express Cadillac line-up for Le Mans 24 Hours

The Brazilian will fill the vacancy at the factory Action Express Racing team for the French enduro on 15-16 June and join Pipo Derani and...
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DTM adjusts Zandvoort schedule due to Le Mans test

After already having to alter the programme for this month’s Lausitzring round at the request of TV partner ProSieben, which is also broadcasting the Ice...
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Sainz “could have won” F1 Miami GP by pitting one lap later

McLaren driver Lando Norris took his maiden grand prix win after he benefitted from the safety-car period following a crash between Haas' Kevin Magnussen and...
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Video: Lätis ehmatas autojuhte maanteel hädamaandunud lennuk

Video: Lätis ehmatas autojuhte maanteel hädamaandunud lennuk

Nädalavahetusel võis Riia lähistel Tallinna maanteel näha ka tiivulisi sõiduvahendeid. Õnneks suudeti suuremat kahju vältida.Loe "Video: Lätis ehmatas autojuhte maanteel hädamaandunud lennuk" täispikka artiklit portaalist...
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Kopli tramm liigub augusti keskpaigani vaid Linnahallini. Mis on alternatiivid?

Kopli tramm liigub augusti keskpaigani vaid Linnahallini. Mis on alternatiivid?

Vanasadama trammitee ehituse tõttu Põhja puiesteel linnahalli piirkonnas on kuni augusti keskpaigani ümber korraldatud Kopli-suunaline trammiliiklus. Trammid nr 2 ja 5 siis ei sõida, Kopli...
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Kas ja miks on vaja mootorrattale kaskokindlustust?

Kas ja miks on vaja mootorrattale kaskokindlustust?

Eestis on liikluskindlustuse registris arvel umbes 50 000 mopeedi ja mootorratast. Selleks, et nendega liikluses osaleda, peab neil olema kehtiv liikluskindlustus. Kuid kas lisaks sellele...
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Tehti lihtne kalkulaator, mis näitab automaksu suurust vaid numbrimärki sisestades

Tehti lihtne kalkulaator, mis näitab automaksu suurust vaid numbrimärki sisestades

Automaksu osas on kõik veel lahtine ning lähiajal avaldab valitsus uue automaksu eelnõu ning tõenäoliselt peavad kõik kalkulaatorid end kiirelt ümber häälestama. Seniks muutus praeguse...
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Kasutatud Mazda MX-5 (NB): ülipopp lustiauto, ent ühe nõrga kohaga

Kasutatud Mazda MX-5 (NB): ülipopp lustiauto, ent ühe nõrga kohaga

Teise põlvkonna Mazda MX-5 tehti maailma vallutanud esimesest põlvkonnast peaaegu igas mõttes parem, aga rooste on neistki suure osa hävitanud.Loe "Kasutatud Mazda MX-5 (NB): ülipopp...
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Aprillikuu automüük jäi alla eelmise aasta omale, aga superautode müügis valitseb buum

Aprillikuu automüük jäi alla eelmise aasta omale, aga superautode müügis valitseb buum

Aprill Eesti uute sõiduautode turule suuri muudatusi ei toonud ja müük jäi jätkuvalt alla eelmise aasta tulemustele.Loe "Aprillikuu automüük jäi alla eelmise aasta omale, aga...
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Buescher: “That sucks to be that close” after Kansas photo finish

Although the monitor listed Buescher the winner by 0.001 seconds at the checkered flag following a side-by-side battle with Kyle Larson on the final lap of...
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Kansas NASCAR Cup: Larson beats Buescher in closest finish in history

Chris Buescher and Kyle Larson raced side by side off Turn 4 on the final lap of overtime and stayed that way as they took...
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Autoankeet: Lavly Perling õppis sõitma käsijuhtimisega sapakaga, sest nii oli vaja

Autoankeet: Lavly Perling õppis sõitma käsijuhtimisega sapakaga, sest nii oli vaja

Autoankeet on rubriik, kus küsime erinevatelt Eesti tuntud ja olulistelt inimestelt autode ja üldisemalt liiklusega seotud küsimusi. Seekord vastab endine peaprokurör ja praegune Parempoolsete erakonna...
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McLaren defends itself over “lucky charm” Trump F1 appearance

During a break from his ongoing legal hush-money trial in New York, Trump made a controversial appearance in Miami on Sunday – whipping up the...
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MotoGP announces major 2027 technical regulation overhaul

As first reported by last November, a move to downsize MotoGP’s current four-stroke 1000cc engines to 850cc has been a key pillar of the...
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What the international media is writing about Norris’s first F1 win

What is perhaps most significant about it though is that the triumph was not the result of freak circumstances putting Verstappen out of contention, as...
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Gounon to again replace injured Habsburg at Alpine in Spa WEC round

The French manufacturer’s reserve driver will race the #35 Alpine A424 LMDh for a second race in a row as Habsburg continues to recover from...
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Pilet joins Vector Sport for Le Mans 24 Hours

The Frenchman, the GT Le Mans IMSA SportsCar Championship class title winner in 2015 with the German manufacturer, will share Vector's LMP2 ORECA-Gibson 07 with...
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Red Bull insists Verstappen had floor damage despite post-F1 race confusion

Verstappen found himself unable to match the pace of Norris after the safety car restart at Sunday’s Miami race, opening the door for his McLaren...
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Miami F1 win a weight off McLaren’s shoulders, not just Norris’s – Stella

Norris finally broke his duck in F1 on his 110th start, taking a convincing win at the Miami International Autodrome albeit with help from a...
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Full details of MotoGP’s 2027 technical regulation changes

Headlined by the switch from 1000cc engines to 850cc motors, the 2027 regulations will also include a stripping back of aerodynamics.Ride height devices will also...
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Acropolis sacrifices Parthenon for more stage miles

Is the Acropolis still the Acropolis without the Acropolis? Of course it is. The organisers of the Acropolis Rally of Gods revealed the itinerary for......
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Neuville frustrated by Portuguese part-timers

Thierry Neuville’s not really looking forward to this week’s Rally of Portugal. But he might be. Just depends on the weather. The World Rally Championship......
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FOTOD. Crosskartide Kreenholmi sprindi võitja Marko Ringenberg: väga eriline kogemus

Crosskartide rallisprindi Eesti meistrivõistluste avaetapi võitnud Marko Ringenberg ütleb, et Kreenholmi tööstuskompleksis toimunud võistluse andis väga erilise kogemuse. Ringenberg võitis Crossakart Xtreme klassi ajaga 20.13,2,...
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Lahkus Eesti esimene naismeister autorallis Urve Vaikma

Aprillikuu viimasel reedel lahkus manalateele Eesti esimene naismeister autorallis Urve Vaikma (16.07.1935 – 26.04.2024), kelle autospordikarjäär jääb 1960-ndate aastate keskpaika. 1965. aasta talvel toimus toonases...
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Ruben Volti võimaluse võidelda Itaalias poodiumi nimel röövisid probleemid rehvidega

Ruben Volt tegi sellel nädalavahetusel algust Itaalia kereautode ringrajasarja TCR Italy hooajaga. Esimene etapp, mis sõideti Misano rajal näitas, et ALM Honda Racing sõitjal on selleks hooajaks head potentsiaali, avaetapil...
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Eesti noored krossisõitjad tegid EM etapil Poolas ilusaid tulemusi

4-5. mail toimus Poolas Obornikis motokrossi Euroopa meistrivõistluste Kirde regiooni esimene etapp. Meie noored krossisõitjad alustasid hooaega suurepäraselt. Nii EMX85 kui ka EMX65 klassis võtsid...
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Martin Michelis Portugali EM-etapil punktidele ei jõudnud, MXGP klassis teenis elu esimese etapivõidu Pauls Jonass

Motokrossi maailmameistrivõistluste viies etapp toimus möödunud nädalavahetusel Portugalis Agueda krossirajal. Kui tavaliselt võõrustab Portugal sõitjaid ilusa ilmaga, siis sel korral tuli sõitjatel tõeliselt rasketest tingimustes...
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Williams falling behind in F1’s upgrade race, says Albon

The Grove-based outfit believes it has made progress from the car that helped it finish seventh in the standings last year, but has been caught...
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Inside the awkward tension between the Miami GP and F1 content creators

Joining the calendar as the second U.S. race in 2022, Miami couldn’t have had better timing. F1 was trendy: Chanel’s spring-summer collection included a $4,450...
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Sainz wants Pirelli to be more aggressive with future Miami F1 tyre choices

Sunday's race is expected to be a one-stop affair amid the combination of the Miami International Autodrome's twisty nature, a low-grip surface and warm track...
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Miami GP revamps pre-race show without 2023-style F1 driver introductions

Last year Miami featured a glitzy opening ceremony with drivers presented to the crowd one by one by American rapper LL Cool J, flanked by...
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Di Giannantonio would “never go back” from F1-like current MotoGP bikes

The present-day MotoGP bikes have been getting faster and faster and breaking long-time lap records at many circuits, as manufacturers eke out more and more...
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Why peaky F1 tyres caused ‘acts of desperation’ in Miami GP qualifying

McLaren's Lando Norris and Mercedes drivers Lewis Hamilton and George Russell completed Q3 on the theoretically slower medium as teams battle to mitigate overheating issues...
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Miami F1 track layout and tyres make it hard to judge McLaren updates – Norris

McLaren elected to bring a hefty revamp to its MCL38 for this weekend's Miami race, which featured an overhaul of a number of aerodynamic surfaces...
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Rain delays start of Sunday’s NASCAR Cup race at Kansas

Rain moved into the area of Kansas City, Kan., just after 1 p.m. ET on Sunday and remained fairly stead past the original 3 p.m....
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Red Bull relaxed over F1 staff exodus amid Wheatley talks

Earlier this week it was announced talismanic designer Newey would step away from its F1 activities before becoming available for rival squads from March 2025...
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Devine joins exclusive club with Killarney win

Names like Bertie Fisher, Billy Coleman and Austin MacHale are written into Irish rallying legend, especially when it comes to Killarney. A third Rally of......
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Stella: “Unacceptable” Magnussen F1 tactics should be bannable offences

Mirroring his tactics from the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, Magnussen again held up midfield rivals to help Haas team-mate Nico Hulkenberg secure points in the...
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F1 Miami GP – Start time, how to watch, starting grid & TV channel

Red Bull's Max Verstappen will start the race from pole position as he chases his fifth win of the season, and third consecutive triumph in...
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Corey Heim caps busy day at Kansas with dominant Truck win

Heim, who has filled in for the injured Erik Jones in Legacy Motor Club’s No. 43 Toyota in the NASCAR Cup Series the past two...
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Ford’s Red Bull F1 commitment “unchanged” despite Newey exit

Earlier this week Red Bull announced that Newey would step away from its F1 team after a two-decade spell at the Milton Keynes-based team which...
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Leclerc convinced Ferrari is closer to Red Bull on F1 race pace in Miami

Although the Monegasque could do little about stopping Verstappen from roaring to yet another victory in the sprint, the fact that he was able to...
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The rider making a breakthrough to awaken MotoGP’s “sleeping giant”

MotoGP has a storied history in the United States, beginning with the country’s very first premier class race winner Pat Hennen in 1975 before the...
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Red Bull boss “convinced” Horner is right man to lead F1 team

Horner's position at the Milton Keynes-based squad was thrown into doubt earlier this year in the wake of complaints about his behaviour made by a...
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What the sprint race and qualifying tell us about the 2024 F1 Miami GP

Thanks to Formula 1 scheduling two successive sprint events early in the 2024 campaign, there's now enough evidence to say the latest sprint for tweaks...
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WRC must look for inspiration from unorthodox sources

What is rallying all about? It’s about driving through a stage as quickly as possible, right? There is no doubt that watching a car rip......
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11. mai toimub MXLiiga II etapp Linnamäel!

11. mai toimub MXLiiga II etapp Linnamäe krossirajal, kuhu on võistlema oodatud lisaks MXLiiga klassidele, ka Külgvankri ja Quadi sportlased! Eelregistreerimine on avatud kuni neljapäeva...
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Mullune Kanaari saarte võitja võidutses ka sel korral, Sei oli oma klassi seitsmes

Neljapäevast laupäevani sõideti Kanaari saartel autoralli Euroopa meistrivõistluste (ERC) teine etapp. Võitjatena väljusid tulisest heitlusest mullused võitjad Yoann Bonato ja Benjamin Boulloud. Eestlastest olid ainsana...
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Eesti Noorte Karikavõistluste avaetapp toimub Narvas!

12. mai toimub Narvas, Siivertsi krossirajal Eesti Noorte Karikavõistlustel avaetapp! Eelregistreerimine on avatud kuni reede lõunani ning juhendiga on võimalik tutvuda siin: Narva ENKV 1.etapp...
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Miami GP stewards to raise F1 rules issue with FIA as Magnussen cleared

The Haas driver picked up three separate penalties in his battle with Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton for leaving the track and gaining an advantage.Magnussen's driving...
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FIA’s F1 stewards explain Aston Martin’s right of review rejection from China

Alonso received a 10-second penalty in China's sprint race after making glancing contact with Ferrari driver Carlos Sainz, which Alonso couldn't serve as he retired...
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Will Brown latest Supercars star slated to make NASCAR Cup debut

Richard Childress Racing officials confirmed to on Saturday they are in discussions with Brown to drive the No. 33 Chevrolet in the June 9...
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Kansas NASCAR Cup: Christopher Bell beats Ross Chastain for pole

Bell went out midway in the final round of Saturday’s qualifying session and laid down the fastest average lap speed of the day at 183.107...
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Alonso will speak to FIA about F1 stewards’ bias as “nationality matters”

For several races there has been unease at Aston Martin with how its drivers are getting the worst of some of the FIA race stewards'...
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Russell: Mercedes has gone too far trying to solve 2023 F1 problems

After another difficult qualifying session in the Miami Grand Prix, as Russell and team-mate Lewis Hamilton could manage no better than seventh and eighth on...
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2024 F1 Miami GP qualifying results: Verstappen takes pole

Verstappen will start ahead of the Ferraris of Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz after the one-hour qualifying session, which is split into three segments with...
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Red Bull boss says Wolff’s efforts to lure Verstappen “not right”

In a rare interview, the Austrian has moved to rubbish any talk that Verstappen is considering overtures from Mercedes to join its squad in 2025,...
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Kansas NASCAR Cup: Tyler Reddick and 23XI Racing top practice

The fastest speeds in Saturday’s practice came from the second 20-minute session with 23XI’s Tyler Reddick fastest overall with an average lap speed at 181.001...
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F1 Miami GP: Verstappen fends off Leclerc for pole again

Verstappen posted a 1m27.241s to lead Leclerc by 0.141 seconds on the first runs in Q3, where they were trailed by Carlos Sainz in the...
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Verstappen “guessing” every lap in Miami GP qualifying with F1 tyre inconsistencies

The reigning world champion notched up his seventh consecutive F1 grand prix pole position, backing up his sprint race pole from Friday in the process,...
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Magnussen: Miami F1 sprint penalties “deserved” for “stupid tactics”

Magnussen was handed three 10-second time additions for repeatedly leaving the track and gaining advantages, plus one five-second penalty and a black-and-white warning flag for...
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Alonso: Hamilton will escape penalty for Turn 1 clash “because he’s not Spanish”

Alonso was caught out at the opening corner in Miami when Hamilton came diving down the inside, forcing the Spaniard wide and into his Aston...
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2024 F1 Miami GP sprint results: Max Verstappen wins

Verstappen beat Leclerc and his Red Bull team-mate Sergio Perez in an action-packed 19-lap race, the second sprint event of the season.F1 Miami GP sprint...
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F1 Miami GP: Verstappen wins sprint from Leclerc; Hamilton penalised

At the start, Leclerc appeared to gain well against Verstappen before the polesitter swung left and made sure of the lead into Turn 1, where...
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Connor Mosack repeats Kansas ARCA win with different team

Mosack won his first series race a year ago with Joe Gibbs Racing at Kansas, but Tanner Gray completed dominated much of Saturday’s race driving...
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Norris reprimanded and fined for crossing live F1 Miami track

Norris retired at the start of Saturday's 19-lap contest after tangling with Aston Martin's Lance Stroll, with the second Aston of Fernando Alonso and Mercedes'...
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Why Hamilton escaped sanction for his “fast arrival” in Miami Turn 1 clash

The opening corner of Saturday morning’s sprint event proved dramatic as an aggressive move down the inside by Hamilton triggered a chain of events.On his...
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Ricciardo’s Miami F1 sprint result ‘nice to keep a few people quiet’

The 34-year-old Australian scored his best F1 result since the 2021 Russian Grand Prix for McLaren, gaining a spot from Red Bull’s Sergio Perez at...
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Hamilton: Magnussen’s honesty over his “stupid” tactics “pretty cool”

The seven-time world champion and his Haas rival had some fraught moments during their fight for eighth place in the sprint.Magnussen picked up a penalty...
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Bonato wins Canarias, Cachón pulls off Spanish miracle

The post Bonato wins Canarias, Cachón pulls off Spanish miracle appeared first on DirtFish.
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Hamilton: Mercedes has to accept reality its F1 car is off the pace

After a disappointing qualifying showing on Friday for the Miami sprint race, with neither Hamilton nor team-mate George Russell making it out of SQ2, the...
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What is the motorsport triple crown and who has claimed the feat?

Sponsored by  That is where the motorsport triple crown comes in, as it can only be awarded to a driver who has achieved success across different...
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Porsche DTM team finds possible cause behind dismal start to 2024 season

The squad had already played down expectations heading into its sophomore season in the DTM, claiming that the organisers ‘won’t allow’ Porsche to win back-to-back...
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Ricciardo hit the wall twice in “awesome” Miami F1 sprint qualifying

On Friday, Ricciardo provided the latest indication he is starting to turn the corner after a tough 2024 season start.Ricciardo's more promising pace in China...
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Why Pirelli’s F1 development challenge never ends

The company not only has to hone its tyres for cars that each year generate more load and produce faster lap times, but it also...
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MotoGP legend Rossi ‘would like to understand Bagnaia critics’

Ducati rider Bagnaia went toe-to-toe with eight times world champion Marc Marquez in a thrilling battle for victory in the 25-lap Jerez grand prix.Bagnaia came...
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F1’s points system debate now about extending it beyond 12th position

As first revealed by, F1 teams and series bosses are considering the idea of extending the current points-paying positions beyond the current top 10.A...
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Acosta: Michelin needs to address “strange” vibration issues on 2024 MotoGP bikes

Rear chatter has become a recurring problem in MotoGP this year, with Ducati riders being particularly outspoken about the issue since the opening round of...
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How McLaren has left no stone unturned with its Miami F1 update

For its debut weekend, the entire suite of new parts has been fitted to Lando Norris' MCL38, while Oscar Piastri will have to wait until...
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The Spanish team grateful for Swift FIA action

It’s almost impossible to get through a day without hearing another opinion on what needs to happen with Rally1 and Rally2 in the next six......
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Adrian Newey says he has “no plan” for next F1 challenge

Earlier this week Red Bull announced Newey will leave the Milton Keynes-based squad after a nearly two-decade stint, playing an important role in designing the...
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F1 Miami GP qualifying – Start time, how to watch, TV channel

Red Bull's Max Verstappen topped the sole practice session on Friday and is also the favourite for pole position on Saturday afternoon.The Dutch driver won...
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F1 Miami GP Sprint race: Start time, how to watch, TV channel

Miami will host a Sprint for the first time this year, with a short 100km race set to take place on Saturday morning ahead of...
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Supercars star Cam Waters “would love to race NASCAR full-time”

Waters, an 11-time winner in Supercars, will make his second Truck start of the 2024 season at Kansas with ThorSport Racing.He is adamant he would...
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“This is a trial year”: Lia Block on F1 Academy, social media stress, and more

In a way, motorsports fans have watched Lia Block grow up before their eyes. As the daughter of famed wheelman Ken Block, she made her...
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Leclerc: Front row in Miami F1 sprint qualifying ‘stops people talking’

The Ferrari driver completed just three laps in practice after spinning at Turn 16 and suffering a clutch issue at the Miami track.But having been...
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Norris: Miami sprint qualifying tumble down to “pushing too hard”

Norris had led SQ1 and SQ2 in his massively upgraded McLaren in Miami on Friday evening, with his time in the middle segment of sprint...
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Hoiatavad kaadrid: millise trahvi toob ohtlik “trammijänesena” sõitmine?

Hoiatavad kaadrid: millise trahvi toob ohtlik “trammijänesena” sõitmine?

Viimase paari nädala jooksul on hakanud tunduma, justkui oleks trammi sabas jänese sõitmine saanud rahvuslikuks spordialaks. Mis toimub?Loe "Hoiatavad kaadrid: millise trahvi toob ohtlik “trammijänesena”...
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Kuula: 2.05 Autotund: küsime liikluspsühholoogilt, miks liikluses valesti käitutakse ning kas kõigile üldse peaks lube andma?

Kuula: 2.05 Autotund: küsime liikluspsühholoogilt, miks liikluses valesti käitutakse ning kas kõigile üldse peaks lube andma?

Seekord on saates ainult üks, aga see-eest väga põhjalik teema. Liikluspsühholoog Inna Gorislavskaja vastab meie küsimustele ja teema saab põhimõtteliselt kokku võtta, et miks me...
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Üha rohkem eelistatakse kodupangale AutoPay autolaenu

Üha rohkem eelistatakse kodupangale AutoPay autolaenu

Üha rohkem võetakse kodupanga asemel sõiduki jaoks laen just platvormilt. Miks nii tehakse, selgitab AutoPay tegevjuht Kaur Mets.Loe "Üha rohkem eelistatakse kodupangale AutoPay autolaenu"...
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2024 F1 Miami GP sprint qualifying results: Verstappen takes pole

Verstappen will start ahead of Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc and Sergio Perez (Red Bull) after the qualifying session, which is split into three quickfire segments with...
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F1 Miami GP: Verstappen on sprint pole, Mercedes out in SQ2

Norris had led SQ1 and SQ2, with a time in the middle segment that would have been good enough to top SQ3, but on the...
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10 of the rarest watches that F1 drivers get to wear

While chaos reigns across Formula 1 early in the 2024 season, what hasn't changed is spying some of the rarest, coolest, eye-wateringly expensive watches on...
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Williams plays down Antonelli talk despite F1 superlicence request

Speculation about Antonelli being fast-tracked into an F1 seat this year has ramped up in the wake of the Mercedes junior being given extra days...
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Brown: Newey won’t be last domino to fall at Red Bull F1 team

On Wednesday, it was announced that design guru Newey would leave Red Bull after a 19-year stint, during which he helped the team win seven...
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Abel Motorsports “pulling plug” on 2024 Indy 500 effort due to lack of funding

Abel Motorsports was up against the clock to be the 35th entrant in the 108th edition of the Indy 500, with Friday marking the deadline.Despite...
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F1 Miami GP: Verstappen overcomes initial struggles to lead FP1

The championship leader went to the top of the order early on in the session prior to a red-flag period, but struggled upon the resumption...
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Mercedes playing catch-up with Miami F1 floor upgrade

The Brackley team has struggled for consistency with its often ill-handling W154, finding it hard to produce a car that works across all corner types...
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Verstappen surprised “terrible” lap was enough for Miami F1 sprint pole

Verstappen skated around the Miami Autodrome on his only lap in the final top 10 shootout, but his nearest rivals also struggled to improve on...
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F1 team-mates’ qualifying battles: Miami GP

After every F1 qualifying session, publishes each team's qualifying record in terms of team-mate duels.This record is based exclusively on qualifying results so that...
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Canaries leaders separated by 0.3s after first day

Yoann Bonato and Mathieu Franceschi are only 0.3 seconds apart in the battle for Rally Islas Canarias victory, though Alejandro Cachón had briefly bested them......
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More details of Rally USA’s WRC candidate event emerge

America’s bid for a round of the World Rally Championship will take another step forward at next month’s Tennessee Rally USA. Based out of Chattanooga,......
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First glimpse of Ford’s 2025 Dakar car

From what I can see, which, I’ll admit, is not a lot, M-Sport and Ford have won their first battle. This thing is truly bad-ass.......
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Tulemas on Veteran võidusõitjate üleriigiline kokkutulek!

25.mail 2024 algusega kell 12 on suurepärane võimalus osa võtta või uudistama minna Toilasse Pühajõe motokrossirajale veteran võidusõitjate üleriigilisele kokkutulekule! The post Tulemas on Veteran...
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Proovisõit: rahvamaastur Dacia Duster tehti hulga lahedamaks, aga kas ka paremaks?

Proovisõit: rahvamaastur Dacia Duster tehti hulga lahedamaks, aga kas ka paremaks?

Ei leidu just palju korralikke uusi odavaid pärismaastureid. Dacia Duster on seda kohta pikalt täitnud ning tuli nüüd välja päris uue põlvkonnaga. Ega Duster ole...
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Proovisõit: Volvo FH Aero lubab kütusekulu vähendada kuni 5 protsenti

Proovisõit: Volvo FH Aero lubab kütusekulu vähendada kuni 5 protsenti

Volvo FH Aero kabiin lõikab tänu esiosa ümarale pikendusele läbi õhu libedamalt ning koos välispeeglite asemele ilmunud kaamerate ja muude väiksemate täiustustega kärbib see kütusekulu...
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Autogeeniusel on sünnipäev! Milline oli meie kõige esimene artikkel?

Autogeeniusel on sünnipäev! Milline oli meie kõige esimene artikkel?

Täpselt seitse aastat tagasi, 3. mail 2017. aastal, avas seni peamiselt tehnoloogiateemadele keskendunud Geenius oma teise portaali, mille fookuses autod, liiklus ja kõik sellega kaasnev....
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Cupra sportmaastur tuleb taas – uue välimuse ja raevukama sõidukogemusega

Cupra sportmaastur tuleb taas – uue välimuse ja raevukama sõidukogemusega

Kui viimati avaldas Cupra uue ja futuristliku elektrimaasturi, siis nüüd viidi värske disainikeelega vastavusse ka sportmaastur Formentor. See sai kapoti alla uuendusi, mis võimaldavad senisest...
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On see auto või UTV? Draco ehitas väga maastikusuutelise vanlife-sõiduki

On see auto või UTV? Draco ehitas väga maastikusuutelise vanlife-sõiduki

Loodusfotograafia nõuab tihti väga palju varustust ja tehnikat ning seda kõike ekstreemsetes kohtades, kuhu autoga ligi ei saa. Ettevõte nimega Draco ehitas loodufotograaf Quin Shrockile...
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Verstappen: Performance, not money will steer F1 future

Despite a contract that runs until 2028 and a dominant car in the RB20, Verstappen's future at Red Bull was called into question in the...
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F1 to sell 10,000 “backpacker” tickets for 2024 Las Vegas GP

F1 returned to Vegas for a first grand prix in 41 years with the 2023 event eventually won by Red Bull’s Max Verstappen, using a...
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Silmad lahti: mida teha, kui loomale maanteel otsa sõidad?

Silmad lahti: mida teha, kui loomale maanteel otsa sõidad?

Kevad on käes, mis tähendab, et metsloomadel on käes üks aktiivsemaid perioode, mistõttu võib neid ka autoga sõites enam kohata. Mida teha, kui toimub kokkupõrge...
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Reisikiri: Portugalis saab kuue euro eest kabrioleti rentida? Proovime järgi!

Reisikiri: Portugalis saab kuue euro eest kabrioleti rentida? Proovime järgi!

Fotograaf ja autoentusiast Peeter Paaver on Autogeeniuse lugejatega jaganud mitut põnevat autoostureisi. Seekord soetusplaane polnud, aga autol on ka sellel reisil oluline roll. Loe "Reisikiri:...
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Mootorrattaeksamile saab juba registreeruda, aga on paar olulist nüanssi

Mootorrattaeksamile saab juba registreeruda, aga on paar olulist nüanssi

Aprilli lõpus avati registreerimine A-kategooria sõidueksamile transpordiameti e-teeninduses ja büroodes. Esimesed sõidueksamid toimuvad juba 2. mail.Loe "Mootorrattaeksamile saab juba registreeruda, aga on paar olulist nüanssi"...
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Sainz: No assurance of future Audi F1 seat amid Hulkenberg deal

Audi is one of several possible destinations for Sainz ahead of his upcoming exit from Ferrari, with the German OEM having long been interested in...
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Sponsored: Charlotte Tilbury celebrates Miami GP with F1 Academy

The all-female feeder series aims to give young women access to more track time at a high-performance level, enabling them to develop the fundamental level...
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Kazakhstan MotoGP round postponed due to flooding

Scheduled for 14-16 June, no new date has been given for the event but Dorna Sports hopes to still stage it this year.MotoGP was originally...
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There’s more to Killarney than Moll’s Gap

Just don’t be trying to buy a jumper on Saturday morning. One of Ireland’s finest jumper shops will be quieter than usual this weekend. While......
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How Hankook is quietly going about its business

It’s actually something of a refreshing approach that Hankook’s taking to its elevation to the World Rally Championship. The Seoul-based firm has binned the bells,......
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Registreerumine EST RX teisele etapile on alanud!

Rallikrossi meistrivõistluste 2024 hooaja teisele etapile on registreerumine alanud. Etapp toimub 18.mail Kulbilohu krossirajal. Registreeru siit: Registreerunute nimekirjad avaldatakse jooksvalt siin: Kõik vajalikud...
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Möödunud pühapäeval toimus Mõedakal kestvuskrossi teine etapp

Mõedakal toimus kestvuskrossi Eesti meistrivõistluste ja karikavõistluste teine etapp. Ühtlasi pidas seal enda juubelit ka võistluse korraldaja Jõhvi Motoklubi. E-1 klassi poodiumile tulid Miro Niemi,...
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IDM sari algab sel nädalavahetusel, Soomer jätab avaetapi vahele

Juba sel nädalavahetusel algab Sachsenringil Saksa motoringraja meistrivõistluste IDM hooaeg, kuid kahjuks ilma Hannes Soomerita. IDM-sarjas Enemat Enos Motorspordi, kestvussõidu MM-il BMW Motorspordi ridades osalev...
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Ostsin uue auto – kuidas säilitada ilusat välimust?

Ostsin uue auto – kuidas säilitada ilusat välimust?

Kui oled soetanud endale uue sõiduki, siis on loogiline, et tahad hoida seda nii hästi kui vähegi võimalik. Aga kuidas teha nii, et uhiuus ilme...
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Kasutatud Ford Transit: tugev tööauto, aga mootor veab alt

Kasutatud Ford Transit: tugev tööauto, aga mootor veab alt

Praegugi uuena müügil olev Ford Transit on 10 aastaga näidanud ootuspärast vastu­pidavust ühe suure erandiga: mootoreid on vahetatud ja ­remonditud palju.Loe "Kasutatud Ford Transit: tugev...
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Liiklusseadus muutub. Muuhulgas piiratakse mootorsõiduki peatumist kõnniteel

Liiklusseadus muutub. Muuhulgas piiratakse mootorsõiduki peatumist kõnniteel

Valitsus kinnitas täna liiklusseaduse muudatused, millega reguleeritakse mootorsõidukite kõnniteel peatumist, kergliikurite kiirusepiirangut ja parkimisnõudeid ning juhi joobe ja ohutu külgvahega seonduvat.Loe "Liiklusseadus muutub. Muuhulgas piiratakse...
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Renault’ uude mudelisse, 4,4-meetrisesse Symbiozi mahub kuni seitse inimest

Renault’ uude mudelisse, 4,4-meetrisesse Symbiozi mahub kuni seitse inimest

Renault esitles uut C-segmendi sõidukit, mille puhul tuuakse peamise ostuargumendina välja ruumikus, kuigi auto pikkus on vaid 4,41 meetrit. Peale selle, et valikus on seitse...
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Erkki Ots: ühelt poolt sunnitakse linnas autot kasutama ja siis karistatakse seda

Erkki Ots: ühelt poolt sunnitakse linnas autot kasutama ja siis karistatakse seda

Tallinna niigi tohutu linnavalitsuse paisumine 7 asemel 8 abilinnapeani kasvatab veelgi ohtu, et tohutu hulk tegelinskeid asub paljusid asju muutma muutmise pärast ehk enda olemasolu...
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ERC vs WRC – mille poolest erineb autoralli EM-sari MM-sarjast?

ERC vs WRC – mille poolest erineb autoralli EM-sari MM-sarjast?

Kuigi sel aastal ei toimu Eestis WRC-etappi, ei tähenda see kindlasti mitte seda, et Rally Estonia ära jääks. WRC-etapi asemel jõuab siia sel suvel hoopis...
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Vanast Autolehest. Diisel-Cayenne sai napilt konkurentide käest pähe

Vanast Autolehest. Diisel-Cayenne sai napilt konkurentide käest pähe

Eestis möllas 2009. aasta kevadel küll majanduskriis, aga Autoleht oli pilgu juba pööranud helgema tuleviku poole, võttes võrdlustesti kallid linnadžiibid Cayenne’i, X5, Q7, Toua­regi ja...
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Erik Jones will miss Kansas Cup race “out of an abundance of caution”

Jones, 27, suffered a compression fracture of lower vertebra in a head-on crash at Talladega Superspeedway last month.Jones was drafting in a single-file line with...
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Bird undergoes surgery as Barnard steps in at McLaren for Berlin FE races

The Briton broke a bone in his left hand following a crash in first practice ahead of last weekend's Monaco E-Prix, having hit the barrier...
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Hulkenberg: Seidl is the “driving factor” in my Audi F1 deal

Last week, Audi made its first move in F1’s turbulent driver market as it signed Hulkenberg to a multi-year contract that means he will leave...
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Stenhouse signs multi-year extension to remain in NASCAR Cup Series

Stenhouse, 36, who gave the team its first Daytona 500 victory in 2023, has competed full-time in the Cup Series for 12 seasons but said...
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How Fittipaldi helped guide Senna on his path to F1 glory

Fittipaldi says he “loved and admired Ayrton in equal measure” – which was in stark contrast with Senna’s relationship with the other Brazilian F1 great...
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Verstappen: Newey exit “not as dramatic as it seems” for Red Bull F1 team

Earlier this week it was confirmed that Newey will leave Red Bull after a 19-year stint at the Milton Keynes squad, having made a huge...
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Ricciardo: No point in talking to unapologetic Stroll over China F1 clash

Stroll ran into Ricciardo under the safety car in Shanghai, which ended Ricciardo's chance of scoring his first points of the 2024 season with RB.Ricciardo...
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Alonso wants to make sure “nothing else is happening” after latest F1 penalty

Aston Martin has lodged a petition to review the 10-second time penalty and three points on Alonso's licence that were handed down for a collision...
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